Monday, March 5, 2012

Veggie overload

My house smells like mahi mahi...a lovely compliment to the lavender/vanilla plug-in.
I'm staring at 5oz of fish and a pile of veggies that would freak-out any die hard vegan.  I roasted broccoli, carrots, bean sprouts, clover sprouts, and snow peas.  There's an intense texture party in my mouth right now.  BYOB.

It was a great day at work...interesting day to say the least.
By 8:30 I was already on my soap box to a couple of clients about people wanting to blame the fast food industry for their waste line.  For the record, until they are beating down your door and force-feeding you, that excuse means absolutely nothing to me.  We make choices.  Some good, some horrible.  Either way, own it.  What you'll find is that when you start owning up to the poor choices that perhaps got you to where you are, you'll take even greater pride when YOU turn those choices around and began to make more health-conscious decisions.  Funny how that happens...

Workout today was great.  I was excited to mix things up and do back/biceps/core.  My upper back/lats need a little bit more width to balance out my I spent majority of my workout focusing on that.  My mid-back looks more like a porter-house...the upper, like a NY strip.  When in doubt, use a meat analogy.  I finished with 40 minutes on the treadmill.  Not my fave, but thanks to Hayley for bringing me enough magazines to last until the Rapture, I was too busy reading to think about the time. :)
Tomorrow looks to be chest/delts.  I love training chest....probably because I gave up on anything better than an A-cup in 10th grade.  I have pecs,...its fine...until I have kids.  They will starve.  Back to the point, tomorrow will be an awesome lifting session. 

This was a short one mind is on overdrive and I still have dishes to wash.  Yes, dishwasher is still broken.  Don't even want to talk about it.
Night to all!  Get ready for we goooo!


  1. I'm glad you're enjoying them! I can't remember whether or not my subscription has run out so there may be more where that came from. Anything to pass the time during cardio.. :)

  2. Another reason why these abdominal exercise machines are beneficial in particular is the way they allow exercise of the upper and lower body, but are low-impact on the joints. For this reason they can be used by people of all ages, and are useful for people that are in injury rehabilitation.
