Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wine before noon...

Got my jazz music rolling and I'm borderline overdosing on salmon and veggies.  My kitchen smells horrible, but oh so worth it.  Oscar is drooling.  He sits at the table with me during dinner...as if he's going to partake in conversation because his brain is larger than a peanut.  Its not.  Bless his heart.

Today was great, but exhausting.
Ever have those days when you're so tired and clumsy that you question your sobriety at 9am?  Yeah, today was one of those days.  Eyes were watering....left eye still twitching...it was a mess.  Its a good thing I am forced to be on my feet all day.  No shot that I would stay awake in a cubicle....like giving my mom glitter and telling her not to love it.
Getting on and off the floor was more work than it should have been.  My God, I was moving slow today.  And of all days, today was the one day I had numerous people say "can you demonstrate that one more time?"  Holy crap, I thought one more squat might rupture something.
What a day.
It did get off to a great start though....a client showed up with my favorite bottle of wine.  Probably a bribe, which is fine....nice try.  I'm a Chardonnay gal, and by 8am I had a glorious bottle of Mer Soleil in hand.  By noon I was tempted to take it to the face.

Workout went well, just long.  Since my schedule is a little nutty tomorrow, I needed to hit chest, shoulders, and quads today.  More than I'd prefer, but I had to get it all in today....and on a positive note, no cardio today.  Yeeaahh.

Ok, here I go on my soap box for a moment.
I had a client today who continually, in the most passive-aggressive way, tried to tell me how to train her.  Top 5 pet-peeves  in the gym.  No, I don't claim to know everything about training, but principles do not change,...and I have yet to find a body that is the one exception.  For the record, 200 crunches isn't going to give you a 6-pack....and overloading your muscles to the point of fatigue is necessary to gain size/shape....and lifting to failure as a woman isn't doing to make you look like a man.  I was just pushed almost to my limit.  At some point, you have to trust your trainer.  You don't go into your doctor's office and re-diagnose yourself simply on the basis of you-think-you're-right-becuase-you-"read somewhere" syndrome.  No, not every trainer is great, and you should feel free to ask questions, but there will come a time when you decide am I on board with this person or not?
I walked away from that situation frustrated, yes.
BUT, I can't please everyone.  I train each person to the best of my knowledge in regards to my field, their needs and goals, and the ability/potential they bring to the table.  That's all I can do.  But for the best results and a successful journey, we need to be on the same page.

Well, that's about all I got today.
I've got to catch some Tosh.O before bed....a few laughs, and my day is complete.

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