And....I'm back.
I started writing last night and I just wasn't feeling it. Then once I put on Jersey Shore, I was out in 15 minutes. It was an exhausting day/week of work, so I crashed the second my rear hit the recliner last night.
Today was a good day...well, at least better. I needed some I worked out in the small gym in our neighborhood instead of going into work. It was quiet. Just strengths...and my weaknesses. Sometimes you gotta struggle alone and then bask in your ability to push through. I needed that today. Every minute was hard. I finished with sprints and was fine until minute 20. I had to jump off the treadmill and head to the trashcan. I had exactly 59 seconds to vomit and get back and be ready to roll for my last set of sprints. True Mer-style, I wipe my mouth and get back on the mill with 12 seconds to spare. 5 minutes later I was done....completely done...
Seated shoulder press 4 x 10, drop set on set 4
Heavy lateral raises 4 x 8
Lateral partials 3 x 30
Front raises 4 x 10
Dips 4 x failure/20
Reverse grip tricep extensions 4 x 12
Treadmill sprints, tabata style 25 minutes
Just got back from visiting my parents. I love how my dad will just give me meat like I haven't eaten in days. I was there for about 20 minutes and left with a 3lb pack of chicken breasts and 6 pork chops. They've got a hot dang meat market over there....probably trying to make up for a traumatizing childhood. I get it...and totally fine with it...
Tomorrow will be 6 weeks from showtime.....6 weeks...ready for the stage, but still a lot to do. I ordered my shoes the other day from a website called "Sinful shoes"....they might as well come with a pole. 4 1/2" clear heels...and I am fully aware that the only other women wearing these are named "Skyler" or "Autumn" and get off work at 3am. Not sure how I feel about that...
Alright folks...a little bit of stand up comedy and then off to bed...its been a great week overall. Zimm, it was AWESOME having you in town for a bit! Keep training hard and be ready for full-throttle come May :)
Typical Mer-style workout...intensity as always...well done! So glad we could visit and catch up this week, keep up the great work, will miss you lots, already looking forward to May!