Monday, December 13, 2010

Be about the business

 A good weekend...busy, but good.  The holidays are hectic to begin with, and couple that with dieting, long days, and lack of sleep and you've got yourself an anxiety attack waiting to happen.  I took Saturday off and then walked on an incline yesterday morning for 40 minutes.  I felt good once I was done, and was ready to get on with my day.  Sometimes the weekends are a nice mental break from the intensity of the gym.  Its easy to get consumed while competing, so to relax for a couple of days is a treat.  Speaking of treats, it looks like I'll be able to enjoy Christmas dinner.  I planned my diet accordingly, and I can use that night as kind of a "refeed" of sorts.  Not to say I will go completely overboard, but to be able to eat a little bit of homemade corn pudding and sweet potato casserole will be nice.  I will no doubt have a sugar-hangover as I do every year the day after Christmas.... My pancreas usually hates me that day...

Great workout today.  Shoulders, biceps, and core....stuck with sets of 12 and struggled every set.  My right wrist is still really bothering me, but I refuse to do anything about it unless it swells, bleeds, or just stops working all together.  No crying wolf just yet.  Overall it was an awesome workout and I feel satisfied with my weights and form.  Taking my lateral raises above 90* has been amazing...the burn is enough to make me want my mama. 

BB shoulder press 3 x 12
Seated arnold press 3 x 12
Lateral DB raises 3 x 12
Front DB raises 3 x 12
Alternating DB curls 3 x 10 each arm
Cable curls with the lat bar 3 x 12
Alternating hammer curls on incline 2 x failure
Crunches on BOSU 4 x 15
Leg lifts 3 x 12

Extremely tired right now...but I get to eat in about 20 minutes...then its back in gear for the afternoon.  I've never looked so forward to fish and rice as I do right now.  YUMMMM.  Here's to one workout closer to stage-ready...

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