Saturday, March 17, 2012

Get Your Green On

Its 6:30am on a Saturday morning....been up for almost an hour.  Yes, that was my version of "sleeping in".  My attempts to sleep beyond 8am have pretty much failed over the last few years.  So here I am...blogging before the sun comes up....already baked my husband's breakfast, gone through the bills, checked emails, and finished the routine for hip-hop class.  There's just something about practicing a pelvic-thrust at 6am that seems so wrong....
Still nailed it.

As I sit here, my rearend is one giant knot.  I had shoulders, hamstrings/glutes yesterday, and the "junk in my trunk" right now is predominately a massive amount of lactic acid.  Sitting down is quite interesting...I have to ease into it like most people with a hip replacement...broken leg...or anyone over the age of 75.  Not to discriminate, just saying that after a certain age you're not exactly moving like Mario Andretti in the race of life.  Its ok, I wouldn't either.
So basically, teaching class this morning will be interesting to say the least.

Its funny to me the number of people I talk to/train who believe that at some point the soreness should completely go away, or that its a sign that you are totally out of shape.  If that's the case, half my time is spent in vain.  To set things straight, both of those notions are false.  Yes, soreness will ease up a little as you go along in your fitness journey, BUT the idea is to keep raising the bar and challenge yourself a little above your current ability/strength/aerobic and anaerobic capacity.  Thus, what made you sore a year ago may not make you sore today, but only because you're more fit and your current workouts are tailored accordingly.
I'm sore nearly everyday.
Something on my body is a little achy, tender, or just completely raw on a daily basis.  I think it goes back to expectations.  Adjust your expectations so that you are prepared to feel these things and you won't be disappointed.  Its the nature of the beast.  Embrace the suck and move on.

After finishing a few things around the house yesterday, I headed out to run a few errands and just enjoy some time alone.  It was great.  I started at Dick's...they know me by name that bad?  If Nike would just sponsor me it would solve some issues, and the world would make more sense.  Someone get on that asap.

On a random note, Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I'm sure some of you will be reading this with a green beer in hand....fine, just make sure its post-10am.  Its my dad's birthday, so a big shout-out to him!  He's an amazing man, and I am blessed to have such a supportive, loving dad and friend.  Lord knows he's probably wanted to pull his hair out over the last 28 years, but has refrained.  They make great meds for that now.  Seriously though, I have tremendous admiration for that man....happy 58th dad!

Well, its time to face the day.  I've had 3 cups of coffee (with protein of course), and am currently sweating my way into Saturday.  Story of my life.  Enjoy the and recharge!

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