Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Is it just me or does Charlie Sheen need to go to rehab after he gets tested for an STD?  Just a thought...

Today was a busy day.  It was one thing to the next.  I was completely out last night by 9:15...which was good because 4:30 came early, very early.  It was one of those mornings when I took my first sip of coffee on the road at 5:15 and moaned from sheer pleasure.  With only 4 1/2 weeks to go, I've got to find enjoyment in the smallest dietary things so I won't go nuts.  I told Ryan tonight that its like I'm passed the point of even craving a bunch of stuff.  I wouldn't even know what to do with a cheeseburger right I eat it?...make love to it?...what does it even smell like?...

It was a quick workout day.  Since I moved biceps to yesterday, I only had sprints today...which was good because it was the longest 25 minutes of my day.  After a 5 minute warm-up, I was like white-lightening on that thing.  Ok, perhaps a slight exaggeration, but this tank was moving...and sucking a little wind at the same time.  I did 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off for 20 minutes, speed 11.  I was out of control.  It was definitely harder than my sprint workout on Monday, but thankfully my stride is getting more fluid.  Last 3 minutes were brutal...legs were ready for more than 20 seconds rest, and heart rate was 204...done and done.

Good news...the callous on my right small toe that was absolutely killing me a week ago is now gone.  I couldn't take it anymore and so I did surgery.  Yes, I cut that thing out like I was on Survivor or something.  It hurt like hell, but had to be done.  Not sure if it qualifies as self-mutilation, but probably should if it involved some form of cutting and blood.  Anyone got a stubborn bunion?...give me 5 minutes...

Got all my tanning paint in the mail yesterday.  Ryan already spilled it on the counter.  Awesome.  It smells like a combination of feet and Clorox.  I can't wait for that whole process...
My mom usually does year my roommate in college did it...yeah, that brought our relationship to a whole new level.  There I am butt naked, carb deprived, on the verge of eating my arm, while I'm trying to critique their brush strokes on my inner thigh.  They look at me like they're about to tell me where to stick that brush.  There's always some tension with my mom when she paints me simply because its my mom and you're always more moody with family members.  We usually get in arguments...which, I find is hard to get all pissed off when you're naked.  There's only so long they can listen to you and take you seriously while your nipple is staring them in the face.  Needless to say, after 2 days, 4 coats, and over 5 hours of painting, we are both relieved when I am brown and momma doesn't have to look at her grown daughter's backside up close and personal anymore.  My blogs during those couple of days will definitely be entertaining...

Alright, time for bed...big training day ahead...story of my life!  Night folks...

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