Friday, March 25, 2011

...and no glass slipper...

It's almost 9:00 and I just finished cleaning.  I normally enjoy cleaning, but I just spent 45 minutes on my hands and knees scrubbing the bathroom floor.  I learned 2 things...1) I shed more than my cat, and 2) the story of Cinderella is totally wrong.  They neglected to inform readers that she was a raging alcoholic...because no one in their right mind would clean like that, sober, on a daily basis.  It was quite the experience.  After I was done with the floor, I said what the heck and attacked the shower.  Its absolutely impossible to scrub the shower without getting soaked.  It looked like I was hosting my own wet t-shirt contest....for the record, I won...yes, first time ever...

Overall, my Friday was pretty good.  I wasn't able to sleep in as long as I wanted...I woke up at 5am with mini-epiphanies.  I seriously had to finally get up, grab a sheet of paper, and start jotting down notes.  I felt like Rainman or something...talking to myself, writing down a bunch of random thoughts.  When I get it all together, I will definitely share.  Oh the anticipation...ha...

Due to my lack of sleep, I was dragging a little bit today.  By the time I had to workout I could have taken a nap instead.  I had shoulders, core, and sprints...ah yes, more sprints.  My calves are beyond shot.  They are tight, and were pulling with every step.  It hurts to walk and I'm not quite sure how cardio will go tomorrow.  I don't really want to think about it.  My shoulder workout was pretty solid, and I think they've come a long way since November.  Hell, I've had to get rid of half my closet because everything is cutting off the circulation in my arms.  Its too bad cut-off mesh tank tops aren't in style anymore.  I'm 3 clips away from a mullet, and could rock that look like a champ.

Seated DB shoulder press 4 x 10
Seated lateral raises/ss partials 4 x 10 each
Front DB raises/ss partials 4 x 10 each
Decline sit-ups 3 x 15
Ab roll on ball 3 x 10
Isometric hold on ball 2 x failure
Treadmill sprints 25 mins

I feel like I'm tightening up pretty good.  Pinching less fat is a  good thing...and of course I'm going to be my own worse critic.  And believe me, in that 2" x 2" piece of fabric they call a "suit" I gotta wear, every ounce of fat will show.  My rearend is already eating up that back of that suit like a handy-snack... 

Anyway, I am spent...time for sleep.  This weekend needs to be as relaxing as possible, and if something else needs to be cleaned I might lose my mind...

Have a great weekend folks :)

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