Monday, December 15, 2014

Silver Fanny Packs and Dying Goats

Being able to sleep in til 5am on a Monday is pretty much like an early Christmas.
...Minus Jesus and the need to give anyone anything lined in fleece.
I slept like a baby.  Like a 130lb, slightly anxious and caffeine-addicted baby.
It was beautiful.
I must confess that my sleep habits have not improved since moving to the city, and perhaps have slipped further into a state of I'm-so-sleep-deprived-and-dangerously-close-to-making-poor-decisions-at-any-moment.  Many of you know exactly what I'm talking about and have operated in this state for way too long.

Perhaps I'm still trying to find a groove from the past 2 weekends.  Ah yes, girls weekend...
3 of my dearest girlfriends from NC made the trek up to the big city last Friday.  If the Universe felt aligned its because the 4 of us were together, being ridiculous, and solving world problems between coffee binges.
It was wonderful to see them and laugh our way through the weekend.
I keep telling myself we've grown up, and yes we have,...BUT then there's that moment when I'm fairly certain our dinner conversation completely offended everyone within earshot.  Amazingly none of us feel the need to apologize.  We're more likely to say you're welcome.

So between a little shopping, great food, and some insurmountable karaoke moments, it was quite the time.  No, I did not get on stage myself.
Have you ever heard a dying goat?
No one desires to hear that.  But you can bet your sweet rearend that when the music was loud enough to drown out my vocals, I was hitting notes all over the place.  Thank God for amps and temporary hearing loss.
Huge props to my girls Ashley and Blair who managed to crank out a memorable NC gal version of "Shoop".
...And this is why we're friends...

In fitness related news, I am preparing myself for the beginning-of-the-year folks.  Christmas is just around the corner, which generally means one last casserole blow-out before the stretchy pants head into retirement.
I get it.  Mine are getting a workout as well.
So cheers to mentally preparing for a new year and pants without an elastic waist.  I have many thoughts to come on this topic as we approach 2015.  Thoughts on health, perspective, and an overall sense of forward momentum in life.
Life's too short and too awesome to remain stagnant.

I honestly cannot believe its just around the corner.  I head to NC in less than a week to hang out with the Parker crew and I couldn't be more stoked.  Its been roughly 2 1/2 months since I've seen those crazy folks and loved on my nieces and nephew.  To say Aunt Mena will be in rare from when the plane lands is an understatement.
Sparkles is probably prancing around getting the house ready in her Christmas attire.  God bless her.  98% chance she'll rock the festive sweater vest and my day will be made.
No judgement.  Its free entertainment.
To be honest, I almost bought her a matching fanny pack on Canal St last weekend.  I think the only thing that stopped me was knowing I was enabling her.  I've seen Intervention way too many times to know that the enabler is a problem, and although we are not dealing with heroine or meth in this instance, one might argue a metallic-silver fanny pack is just as bad...

Well, on that fashion note, its back to the grind for yours truly.  One more client and then back to my shoe box for the evening.
Life is GOOD.