Monday, March 7, 2011


Into 6 weeks out and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, excited, tired, a little emotional, and the list goes on...
At this point, the diet will tighten up a little more, I will transition to more high intensity cardio, and then bump up my steady-state cardio time...for the sake of everyone, don't let me near anything sharp over the next few weeks...

The weekend was good.  I was able to get in moderate cardio both days for 45 minutes.  Saturday felt better than Sunday, that's for sure.  I was glad to get it over with early though so I could enjoy the rest of my day.  I needed some time for myself so I went for some retail-therapy.  Buying clothes is always a trip because my measurements are not exactly your standard female.  I tried on a couple of shirts that looked like a defensive back squeezed into a piece of cotton and was about to drill someone.  Needless to say, my shoulders cause some "issues" when buying tops.  The best moment came when I was in the dressing room at Target and because of their efforts to put as many mirrors in one room at a time, I was able to get a full-rear shot.  There, in Target, I discovered a flaw on my backside.  I know, I was shocked too.  Kidding,..but seriously, my right cheek is bigger than my left.  How exactly does that happen?!  I nearly lost it, and then all of a sudden a young teenage girl starts freaking out in the room next to me because she didn't want her mom to see her change clothes.  So between my ass-anxiety, and wanting to tell miss princess that it wasn't too long ago that her mom wiped crap from her rear and she should get over her mom seeing her in a bra, the dressing rooms at Target were well stocked with entertainment.  What a day...

Today's been a great day thus far.  I was a little tired headed into my workout, but knew I couldn't focus on that.  I really tried to stay more engaged with each lift, each rep, and not let outside thoughts/worries invade my training.  Its hard to do, but I wish more clients understood the importance of leaving everything at the door.  Training should be pure.  No worries, no emotion, just every ounce of drive and focus you've got to physically push to the next level.  Today's training was just was heavy, but everything seemed to just flow...even the sprints...I was pleased.

Incline DB press 4 x 10
Flat DB press 4 x 10
DB flys (10x)/ss push-ups to failure  4 sets
Seated BB shoulder press 4 x 10-12
Seated lateral raises 4 x 10
Front raises (10x)/ss plate rotations to failure  3 sets
Treadmill sprints - tabata style  25 minutes

I spent some time this weekend going through pictures from the Arnold Classic.  Its one of the biggest professional shows in the US, and includes bodybuilding, figure, fitness, and now bikini divisions.  The top placers set a standard that trickles down to the state level.  So, its important to see what judges are looking for at that far as shape, muscularity, etc...especially since Figure has changed so much over the last 10 years.  Here is Nicole Wilkins-Lee.  She placed first in figure...looks a lot softer than Monica Brandt and Jenny Lynn did a few years back when they used to dominate the stage.  Believe it or not, she is well over 140 pounds....solid as a rock though.  She looks great.

Well, on to the afternoon,...few clients and then home for some much needed rest.  Go later...


  1. Nicole WL definitely looks a lot softer than the winners a few years back, but I think she looks great. Check out those quads - holy moly.

    I know you're going to do great - I have the date marked down on my calendar and I think you'll dominate.

    Thanks for the Target story...I needed a good laugh. :) I look forward to seeing you guys soon!

  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement....getting down to the wire here, the nerves are definitely fired up...

    I honestly feel pretty big right now, but I'm sure once I get on stage I will blend in with the rest as far as overall size goes...we shall see :)

  3. Gotta love the Target stories as always!
