Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hectic Hump Day

Wednesdays are tough.  Middle of the week, 2 workouts down, 3 to go, tired, and in much need of rest and a stiff drink...which is probably true for most days, let's be honest. 

My legs were sore today, but not horrible.  My chest still hates me from Monday, but until I can't fit into a sports bra forwards and backwards, I don't really care how my chest feels right now.  Its a good thing I didn't hold my breath in 7th grade waiting for a growth spurt...I'd be dead.  Anyway, I really didn't have much time for my workout because I had to get to an appointment, but I was able to squeeze in biceps and cardio...I'll have to hit triceps on Friday.

Standing BB curls 4 x 10-12
Hammer curls 4 x 10-12
Alternating incline curls(10x)/ss bicep pull-downs (failure) 3x

I'll be ready to hit back and core pretty hard tomorrow.  My mid-back is pretty darn thick, so I really need to focus on my upper back a little more....well, except for my lats.  Those things look like I'm about to take off in flight.  Hell, I might by 2pm on any given day...never know.

Fun day with clients.  Everyone's looking forward to spring break and trips to the beach, mountains, etc....ah yes, those were the days.  Actually not...I always had to work during spring break....summer break...winter break....come to think of it I've been working ever since I was able to say "can I help you?"  I could write a book about my experience in retail....its amazing I'm as sane as I am now considering how many looney-tunes I've come in contact with.  If stupidity was contagious I'd be screwed.

So many people made me laugh which I am extremely grateful.  I needed it.  Its almost passed my bedtime and I have a list of things to do...story of my life.  On to a new more opportunity to be better than yesterday....DO IT...

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