Monday, October 31, 2011


Aaannnnddd here we are.
I had all intentions of dressing up today for work, but my dad completely screwed up all my plans.  Seriously.  I was going to where his polyester coaching shorts from 1986, some tube socks, and even rock a whistle all day...(which, would have been taken away from me in about 3 seconds).  BUT, apparently, my mom took them to goodwill.  So somewhere there is a man rocking some yellow indestructible coaching shorts.  He's the man and totally doesn't know it.

Whew, what a weekend.  I had my conference in Myrtle Beach, and honestly enjoyed every minute...well, except for watching the World Series alone in my hotel room yelling obscenities at the TV as the Rangers blew it.  Let's not get into that one.  Nonetheless, it was energizing and I learned a ton.  One thing that I really caught my attention was the most recent research on weight/health as it pertains to your lifestyle.  Ultimately, you are fighting a much harder battle if you are sedentary for the majority of your day.  They haven't determined the exact amount of time, but they do know that you need to stand up and move for a least 1 minute every 30 minutes to remotely counter-act things that are going on at the cellular level that are promoting fat storage/fat gain.  Crazy, but we truly were made to move.
I thought about this today as I was at work.  From 5:30 to 6pm I sat down for a total of 10 minutes (to and from Target in the car).  BUT, I do remember when I first started training, and standing for only 4 hours was tough.  Now I run around like I'm on speed...can you imagine....

Let's talk workout.
I mixed things up a little today/this week.  I did back and shoulders today, then finished with 45 minutes of cardio.  My back was s-h-o-t afterwards....but it was a great feeling.  I haven't lifted like that in months, so it was a nice change.  I was even able to stretch a little afterward (which I desperately need).  Should have seen me in a sports/yoga class I took this weekend.  That crazy woman wanted us to stand on our heads, stretch our hamstrings against the wall like we were a human pretzel, and there I was struggling to even sit cross-legged for the warm-up.  It was me and this 250+ pound bodybuilder in the back of the room taking turns laughing at each other.  Honestly, we looked ridiculous.  All that to say, I realized pretty darn quick how badly I need to stretch....wake up call...

Ok, mama is tired...time for some shut-eye...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...

It's after 8 and I need to be packing for my trip tomorrow.  Yet, here I sit...scarfing down the last of my chicken/squash/cottage cheese concoction.  When in doubt, throw cottage cheese on it....or peanut butter.  Whatever food you mention, there's a 95% chance I've put one of these on it...and liked it.

It was a busy, but good day.  I was able to get an extra 45 minutes of sleep, which was absolutely amazing.  I scared the crap out of myself when I looked in the mirror this morning.  Ever wake up, take a glance, and truly wonder if you actually drank in your sleep?  Yeah, one of those mornings.  But the train moves on.

I had a wonderful day with clients.  This sounds slightly nuts, but sometimes I get chills watching someone move with genuine, God-given athletic ability.  Fluid movement, complete body-awareness...its awesome.  Honestly, there are some things you simply cannot teach.  Yes, every body is trainable, BUT some people just seem to move with grace and make it appear effortless.  Very cool.

As far as my training goes, I just had cardio today.  My hamstrings were killing me from straight leg deadlifts yesterday, so 5 miles on the treadmill felt like 10.  I stretched for about 3 minutes afterward and had to get a quick shower before my next clients.  Tomorrow is upper body and then I'll be at a conference Friday/Saturday, so my exercise will be an ungodly amount of workshops.  Its great though...gets me fired up and ready to return to the gym on my meathead-high or something.  Monday clients should probably prepare themselves.  Oh oh, AND Monday is Halloween....which, I'm still planning to dress up for, IF my dad comes through on an item of clothing I need.  Yes, I still wear my father's clothes.  Is that odd?...

Ok, time to clean up the kitchen,...wash my hair...then hit the bed.  My hair has been pulled back under a thick headband all day, all gross and sweaty, so it currently looks like I have a mullet.  Nope, that's not hairspray, that's sweat....sometimes I disgust myself.

Have a wonderful night folks....attack your Thursday :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Down for the count...

Today I manged to survive off of 3 1/2 hours of sleep.  That's right,...coming from someone who is religiously in bed by 9:30, this was a mini-nightmare.  I tossed and turned with an upset stomach from 10 until 1am.  When the alarm went off at 4:20 I nearly threw it across the room.  I was more angry than any human should experience so early in the morning.  What a way to start the week...

By the time I had to workout, my stomach was feeling better, but my heartrate was up and my eyes were watering from being so tired.  Yes, everything felt heavy.  Especially hauling a tank...a huge ass tank.  Overall, I was ok with the weights and here's what I did for upper body:

Incline DB press 4 x 8
Wide grip pull-ups 4 x 8
DB flys 4 x 8
Bent over BB row 4 x 8
BB shoulder press (drop-set) 4 x 8/8
NG pull-downs/ss BB curls  4 x 10/10
DB lateral raises (drop set)  4 x 8/8
Alternating hammer curls 4 x 10 each
40 minutes cardio

Now I'm sitting here staring at dirty dishes and a pile of unopened mail like its Mt. Everest.  I had cabbage tonight.....which, might prove to be a dumb decision...we'll see.  What a long day....a good day,...but a long day.  I have a feeling that my ability to function without a heavy dose of caffeine and/or prozac tomorrow is questionable.  I've got legs/core, which, I've got to pound out pretty hard since I won't lift legs on Friday.  I've got a conference this weekend....meathead convention...that I am extremely pumped about!  So much spandex.....home sweet home.

Ok, time for bed.  I am pooped.  If I don't sleep tonight....actually, lets not even entertain that thought....

Happy Monday...night!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Its Friday morning...8:30am and all my plans of sleeping in were terminated when I woke up at 4:35,...then 5:15,...then 5:40, 6:02 I said screw it and got up.  My internal clock has turrets.

So basically, I've already vacuumed, scrubbed the bathrooms, dusted, done 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the hardwood floors, and baked muffins for a friend.  Sorry Martha, you have nothing on me right now.  I am on an OCD roll...this may all come crashing down by noon...

What a week.
I am honestly drained and need a quiet day to catch up.  My plans are to see how long I can go without a conversation...yes, that's how tired I am.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE working with people and would not trade my career for the world, but its exhausting and I have weeks when I know I've got to recharge a bit.  This is one of those weeks.  My workouts have been great and am actually looking forward to my jog tomorrow.  Yes, I said it...look for the rapture...
It's mainly because the weather is unbelievable right now.  You can't beat a fall day in NC.  Today I'll do legs and core up here at our neighborhood fitness center.  It's small and doesn't have a lot of heavy weights, so I'll have to bombard my legs with supersets and tri-sets "and bears oh my!"  Ok, lack of sleep is officially getting to me when I whip out jokes like that.  I just disappointed myself...ha...
So anyway, that is the plan for today.

And, here's the last thing I need to share....and this is when being a shoe-whore makes for a great aunt...
I ordered these for my oldest niece and they came in yesterday:

My best friend says I have a problem.  This is when I choose not to listen to my best friend and live in denial.  I like it here...they know me here...
Oh me...time to organize the tupperware cabinet.  God I need a life...

Have a wonderful Friday and weekend :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Like a rock...

Hump day, you win.
Perhaps the longest hump day ever.....ok fine, slightly dramatic, but it was a long day.  Rainy, gray, just one of those days that makes you appreciate nice weather.

As far as training, all I had was cardio today.  5 mile run and I was done.  I spent a few minutes stretching (much needed), and then just wanted to sleep in the shower....not logical, I get it.  But there is already a darn seat in there, which, who honestly uses those under the age of 72?  I just feel awkward sitting in the I'm going to read a book and enjoy a coffee or something.  Get in, get out.  I am a 5 minute shower person....maybe 7 if I break the head off the razor and can't seem to get the thing back on...leaving me with one shaved leg (happened twice last week).  In that case, I fidget with it for approximately 20 seconds and spend the other minute-40 saying things that no one would appreciate because I am alone in the shower cursing at a dysfunctional razor.  Boooo....

Boy was that a tangent.
Anyway, great day with clients....many laughs and many looks of momentary-detest...I get it, its ok.  Tomorrow looks to be a good day.  Typical Thursday, finishing by 7pm, then home for some dinner and Jersey Shore.  I should feel bad that I watch it,...and yet I don'

Oh, a lady in the grocery store called me "small but firm and sturdy" today.  It made me laugh.  She basically could have been describing me,...a boat,....a statue,....a stool,....or a bedpost.  I personally like the word "solid" a boulder or something.  Ha.  I take no offense, it was a sweet compliment and made my day.

Have a great night!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10 years later, mooning is still funny...

Whew...Tuesday night, finally able to breath a little bit. 
Ever since last Monday its been one thing after another, through the weekend, and into this week.  All good stuff, just busy.

I had my high school reunion this weekend.  There were way too many stories told that began with "Hey Meredith, remember that time you...".....actually, I tried to forget.  But thank you for reminding me of when I did something stupid 10 years ago...
Honestly though, we all had a great time, BUT....I have not stayed up until 3am in a loooonngg time and I felt like death on Sunday.  Those are the moments I am reminded that my body loves going to bed at 9pm and am perfectly fine with a mediocre social life.  Nodding off in church was icing on the cake...especially when you're sitting next to your 93 year old grandpa who can't hear a darn thing but still manages to stay awake.  I was pretty much worthless that day.

Despite lack of sleep, I've had great workouts the last two days.  Here was my Monday workout:

Lat pull down 4 x 8
Incline DB press 4 x 8
SA pull-down  4 x 8each
DB flys/ss push-ups 4 x 8-10 each
BB shoulder press 4 x 8
Bicep pull-down 4 x 10-12
Lateral DB raises 4 x 10-12
Alternating DB curls 4 x 10 each
Overhead rope extension 4 x 10-12
Finished with 45 minute jog

My hamstrings were still sore today from straight leg deadlifts that I did on Friday, so my leg workout today was slightly painful.  Weights stayed high though, so I can't complain.

I am stuffed.  I'm sitting here looking at the rest of my dinner with absolutely no desire to finish.  I went a little nuts on the squash.....too excited to use my julienne peeler.  That freaky little cutter rocks my texture-obsessed world right now.  I've cut myself the past 3 days.  Sad.  I think I've been eating the same dinner now for 4 weeks because of that thing.  Don't judge me...I have my ways.

Ok, clean-up time...then bed.  I am excited about sleep...and I realize that made me sound like I have no life at all.  Its fine, I get it.  Have a lovely night folks, we come hump day!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The next 24 hours

Rainy day...
Its amazing how your body just wants to sleep, preferably in fetal position, when its gross outside.  I probably could have crawled back in bed at any given point during the of those days...

Workout was great.  It was leg/core day....I squatted until I thought I might bleed.  5 sets of 8 to start off the workout.  But honestly, I felt strong through the entire thing.  I finished with 35 minutes of cardio...mixing incline walking, jogging, and the elliptical. I needed a little variety...

Random thoughts...
Today I was struck by this whole notion of will power.  Where does it stem from and why does it seem like some people "have more" when it comes to fitness/nutrition.  And, is it more about ignoring natural tendencies/desires or focusing solely on the end goal to the point that distractions are not even in our peripheral vision?  And where is the line in practicing adequate will power to resist those things that cause you to stray while also giving yourself permission to achieve excellence but not this intangible notion of perfection?  A client once said "striving for perfection is dehumanizing."  I couldn't agree more.  There is no such thing...a mere self-constructed and often inaccurate measure of success that leaves everything short of it deemed as failure.  Sounds extreme and ridiculous and yet we do it all the time....
Perhaps I don't have any answers to this random side-note, but I'll leave you with this...
Perfection implies a destination, a tangible end....but there is no end here.How about we shift our focus from the will power we think we need to achieve our distorted idea of our "perfect selves" and simply practice the discipline it takes to get up everyday and approach the next 24 hours as small opportunities to improve.  Change the focus to one positive, offensive decision at a time....each a step...equally important....leading to a better, healthier, more-aware self.   

On that note, have a great night :)

Monday, October 10, 2011


Back from the beach and trying hard to rock some-what-of-a-tan in October.  I excitedly wore shorts today to work...and will proceed to do that until my color fades and I return to my deathly-white hue once again.  Someone told me today that I "look better with some color"...that's the nice way of saying from fall to spring you look horrible.  Thank you...I will work on that :)

The beach was great...we were by far the youngest people there.  Average age had to have been 73.  Needless to say, if a wet t-shirt contest broke out we were out of there....although, I think I might be able to win this one....hmmm...
Anyway, it was a whirlwind trip but much needed.  To be honest, I can only "vacate" for so long...actually, about 3 days and then I'm ready to return to my normal schedule.  Damn OCD. 

Back to the grind today.  Workout felt great...started off a little slow, but kept my numbers up and I was pleased by the end.  I switched back to an upper/lower split.  I never thought I'd like it as much as I do, but it sent my strength through the roof and I honestly felt like my upper body had enough time to recover.  So, I'm keeping all major strength moves (presses, pull-ups, rows) around 8 reps, and isolation movements (curls, tricep extensions, DB raises) around 12-15 reps.  I finished with 45 minutes of cardio...4 mile run and then a hike up an incline to finish out the rest.  Right hamstring was screaming bloody murder by the end...ridiculous.

Had a new client today tell me that his old trainer said oatmeal was bad and he should not eat it.  I nearly cursed out loud and messed my pants at the same time...which would have been perfect timing and some serious talent.  Honestly, I couldn't believe it.  Oatmeal?  Really?!  Poor guy was so carb deprived he was eying my arm like a doughnut hole.  Needless to say, we cleared that up pretty quick.  He will probably drool in his bowl tomorrow morning....goal achieved...

Oh man,...time for some sleep.  Happy Columbus Day...whatever that, no school,...that seems to be how we roll when it comes to holidays.  Gear up for Tuesday :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sandy bottoms

Made it to the beach...
I slept 9 hours last night...practically in a coma.
Got up, ran 5 miles, just finished some breakfast and am ready to hit the beach.  I'm lathered up in a whopping 4spf sunscreen (mom would not be proud), but I've got 48 hours to return to NC not looking like a someone with polio.  Here we go...

Honestly, I am more than ready to REST.  My body is fatigued, my mind is fatigued,...there seems to be a trend.  My strength over the last couple of weeks has been ok, but not where I'd like it.  It has not been consistent.  Not good.  Hopefully these couple of days will be restful and get me roll'n for next week.

I've enjoyed mixing up my lifting over the last 2 weeks...hitting every muscle group twice, but I may go back to an upper/lower split in a couple of weeks.  I just don't like hitting some sort of upper body 4 days per week.  Even though its different muscle groups, my grip gets weak and I just don't think I'm maximizing my strength/energy.  Every body is different...

Ok, time to pack the beach bag (and cooler), and hit the beach.  The plan = sleep...moan....sleep...turn get the point.

Happy Friday folks :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Meat me

Monday mornings always come with a rude awakening.  There's no way around it.  One minute you are drifting off to sleep and truly excited about some shut-eye, and what seems like 5 minutes later the alarm is screaming at you.  Mine screams.  I literally fell out of bed and stumbled my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.  Next thing I knew I was at work and rolling.

I was pretty pumped about wearing a hoodie today.  My God I love a good hoodie.  And its finally not 95 degrees outside so I rocked it like it was my sort of is. 

The day flowed well, but I was DONE after my workout.  I had back, delts, and biceps today, and finished with a 4.5 mile jog.  Strength felt good, and I will be extremely surprised if my shoulders are not ridiculously sore tomorrow.  I've got to switch my lifting up a little this week since I am heading to the beach on Thursday afternoon....yes, a mini-vacation.  Much needed.  Honestly though, without a tan, I'm not so sure how the whole on-the-beach-in-a-bikini thing will go.  My coloring (lack there of) should be a crime right now.  Nonetheless, I will role with it and enjoy the extra vitamin D.

Had an interesting conversation with a client today about being vegetarian/vegan/carnivore.  Every body is different and has different demands,...however, you cannot honestly convince me that a vegan diet is the way to go.  To completely eliminate entire food groups that are nutritionally packed is extreme and actually makes you more susceptible to deficiencies.  Moreover, I cannot imagine trying to get 180-190g of protein a day WITHOUT having eggs, meat, or fish as an option.  And no, I don't count beans.  My bowels would explode before I hit 180g.  Just thinking about it makes me slightly angry.  I am perfectly fine eating animals....I'll let you know when I start feeling bad about it.

Well, on that note, I just finished my squash/CHICKEN concoction and the dishes will not clean themselves unfortunately.  Clean up and then bedtime.  Here we come Tuesday!...