Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2112 oz Raw Meat

Christmas is seriously in 2 days and I have so much to do.....just a tad overwhelmed at this point.  There are benefits to having both sides of the family living in the same 20 mile radius, and then there the negatives.  One negative...the number of stops made between December 23rd and 25th.  Seven stops within 24 hours is enough to send most normal people into some type of anxiety-laced-freakout.  Family detox will begin early on the 26th.  We are blessed to have a close family, but the holidays are beyond nuts.  Let's just say its a good thing I can't drink right now...

Pretty busy morning.  I was able to squeeze in 20 minutes of sprints and some core work this morning.  It was the closest to throwing up I've come in awhile.  A little brutal, but I got it done.  I didn't need to do a ton of cardio today since I'm teaching a hip-hop class tonight.  I'm usually sucking wind and completely drenched in sweat by the end of that class.  I love teaching hip-hop.  Yes, its edgy and intimidating to some people, but its raw and creative.  The majority of the class tonight will be college ladies....I like to think I am helping their overall college experience by teaching them some new moves.  Hahaha...riiiigghhhttt.  Just saying, when you get on top of the fraternity house bar, you better know what you're doing...

Anyway, I am hitting my usual afternoon wall right now.  I haven't gotten enough sleep this week and I feel soft and bloated.  What a visual, I know.  Tis true though.  I 'm ready to hit the 16 week mark and be in the "game on" mindset.  Remember, I am an extremist.  All or nothing.  Yes or no.  Black and white.  These past few days have been rough and I am eager to push harder.  God, I am so ridiculous....

I'm gonna close for now.  Need to prepare for my afternoon clients and then for the ActivEdge version of Soul Train that will take place in a couple of hours.  Ready to shake it, drop it, and perhaps bust a hip in the process. worth it.

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