Monday, December 6, 2010

This too, shall pass...

It's 8:00 and I'm finally sitting down for dinner.  I've got my laptop on one TV tray, and my food on another...we live high class out here in Mebane.  I am tired, but not as tired as usual.  I was able to sleep in until 6:45 this morning since Brian was working for me.  Getting up at 4:30 this morning would have been comical.  I was exhausted yesterday...every time we bowed our heads to pray at church it was like the biggest tease.  Pretty sure I almost drooled once.  And when you sit on the second row sleeping is not an option.  Next week I might have to make my way to the back with the elderly folk.  They sleep like champs back there and no one says after a certain age its expected that you sleep through at least half of the sermon....and rock Velcro shoes....

The weekend was good, but very short.  I took Saturday completely off and then did 35 minutes of light cardio on Sunday.  I felt recovered and ready to roll today.  It was a mentally tough day though.  I started second guessing myself on a couple of aspects of my diet plan, and I was so frustrated by the end of the day.  There are a couple of things I am going to change, and in the end I've got to be confident that I know my body.  But the fact is, despite hours and hours in the gym, the diet will make or break you on stage.  Weak moment, just a weak moment.

Today I had shoulders, core, and biceps.  I mixed up my shoulder routine a little and found that my shoulders were definitely more tired by the end.  No barbell work, and a bigger range of motion on my shoulder press and font/lateral raises.  I wanted to curse by the end....sign of a good workout.  A couple of near-death experiences, a few grunts, and my time in the gym is complete. 

DB shoulder press 3 x 10
Arnold press 3 x 10
High rope row 3 x 10
Lateral raises/front raises 3 x 8
Full decline sit-ups 3 x 12
Pilates heel touch 3 x 30
Alternating DB curls 3 x 10 each
Underhand bicep pull-downs 3 x 10
Alternating incline curls to failure 2x

Gonna spend quite a bit of time crunching some numbers tonight....and then to bed at a decent hour.  Tomorrow will be a full day.

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