Sometimes life just has other plans...
After I finished teaching my ZUMBA class last night, I walked out completely drenched in sweat, tired, but looking forward to a relaxing night and a solid 8+ hours of sleep and not much to do today. Well, that didn't exactly go as planned. I'm standing in my kitchen recounting my day to my husband when I look down and Brian was calling. I immediately thought he was calling to remind me something to do at the gym on Monday or see if he left something at work. No, not quite. He was at the hospital because his wife had to have an emergency appendectomy. Seriously, whats the deal with the appendix anyway? Ranks up there with the gallbladder. Anyway, that meant I needed to be ready to roll with clients at 6 anxiety level rose simply because all I wanted to do was sleep. But needless to say, everything went smoothly and I was glad that he knew he could depend on me at the last minute. I don't normally work Fridays, so I got a lot of "what are you doing here?" looks. Funny, some didn't look too excited to see worries, I don't take it personal...I'm tough, I get it. There was a joke for awhile among the clients that Fridays were "Meredith-free-Fridays"....and some have just eliminated the first part of my name entirely and call me "deth". Not quite sure how I feel about that one yet....but I guess I've been called worse...
I thought for sure this entire week of busyness and sleep deprivation would effect my workout today. I am happy to say that I got through it and even increased weight in a couple of lifts. I just tried not to think about it too much....just had to keep moving. Went to 45's on DB bench press....left shoulder almost gave out once and about took a dumbbell to the face. As long as I completed the set, I could deal with the black eye. I did notice that my right wrist was seriously bothering me today. I broke it when I was 8 so its always been weaker. Yeah, I was walking on the railing of our deck pretending that I was at the Olympics on a balance beam....well, lets just say that I didn't even make the Special Olympics that day. I fell about 6 feet into the yard like Humpty-Dumpty and screamed like a little girl. That was my last attempt at gymnastics. So, I'm not quite sure if that break has something to do with any pain I experience now, but perhaps it doesn't matter. Unless my wrists breaks again, I probably won't slow down....who am I kidding?!
Flat DB bench press 4 x 8
Incline DB press 4 x 8
DB flys 3 x 10
Declined push-ups 2 x failure
SUMO squats 4 x 10
Single leg sled-drives on pull-up machine 3 x 10 each
Hamstring curls on machine 3 x 10
Hamstring pull-backs 3 x 10
I finally get to rest for a bit. I got the Christmas music blasting...the scent of Pinesol burning my cat shedding hair under the tree like he's in Egypt.....typical Friday at the Falcon house. I just might have to hit up the coffee maker and take it to the face like a champ. Have a wonderful weekend folks and be ready to roll Monday!
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