Sunday, March 25, 2012

Shoe Hoarder

Heading into a new week...
I've got turkey meatballs in the oven, 40 eggs boiling on the stove, chicken thawing,...its certainly an interesting array of smells going on in here.  Every weekend I'm amazed by how fast Sunday comes and here I am preparing for the upcoming work week.  Tomorrow morning will be a little hectic, as we just added 2 new clients at 6:30...and 2 of my 6am-ers are ALWAYS late.  I honestly do not get it.  Set the alarm earlier, have your stuff sitting by the door, I don't care what it takes but for the love of God be on time.  I may have to start explicit-wake-up-calls.  I can already predict how this will go down tomorrow might see me on the news...

My plan for today is cardio, a few chores around the house, go hit balls, and then settle in to watch The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.  98% chance I will be too freaked out to sleep.  The last freaky movie I watched was Taken, and that resulted in me swearing off international travel until 2018.  Before that, it was The Ring my junior year in college.  For 2 weeks I was fairly certain I was going to die and considered writing a will.  Which, at that point in my life consisted of approximately 75 pairs of shoes, some credit card debt, and Jack Daniels stashed in my closet. 
Needless to say, I will have to brace myself for this movie.

On a nutrition note...
We had 2 events this weekend, my dad's birthday party and then a couples wedding shower last night.  Healthy options at both events, but the sugar from the bites of cake I had resulted in sugar-hangovers yesterday and this morning.  Today will be a full-fledged detox day.  Don't get me wrong, I love a piece of cake once in a blue moon, and have a sweet tooth like no other, but my body is not used to it on a regular basis.  SO, I pay for it the next day.  If anything, it makes me appreciate the days when I feel great and my pancreas isn't secreting insulin like a faucet.  Seriously, I have no clue how people eat like that all the time.
We played a version of "the Newly Wed Game" last night...4 couples....guys answered questions and then we had to guess what they said.  Fastest way to make you look at your spouse and think who are you and have you EVER listened to a word I've said?  It was entertaining to say the least.
And a big shout out to the couple of honor Ryan and Katherine:

Last week of March...can't believe it.
Summer is quickly approaching and I'm sure some of you have that bikini or speedo on your mind.  No judgment on the speedo, just keep it tasteful.  But I have yet to find anyone who looks amazing in one....sometimes spandex is a poor choice.  So is everyone on track for their beach-bod?  Usually by April people hit this "holy-crap-I've-only-got-a-few-weeks!" crash dieting folks, one day at a time, stay focused :)

Well, I've got eggs to we go.
Enjoy the day...relax, get in some activity, and then get your mind right for Monday!

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