Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day of rest....and burns...

Apparently my body is immune to daylight savings. 
Even after going to bed at midnight (crazy, I know), I was awake at 5:16...which was actually 4:16...which is the time I normally get up.  It was absurd.  By 7:30 I had already baked a pork roast, boiled and peeled over 40 eggs, cooked 2 pounds worth of turkey meatballs, answered emails, and had a meaningless conversation with my cat.  After that I hit the treadmill for 45 minutes before getting ready for church.
How about that play-by-play....if your eyes are already bleeding, I apologize.  More to come...

Honestly, I was exhausted by the time we got to church and found myself nodding a few times during prayer.  There were a couple of times I was thoroughly entertained though...
My mom is in the choir, so I get a clear view of this woman...happy, got her hands in the air, smiling so hard you're pretty sure her face is cramping, and every now and then she will do sign language to me.  For the record, SHE knows sign language, I don't.  She might as well be speaking Chinese...but its the funniest thing to watch, so I just nod and she continues.  Meanwhile, we are all standing and singing this song called "He is Exalted!", and my grandpa who is seated next to Ryan and has a voice like an air-horn is belting out "He is Exhausted!".  So I have no clue what my mom is trying to say to me because, well, I'm not deaf...and my grandpa is two seats down making up his own songs.  Church is never boring on our pew.
The service ended with grandpa giving us a speech on why the English language makes no sense.
And that was my church experience.

Since we're walking through my day, I might as well continue...
I came home and after eating lunch I was d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g.  I needed a nap BADLY.  The weather was gorgeous today, still a little chilly, but amazing.  So I set up the lounge chair on the patio, lay down, and fall asleep right there in my jeans and hoodie pulled so you couldn't see my face.  It was amazing...well, for about 30 minutes.  All of a sudden I wake up because it literally felt like my right thigh was on fire.  I stumble inside to the bathroom, and sure enough, I have burn marks on my right leg.  Seriously.  If I get 2nd degree burns I need a better story than falling asleep in a rusty beach chair, fully clothed, in the middle of March.  I have nothing to say for myself.  It still hurts.

Ok, enough of my ridiculous day and thigh burns.
Let's talk some fitness...
I received an email from a woman whom I recently started on her in-home fitness routine.  She's a newbie, and is looking to lose another 20+ pounds.  It was the end of her first week and she was feeling discouraged.  She was "so sore" and "trying not to give up".  While I wish I could say I was shocked, I wasn't.  I see this more often than I'd like.  People want to lose weight, get in shape, but the second its "hard" or "uncomfortable" they want to stop.  It goes back to expectations.  I truly believe that people think that everything will feel great and everything will be "easy" and enjoyable.  It's not.  It won't be.  And there will be days you'd rather take an actual kick in the rear before kicking your own in the gym.  EXPECT that.  Be OK with that.  Just keep moving forward and remind yourself WHY you're doing it in the first place.  If its important, you'll find a way.  If its not, you'll find an excuse.
Time to refocus and adjust our expectations.

Ah yes, Monday awaits.  I'm looking forward to getting back in the gym and see all the spring-breakers.  They'll be tan, I'll be pale. Boooo...

1 comment:

  1. If church is always that entertaining I'm going to start going with you guys. On a different note, a burn mark through a pair of jeans?! Holy hell... Maybe it'll turn into a tan? :)
