Wednesday is on its way out.
It was a long day that began face-down in my pillow. When I wake up like that I know I'm extremely tired....I had sheet-wrinkles on my face and no feeling in my right arm. Awesome.
The drive to work has been absolutely amazing this week. Not because I enjoy sitting behind the one minivan on the road at 5:15am going 65 in the fast lane with Dora the Explorer blasting on the TV while daddy is in the front seat losing his mind,, its because I've had Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Spice Coffee. Dear Lord that stuff is liquid speed. Ahh, I think I moaned a couple times. I threw in my caramel toffee flavored protein powder, and it was on! Yes, I add protein to everything...story of my life.
Workout today was legs and core. I kept reps 15-18 on all exercises and threw in a couple of sprints tomorrow are going to feel awful, and by awful I mean great. There's a fine line between pain/pleasure in the gym and I seem to toy with it quite often. Overall, a good workout and I was thankful not to do any cardio. Cardio on leg day just ain't gonna happen. Not unless I had one of those hand which point I could not take myself seriously.
So tomorrow's plan is bi's/tri's...and sprints...then fetal position....
It was a great afternoon with clients.
I had a handful of younger athletes (ages 14-18), which is always interesting. I hear about weekend tournaments....the prom...why their parents are apparently know, the usual from teenagers. This one athlete in particular was telling me about how she won 3 straight tennis matches this weekend and felt so much stronger on the court. I LOVE hearing stuff like that from young people....when they finally start to GET IT. The light bulb goes off and they begin to realize that EVERYTHING will positively or negatively affect their performance. I was truly excited for her...very cool moment...
On a thicker note...
Ryan asked me today if I thought he was "getting fatter"....hahaha what a weird role-reversal. I was trying to think about what and when to compare it to. 1998 when your 6-pack was still a mystery...or 2007 when you managed to bend the metal part of a lounge chair on the beach...??....
Ironically, the conversation somehow turned into a 5 minute lecture of why its not ok for him to eat cereal every night for dinner. For the first time I thought, "Holy crap, I preach this stuff all day and my husband has heard NOTHING and would rather dive into a bowl of Capt'n Crunch and risk escaping with diabetes"...minor freak-out on a Wednesday. I'm busy yelling at people to eat better and meanwhile my husband is at home hosting his own eating contest against Kelloggs.
What in the world??!...
Well, that's it for now. I've got to make some tuna/rice for him before he gets home so there is no excuse to head to the pantry. This is like the show intervention....minus the illegal drugs...or the one creepy family member whose letter doesn't really make sense. If you've never seen the show you have no clue what I'm talking about at this point....I apologize. Sort of. Go watch it.
Have a wonderful night folks!
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