Its after 10pm and I need to be packing for our New Years adventure to Virginia Beach. I just spent almost 2 hours in the kitchen preparing all my meals, packing vitamins, measuring protein powder....blah, tedious work. Traveling can definitely be a little annoying while competing. Food prep takes a while, but its a way of life I guess. And yes, this trip will be an adventure....a sober one for me. Let's not even talk about it. Not that I would rather be completely hammered, but depending on how the night goes...maybe. 4 hats we come 2011. Still haven't made my resolution list. Yes, it will a list. Perhaps ridiculously long and unattainable, but that's my OCD kicking in. My theory is that if I strive to achieve multiple resolutions, I'm bound to do at least one. I might resolve to workout and eat healthier....oh wait.
Today was good. I was able to sleep an extra hour, which was huge for me. Ryan and I had a random conversation at 2 in the morning....note to self: don't try to make any kind of sense at 2 in the morning. It was comical to say the least. But I did manage to wake up refreshed (can't believe I even used that word), and ready for another day at the gym.
I had a great conversation with one of my older clients today. Apparently, he is a little bit of a history nerd. Well, me too believe it or not. I majored in history...let's be honest, I could write well and sit and listen for hours because my body was too sore from working out to even think about getting up. So, history suited me well. Anyway, we practically talked the whole time about my senior thesis and Hugh Hefner...which is actually very relevant to my thesis...scary. It was great. By the end of his session we both agreed on one thing...the human race is very disappointing and we will never escape basic instincts. A very sobering thought.
Well, in other news.....I had a quick workout today...and then hip-hop class tonight. I was sucking wind like a smoker. Seriously, I have a whole new appreciation for the dancers in music videos...minus the whorish clothes. I was exhausted by the end. There was my cardio for the day. Done, and DONE.
Lying Lat-bar curls 3 x 12
Underhand bicep pull-down 3 x 10-12
Alternating incline curls 3 x 10 each
Wide hammer curls to failure 2x
Ab roll on stability ball 3 x 10
Flat back sit-ups on BOSU 3 x 12
Oblique crunches on decline 3 x 20
Time for bed...I can't breathe well, and my throat is killing me...awesome. Some good sleep, pound the vitamin B in the morning, and move stopping a train....
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