Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mouth shut...saying everything

I almost overslept this morning.  It is beyond cold outside, and there is nothing like a warm bed on a cold winter morning.  And there's just something about taking off your pj's when its below freezing outside that is just not as fun.  It's like I'm trying to set a record each morning to see how fast I can undress and then get dressed before I feel like my extremities are going to turn blue.  Getting naked in the winter is simply not enjoyable....and I might give up on shaving all together.

I am a little frazzled this week to be honest.  My schedule is a little thrown off because of holiday get-togethers, and just the hectic nature of the Christmas season causes my anxiety levels to rise.  They're already high enough, believe me.  But a kind soul reminded me today how important it is to pause and be thankful.  He didn't have to say anything, he's just a good person and inspires me.  So I decided that I ought to make a brief list of things I am thankful for...

* feeling and knowing that I have a purpose everyday
* a warm home and a very patient husband
* friends that make me laugh until I have to run to the bathroom
* that time in the morning when the coffee is made, its quiet, and the day does not feel so cluttered
* good health
* the variety of people that I encounter each day in the gym
* protein....what? just be surprised it wasn't at the top of the list
* sleep...GOOD sleep
* adversity...and faith

And the list could honestly go on and on...
I might bend more towards brash sarcasm, but I know I am blessed everyday in so many ways.

And on that positive note, I can't feel my legs.  I had quads today (with a couple of compound glute movements thrown in there) and felt like a noodle by the end.  I was glad that Brian, Morven, and Zimm were lifting at the same time...kind of kept me going a little bit.  I've never had or wanted a workout partner before, but sometimes just having others working out at the same time is good motivation to keep going and push harder.  I should probably have a t-shirt that says "doesn't play well with others".  A few of you are nodding your heads I know...its ok, I get it.  I thought I might fit in some triceps today, but after an hour of nothing but quads, I was completely spent.  Not to mention, I've got to lift tomorrow and teach a hip-hop class.  Not sure where my energy will come from, but I will bring the A game.  No excuses.

Leg press (warm-up set of 12) 3 x 12
Squats 3 x 12
Single leg split squat on step 3 x 12 each
Leg extensions 3 x 12
Anklebands 3 x 20 yards

When I type that list it seems so short, and yet is always one of my hardest, most tiring workouts.  That's one more workout down, only 70 to go before I'm on stage....but who's counting?!  Everything is on track....down a pound since I revamped my diet a week ago, which means I am right on target.  I will definitely monitor and make adjustments as needed, but I think I am pretty much set until mid-February.  At that point I may need to adjust carbs.  We'll see...

Ready for my chicken and sweet potato.  Like sex in Tupperware at this point....yuummm...

On to the rest of my day...its gonna be a good one folks. 


  1. Good post! Nice work today, was nice working out along side you!

  2. Wait you were working out in there with us?! I didn't see you in there... are you sure you REALLY worked out at all?! :)
