Friday, March 9, 2012

Lysol buzz...

Its 10 minutes after 7 and I just finished cleaning.  Yes, my attempt to sleep in on my day off pretty much failed....I made it to 5:34am.  The fact that I was scrubbing a toilet by 6am makes me question my sanity.  And the fact that I enjoyed it offers further concern. 
So here I am...downing my 3rd cup of coffee and sweating like a champ.

The plan for today is simple...clean, workout, run errands, and hold as few conversations as possible.  Fridays are my day to recharge.  I need it.  I had a great conversation with a friend yesterday about this and how easy it is to become addicted to our own "productivity".  Life becomes a giant to-do list and this screwed up notion that we've got to be perfect at everything and be available for everybody all the time.  Wow, what an exhausting, unrealistic standard to try and achieve.  Truth is we need balance...and more than that, we need to refuel our bodies, mind, and souls as individuals.  You have to figure out what recharges you and try and do it each week.  Know when you need to take a step back, rest, and take some time for yourself.  I used to struggle with this to the point that nothing brought me enjoyment because I felt like if it wasn't productive, then what's the point?  What a miserable place to be.  Thankfully, I've been able to sort of step out of that place and figure out what I need to calm down, refocus, and allow myself some down-time.
For me, it means being anonymous for a few hours.  The nature of my career is emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting.  I interact on a personal level with dozens of people on a daily basis....thus, I need some ME time by the end of the week.  For someone else it might mean going to a movie, playing a round of golf, or checkers (no judgment, just throwing that out there), or having coffee with a close friend.  Whatever it is, I firmly believe its imperative you do it.
I'm sure the mother of 3 is sitting there thinking "yeah right, no shot Meredith"....well, if you continue to drive a car without filling it up with gas, eventually you will breakdown on the side of the road.  Period.  My mom continuously reminds me, "you have to allow some margins in your life" true...even if those margins begin with 15 minutes here and there. 
That's my tid bit of wisdom for a Friday morning.

Let's talk workout.
Yesterday I had an awesome lifting session and then finished with sprints.  My legs are definitely tired today, but looking forward to a solid shoulder/core workout here in a little while.  First I'm going to enjoy some eggs and brussel sprouts....I am seriously craving them right now.  I'm being completely judged right now.  I get it...and I just realized how ridiculous that sentence looks.

Well, here's to another day.
Go hard, appreciate the small things, and take some time for yourself.  Happy Friday folks :)

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