Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Preparing for departure

Its after 10pm and I need to be packing for our New Years adventure to Virginia Beach.  I just spent almost 2 hours in the kitchen preparing all my meals, packing vitamins, measuring protein powder....blah, tedious work.  Traveling can definitely be a little annoying while competing.  Food prep takes a while, but its a way of life I guess.  And yes, this trip will be an adventure....a sober one for me.  Let's not even talk about it.  Not that I would rather be completely hammered, but depending on how the night goes...maybe.  4 hats we come 2011.  Still haven't made my resolution list.  Yes, it will a list.  Perhaps ridiculously long and unattainable, but that's my OCD kicking in.  My theory is that if I strive to achieve multiple resolutions, I'm bound to do at least one.  I might resolve to workout and eat healthier....oh wait.

Today was good.  I was able to sleep an extra hour, which was huge for me.  Ryan and I had a random conversation at 2 in the morning....note to self: don't try to make any kind of sense at 2 in the morning.  It was comical to say the least.  But I did manage to wake up refreshed (can't believe I even used that word), and ready for another day at the gym.

I had a great conversation with one of my older clients today.  Apparently, he is a little bit of a history nerd.  Well, me too believe it or not.  I majored in history...let's be honest, I could write well and sit and listen for hours because my body was too sore from working out to even think about getting up.  So, history suited me well.  Anyway, we practically talked the whole time about my senior thesis and Hugh Hefner...which is actually very relevant to my thesis...scary.  It was great.  By the end of his session we both agreed on one thing...the human race is very disappointing and we will never escape basic instincts.  A very sobering thought.

Well, in other news.....I had a quick workout today...and then hip-hop class tonight.  I was sucking wind like a smoker.  Seriously, I have a whole new appreciation for the dancers in music videos...minus the whorish clothes.  I was exhausted by the end.  There was my cardio for the day.  Done, and DONE.

Lying Lat-bar curls 3 x 12
Underhand bicep pull-down 3 x 10-12
Alternating incline curls 3 x 10 each
Wide hammer curls to failure 2x
Ab roll on stability ball 3 x 10
Flat back sit-ups on BOSU 3 x 12
Oblique crunches on decline 3 x 20

Time for bed...I can't breathe well, and my throat is killing me...awesome. Some good sleep, pound the vitamin B in the morning, and move stopping a train....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

On the Evens

I woke up several times throughout the night in a panic that I would oversleep.  When I finally woke up at 4:22 I didn't even wait for the alarm to go off 6 minutes later and just got out of bed.  Yes, I get up at exactly 4:28.  Its a weird quirk that I have....I set my alarm only on even numbers, but never on the hour or half hour.  Yeah, I don't know where that came from but I've done it ever since middle school.  I was strange then, might as well keep it going...

My quads were not as sore as I expected them to be today, thank God.  Having them be sore for only 2 days instead of 4 would be amazing.  I had back and shoulders today.  I little bit different lifting combo than normal, but with us leaving town this weekend, my workout schedule is off.  Doing shoulders after back proved to be extremely tough.  By the time I got to lateral raises, my arms were shot and my traps wanted to come along for the ride.  Stupid traps.  It always amazes me how smart and DUMB the body is.  It will find the path of least resistance every time until we tell it otherwise.  Going through the motions simply won't cut it.  Each move has to be deliberate and controlled.  Now there's two words to describe my life right now....o the irony.

My energy is good right now.  I have added a small cup of coffee in the afternoon.  Look, its either that or...well,...let's not go there.  A few a of you may have an idea of things to insert here....which is why we're friends....because you know way too much.  This is absolutely I am typing this I am downloading guilty know, those songs from the 7th grade dance that you don't want to admit you like, but when it comes on the radio you keep it there and belt it out like your at your own concert.  Yeah, those songs.  Don't even act like you don't know what I'm talking you listen to Paula Abdul's "Straight Up" for the 4th time...tonight...

Ok, back to business.  Today's workout:

Close grip lat bar pull-back 3 x 12
Wide grip lat pull-down 3 x 10
Bent over BB row 3 x 10
Single arm Lat pull-down set with hyperextensions 3 x 10 each
Rear flys 3 x 10
Standing DB press 3 x 12
BB press/ss lateral raises 3 x 10-12 each

I finished my day with 20 minutes on the treadmill.  Had my People magazine and was rolling.  Ok, so I was barely moving, but I still got it done.  Period.  Like or dislike, I finished.  Ready for bed....hump day awaits....

Monday, December 27, 2010 win

A good day.  I laughed...I nearly cried...felt pain...felt sad... I'm starting to sound a little bipolar, I better stop.  Seriously though, surviving Monday is an accomplishment in itself.  Getting back into the groove after a major holiday and especially a wintery-lazy-Sunday is hard to do.  I had several cancellations this morning due to the weather, and with no Zimm, no Morven, no "Tour-riders", I was practically entertaining myself all day....while cheap and easy to do, it can only last but so long. 

I did have one of those days though, where I looked in the mirror and thought "holy crap I am ready to slim down".  My thighs are gargantuan right now.  Sure, I did a great job putting on size during my bulking phase, but I'm pretty sure my quads got a little well as my backside, but we won't even go there right now...or ever.  This is when I've got to be patient, stay focused, and let my diet do the work.  It's definitely hard when you're only losing about .8-1 pound a week, but that's how its got to be to preserve as much muscle as possible.  And right now it looks like I'm storing up for winter...

Everything felt heavy today in my workout.  I kept the weight as high as last week on most lifts, and went up on 1 or 2.  I think I just felt fatigued from a long weekend.

Squats 3 x 12
Alternating leg press (10x each)/ss back loaded squat jumps (12x)
Leg extensions 3 x 12
30* incline chest press 3 x 12
Flat DB press 3 x 12
DB flys (10x)/ss front raises (10x)

I didn't have time for some cardio afterward, (yes, I was actually going to do some), but I needed to get ready for my next client.  Sometimes I spend a few minutes going through the poses I will have to do on stage, and my left side is seriously driving me nuts.  I can't flex quite s hard on that side, and I feel that right now its a little too obvious.  I know once I start posing on a regular basis it will improve, but right now its just ridiculous.  Watch, Ryan will come home in a couple of hours only to find me flexing up a storm in the bathroom mirror.  He would just laugh....and then probably join me.  Falcon flex-a-thon.  Out of control.

Food plan went well today.  Wasn't ever hungry, good energy, and haven't turned into a chicken just yet.  I truly think lowering my protein and bumping up my carbs was a smart move....I'll keep you updated though.  Ok, my eyes are starting to close....time for some beauty rest....for my sake, and the sake of my clients tomorrow.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tears on the Throne

It's the day after Christmas and I am exhausted.  The past few days have been a giant blur as we've drove all over God's creation, and back.  I was running on fumes by last night, and by the time I slid into bed I'm pretty sure I was losing my mind...I asked my husband to rub my face...who does that, really?  He just doesn't ask questions anymore.  Smart man.

So I'm sure some of you are curious as to what I ate/didn't eat on Christmas.  I ended my evening with some Pepto Bismol...enough said.  I definitely enjoyed the foods I wanted to, but felt like death rolled over afterward.  Pretty sure my bowels hated me last night.  It was a great reminder as to why I don't eat like that all year.  The best part was after I finished eating dinner at my grandpa's house and went to the bathroom to wash my hands.... It was torture enough to physically get up from the table, and I'm pretty sure I was short of breath walking to the bathroom.  Then I open the door to find my cousin sitting on the floor with his head in a trashcan puking like it was Spring break 2004.  Nothing says Happy holidays like regurgitated corn pudding...

Overall, Christmas was a great day.  I woke up a little sad because there is something lost when you grow up...Christmas becomes hectic and overwhelming at times.  We often forget about the true meaning and get lost in pure busyness.  There I was, crying on the toilet at 6am on Christmas morning.  There's something so wrong about that picture.  But, after my minor cry-session in the bathroom I was ready to get on with my day.  I laughed until I nearly peed with my brothers.  Totally inappropriate and sick sense of humor....that's how we roll.  And when grandpa got the farts, it was all she wrote...our Christmas was complete. 

Needless to say, I was thankful when all the eating events were over.  Yesterday was my 16 week mark.  Game time.  The next 16 weeks will make me or break me.  Probably a little bit of both.  Part of me is definitely nervous that I will not come in as "hard" as I'd like, but I know that's just me freaking out.  It's a lot to think about everyday, and I find it difficult sometimes to mentally set it aside and find some balance in my day.  Makes me think of this bracelet a client recently gave me that just says "Believe in Yourself"...perhaps those words are thrown around a lot, but sometimes it truly gets me through.  I've got to be confident in my diet, my workouts, and my drive/ability to bring my A game in 16 weeks.  And believe me, looking at yourself naked 16 weeks out from a show, its easy to feel slightly overwhelmed sometimes.  So many changes must take place between now and then....period.

I did an hour of moderate cardio today.  I was well rested and felt pretty good the entire time.  I was certainly glad when it was over.  The day I become addicted to cardio, look for Jesus...He will return that day.

It's 6:30 and feels like 10.  I'm about to eat chicken and some salad, watch some comedy, and then hit the sac.  Big week ahead.  Last week of 2010 ready to make some resolutions on Friday.  My list will be long...brace yourself... 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sane....sort of

Third day this week that I've woken up with a headache.  It was a rough start, but overall a great day.  I've tried to suppress the thought of everything I have yet to do regarding Christmas preparation, and as soon as I get home I will be wrapping gifts until I bleed.  But I am excited.  I truly love Christmas.  I get like a little kid when I'm opening gifts.  I mean, you could probably fart in a box, put a pretty bow on it, and I'd be thrilled.  I just gave a couple of you a sick idea....don't even think about it.

Workout went well, but I am honestly exhausted.  This week has been busy and fairly stressful for numerous reasons.  I need sleep more than anything right now, which is one reason why I am retaining water like the Hoover.  My afternoon cup of coffee has kept me sane and given me one last rush of energy I've needed to make it through the day.  For the sake of me, and mainly the clients, I need that caffeine.  Enough said. 

Thankfully I only had shoulders and triceps today.  I struggled through shoulders and felt sluggish, but completed everything at the weights I expected to.  I am still a little worried about my shoulder size, but hopefully as I drop fat around my triceps, they will round out nicely.  Boulder shoulders baby... 

Let's talk about how sore my core is from sprinting yesterday.  Dear God it is ridiculous.  My obliques hurt to touch and laughing is not so funny.  Its a good sore, but not so cool when I go to demonstrate a basic sit-up to a client and nearly cry.  Awesome.

Standing BB press 3 x 12
Arnold press 3 x 12
Lateral raises 3 x 10
Front raises 3 x 10
Overhead rope extensions 3 x 12
Reverse grip tricep press with lat bar 3 x 12
Tricep press on dip machine 2 x failure/15

Well,  one more day until my 16 week mark.  Hard to believe its almost here.  I will definitely be glad to purge the house of all holiday sweets.  Its the biggest tease and like dangling a shot glass in front of Lindsey Lohan.  What?  Anyway, it will just be a heck of a lot easier to eat chicken and lettuce when chocolate and cookie dough are not staring you in the face. 

On to my evening....wrapping dinner for the hubby...trying not to loose my know, the usual

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2112 oz Raw Meat

Christmas is seriously in 2 days and I have so much to do.....just a tad overwhelmed at this point.  There are benefits to having both sides of the family living in the same 20 mile radius, and then there the negatives.  One negative...the number of stops made between December 23rd and 25th.  Seven stops within 24 hours is enough to send most normal people into some type of anxiety-laced-freakout.  Family detox will begin early on the 26th.  We are blessed to have a close family, but the holidays are beyond nuts.  Let's just say its a good thing I can't drink right now...

Pretty busy morning.  I was able to squeeze in 20 minutes of sprints and some core work this morning.  It was the closest to throwing up I've come in awhile.  A little brutal, but I got it done.  I didn't need to do a ton of cardio today since I'm teaching a hip-hop class tonight.  I'm usually sucking wind and completely drenched in sweat by the end of that class.  I love teaching hip-hop.  Yes, its edgy and intimidating to some people, but its raw and creative.  The majority of the class tonight will be college ladies....I like to think I am helping their overall college experience by teaching them some new moves.  Hahaha...riiiigghhhttt.  Just saying, when you get on top of the fraternity house bar, you better know what you're doing...

Anyway, I am hitting my usual afternoon wall right now.  I haven't gotten enough sleep this week and I feel soft and bloated.  What a visual, I know.  Tis true though.  I 'm ready to hit the 16 week mark and be in the "game on" mindset.  Remember, I am an extremist.  All or nothing.  Yes or no.  Black and white.  These past few days have been rough and I am eager to push harder.  God, I am so ridiculous....

I'm gonna close for now.  Need to prepare for my afternoon clients and then for the ActivEdge version of Soul Train that will take place in a couple of hours.  Ready to shake it, drop it, and perhaps bust a hip in the process. worth it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Time is NOW

 I woke up in a fog this morning.  For a split second I thought it was Wednesday, and then perhaps Friday...boy was I wrong.  Only Tuesday...which are like Monday hangovers.  The morning was busy at times, but good.  It throws me off a little bit around the holidays when the student athletes are out of school and come workout in the morning instead of the afternoon.  Its free entertainment...and good birth control.  The highlight of my  morning was when a 12 year old boy looks at me so seriously after finishing a circuit, panting like a smoker, and says "Meredith, you don't like fun in the gym do you?"  I had to laugh....and then proceed to tell him that I am mainly here to make his life harder.  Poor kid will need therapy after dealing with me.  He's catching on slowly but surely. 

I was looking forward to working out today....shocker, I know.  My crack pipe.  I had back and biceps, which, completely killed my forearms.  They were throbbing a little bit by the end.
Then I had a "moment of clarity" during my workout.  Gotta love those.  Like the clouds part and low and behold Meredith is granted a slice of out.  I stood there staring at the weight and realized that my body was tired, the weight was heavy, and my expectation to lift it 12 times was quite ambitious.  At that point it was more than expectations, it was simply about demanding more.  I had to go past the point of thinking I was capable, and just demand the set be done.  Because if I were to listen to my body, I was done.  But how often do we do that?  How often do we just stop at good enough?  I'd say 9.9 times out of 10.  Time to demand more.

Today's workout:
Horizontal row with lat bar 3 x 12
Wide grip pull-down 3 x 12
BB row 3 x 12
Single are DB row 3 x 10 each
Rear flys 3 x 10
Alternating DB curls 3 x 10 each
Wide grip lat bar curls 3 x 10
Bicep pull-downs 3 x 10

THEN, once the lactic acid was flowing and I was eager to shower and take some coffee to the face, I GOT ON THE TREADMILL.  I know...the world must be coming to an end.  I was in a zone...and I was demanding more... I walked on a high incline for 30 minutes while enjoying the latest gossip in People magazine.  My rearend was not happy with me at that which I said it was too big to have a say so in the matter.  Overall, great workout day.  Now I am plastered to the recliner and not too thrilled about getting up to go to bed.  I would fall asleep here and have my husband carry me to bed if I didn't think he'd get a hernia in the process....

What can I say, a lot of heavy junk in my trunk....

Monday, December 20, 2010

Pushing through...

Monday already...
This weekend was outrageously busy and my migraine yesterday was an indication that Friday and Saturday were out of control.  It was one holiday event after another...I was overwhelmed with obnoxious Christmas sweaters that should have been burned 20 years ago along with leg warmers, scrunchies, and shoulder pads.  I did have to do a little more meal-planning to make sure I not only got all my meals in, but had stuff with me as we went from one freak show to another.  I'm kidding, it was entertaining to say the least. 

After lifting 4 days in a row, I took Friday off.  We had our company dinner that night at a local bar (yes, we are high rollers around here), and that was the first time I truly missed beer.  It was ridiculous because the temperature was about 30 degrees outside and thus no reason to want something cold to drink.  Momentary weakness.... I was able to squeeze in a quick workout Saturday, so I lifted shoulders and core and got in 40 minutes of cardio.  My abs are still sore and laughing really isn't enjoyable right now.  Kinda feels like a weird combination of gas pains and a knife in my side.  Awesome.  I woke up Sunday morning with all intentions of getting in about 30 minutes of cardio, but my head was throbbing at 6:00 am.  The headache lasted all day and was more annoying than anything.  I was ready for my workout today.  Since I lifted on Saturday, I had quads and chest today.  Talk about a tough legs were shot, my chest was shot,...I was pretty much worthless by the end.

Squats 3 x 12
Single leg, leg press 3 x 12 each
Leg extensions 3 x 12
Explosive leg press 3 x failure
Flat DB chest press 3 x 12
Incline DB press 3 x 12
Declined push-ups 3 x 12-15
DB flys 2 x 12

Solid workout.  I feel good.  I struggled through the leg exercises, but I expected that.  Everything felt pretty heavy today.  There were a couple of times when I was honestly unsure if I'd make it through my last set, but I kept thinking "just keep pushing"...and a few more things I can't post, but you get the idea.  Almost sounded like I was giving birth or something.  It was a mind over matter thing at that point.  Welcome to Mondays I guess.

Might need some 'ol coffee in about 10 minutes.  Give me a needle, a good vein, and I can solve this caffeine-need real quick....

Thursday, December 16, 2010


What a gross day.  Freezing rain and snow has made for a typical want-to-stay-in-bed day...and clearly that's what most people did this morning.  I got to work and there was cancellation after cancellation due to the weather and for a minute I questioned my sanity for even trying to make it in so early when some roads were still bad.  But I figured there are worse things than being stuck at the gym.  Honestly, me being stuck at the gym would be like an alcoholic being trapped in a bar.  Second home.  I had a small number of clients before it was time for my own workout.  I was feeling good until an hour in, and then I hit the biggest wall...I was beyond done.  I'd hoped to get in some core work, but it just wasn't going to happen today.  I pushed through a tough chest and hamstring workout and that was about all my body could handle.  Not having Wednesday off from lifting this week really affected today's workout.  Tomorrow will be an off day, and then perhaps a workout on Saturday if I can squeeze it in between the endless list of family gatherings that day.  Let's not even go there...if you can't find me by 3:00 don't send out a search party...

My workout felt good although I was a little frustrated that my triceps started working way more than I wanted them to on bench and incline bench.  By the 10th rep my chest was struggling and so of course my amazon triceps decided to come along for the ride.  Out of control.  12 reps felt like an eternity today.  My ADD kicks in around the 7th rep and I fight to stay just as focused and controlled as I did on the first.  It's so easy to neglect the form on the mid-range reps.  The first few are strong and great form, the last are a struggle but exciting because you're almost done, but the middle ones get lost in there somewhere.  They are the "middle-child" of weight lifting....and I can completely feel their pain.  Ha.

Flat DB bench press 3 x 12
Incline DB press 3 x 12
DB fly/ss wide push-ups to failure
Hamstring curls on machine 4 x 10-12
Hamstring curls on slideboards 3 x 12
Hamstring pull-backs 3 x 10

I'm still cold just sitting here.  Its one of those days when even the toilet seat is cold.  You don't know whether to brave the chill-o-porcelain on your backside, or do the hover-effect and pray your quads don't give out during the process.  Decisions, decisions.  Well, I've got my coffee and a few more hours of work before I go home to the hubby and feed that over-sized machine as well.  Watching that man eat is the 8th wonder of the world...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hump day Hero

Refueling...chicken and rice.  I love how rice that has been in the fridge for a couple of days starts to taste more like a nut than rice.  I do almost all of my food prep on Sunday, so by Wednesday I'm just scarfing it down hoping I don't get salmonella.  Since I'm on my feet all day, I truly look forward to each meal.  When I hit the 2 hour mark, I am pretty much ready to eat my arm.  How some people only eat 3 meals a day is beyond me.  Gotta keep putting gas in the tank baby!...

Workout felt good...went by fast.  I only had to do back, but it still took a solid hour. 

Bent over BB row 3 x 12
Seated cable row 3 x 12
Lat pull-down 3 x 12
Single arm lat pull-down 3 x 10 each
Rear flys 3 x 12
Wide grip BB curls 3 x 12

Short and sweet today....on with the afternoon.  A few clients and then hip-hop class where I will proceed to shake my money-maker like a champ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mouth shut...saying everything

I almost overslept this morning.  It is beyond cold outside, and there is nothing like a warm bed on a cold winter morning.  And there's just something about taking off your pj's when its below freezing outside that is just not as fun.  It's like I'm trying to set a record each morning to see how fast I can undress and then get dressed before I feel like my extremities are going to turn blue.  Getting naked in the winter is simply not enjoyable....and I might give up on shaving all together.

I am a little frazzled this week to be honest.  My schedule is a little thrown off because of holiday get-togethers, and just the hectic nature of the Christmas season causes my anxiety levels to rise.  They're already high enough, believe me.  But a kind soul reminded me today how important it is to pause and be thankful.  He didn't have to say anything, he's just a good person and inspires me.  So I decided that I ought to make a brief list of things I am thankful for...

* feeling and knowing that I have a purpose everyday
* a warm home and a very patient husband
* friends that make me laugh until I have to run to the bathroom
* that time in the morning when the coffee is made, its quiet, and the day does not feel so cluttered
* good health
* the variety of people that I encounter each day in the gym
* protein....what? just be surprised it wasn't at the top of the list
* sleep...GOOD sleep
* adversity...and faith

And the list could honestly go on and on...
I might bend more towards brash sarcasm, but I know I am blessed everyday in so many ways.

And on that positive note, I can't feel my legs.  I had quads today (with a couple of compound glute movements thrown in there) and felt like a noodle by the end.  I was glad that Brian, Morven, and Zimm were lifting at the same time...kind of kept me going a little bit.  I've never had or wanted a workout partner before, but sometimes just having others working out at the same time is good motivation to keep going and push harder.  I should probably have a t-shirt that says "doesn't play well with others".  A few of you are nodding your heads I know...its ok, I get it.  I thought I might fit in some triceps today, but after an hour of nothing but quads, I was completely spent.  Not to mention, I've got to lift tomorrow and teach a hip-hop class.  Not sure where my energy will come from, but I will bring the A game.  No excuses.

Leg press (warm-up set of 12) 3 x 12
Squats 3 x 12
Single leg split squat on step 3 x 12 each
Leg extensions 3 x 12
Anklebands 3 x 20 yards

When I type that list it seems so short, and yet is always one of my hardest, most tiring workouts.  That's one more workout down, only 70 to go before I'm on stage....but who's counting?!  Everything is on track....down a pound since I revamped my diet a week ago, which means I am right on target.  I will definitely monitor and make adjustments as needed, but I think I am pretty much set until mid-February.  At that point I may need to adjust carbs.  We'll see...

Ready for my chicken and sweet potato.  Like sex in Tupperware at this point....yuummm...

On to the rest of my day...its gonna be a good one folks. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Be about the business

 A good weekend...busy, but good.  The holidays are hectic to begin with, and couple that with dieting, long days, and lack of sleep and you've got yourself an anxiety attack waiting to happen.  I took Saturday off and then walked on an incline yesterday morning for 40 minutes.  I felt good once I was done, and was ready to get on with my day.  Sometimes the weekends are a nice mental break from the intensity of the gym.  Its easy to get consumed while competing, so to relax for a couple of days is a treat.  Speaking of treats, it looks like I'll be able to enjoy Christmas dinner.  I planned my diet accordingly, and I can use that night as kind of a "refeed" of sorts.  Not to say I will go completely overboard, but to be able to eat a little bit of homemade corn pudding and sweet potato casserole will be nice.  I will no doubt have a sugar-hangover as I do every year the day after Christmas.... My pancreas usually hates me that day...

Great workout today.  Shoulders, biceps, and core....stuck with sets of 12 and struggled every set.  My right wrist is still really bothering me, but I refuse to do anything about it unless it swells, bleeds, or just stops working all together.  No crying wolf just yet.  Overall it was an awesome workout and I feel satisfied with my weights and form.  Taking my lateral raises above 90* has been amazing...the burn is enough to make me want my mama. 

BB shoulder press 3 x 12
Seated arnold press 3 x 12
Lateral DB raises 3 x 12
Front DB raises 3 x 12
Alternating DB curls 3 x 10 each arm
Cable curls with the lat bar 3 x 12
Alternating hammer curls on incline 2 x failure
Crunches on BOSU 4 x 15
Leg lifts 3 x 12

Extremely tired right now...but I get to eat in about 20 minutes...then its back in gear for the afternoon.  I've never looked so forward to fish and rice as I do right now.  YUMMMM.  Here's to one workout closer to stage-ready...

Friday, December 10, 2010

More tough love...

Sleeping in this morning was absolutely amazing.  I rolled over at 5:00 and fell back asleep until 6:15.  Yes, to me that is sleeping in.  By 8:30 I already enjoyed 2 cups of coffee, did my grocery shopping, and was solving world problems.  Ok, the latter is probably a small fib, but I do what I can.

I was surprised that I was not more sore this morning, but I definitely felt it in my biceps by the time I had to workout.  I am extremely tight and in much need of a massage.  If I had the money I would hire someone just to rub my rear everyday.  Seriously, the last time I had a massage she found a knot in my bottom the size of a golf ball.  I was screaming obscenities at the woman once she dug her elbow into was great, but you would've thought someone was trying to kill me.

Friday workouts are a struggle.  I love working chest, but hamstrings...not so much.  Not to mention, I am tired and ready for a little break by the end of the week.  I stuck with 12 reps again today, and honestly struggled on many lifts.  Of course the weight was lower than when I do 8 or 10 reps, but my time under tension was my heart rate stayed elevated and my muscles were ready to stop at 10.  I was eager to switch out walking lunges for step lunges, but my left hip-flexor kept trying to dominate the movement like a control freak, so I went back to walking lunges.  Its funny that sometimes you're really feeling an exercise, and sometimes you're not.  Step lunges just weren't in the cards today.  It was a long workout to say the least.

30* incline chest press 3 x 12
Flat DB chest press 3 x 12
Cable flys 3 x 12
Front DB raise 3 x 12
SUMO squats 3 x 12
Walking lunges 3 x 20 yards
Hamstring curls on machine 3 x 12
Straight-leg deadlift 3 x 12
Single leg glute raise on ball 3 x 12 each leg   

So, I've got to talk about something for a minute...yeah, brace yourself.
I was standing in line at Sam's Club today and just stared in amazement as these two women unloaded their cart in the checkout line...industrial size container of cheese balls, chips, Alfredo sauce, laffy-taffy, 5 lb. bucket of cookie dough, and I could go on and on.  The more I looked around, the more I noticed this was the norm.  But what should I expect in a nation that is over 60% obese?!  What is wrong with us?  We know the difference in an apple and an apple pie, and yet we continue to make poor choices and then point the finger to advertising, convenience, or any other excuse besides our own lack of self-control or laziness.  The last I checked, we are not being force-fed fast food and Little Debbie Cakes.  Time to take some responsibility folks, have a little self-respect, and pursue a healthier, happier life.  Yes, I am a little more bent towards tough love....but life's too short to beat around the bush.  I left the store pretty riled up...

Well, its late Friday night and I'm ready for a day off.  My goal is to sleep in, finish Christmas shopping, and perhaps even grab a nap in there somewhere...

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Thursday here I come.  I woke up ready to go today.  I was in the zone by 4:38...scary thought, I know.  It was truly a great morning with clients.  Everyone's workout went well, and I absolutely love "digging deeper" into some of life's issues with the ladies that come in.  They are funny, sharp, and teach me so much about various experiences in life.  One thing I've learned though is that from 27 years old to 65 years old, we still are young at heart and have similar desires.  We long to be appreciated, loved by those we value, and genuinely believe in ourselves to face life with true strength.  And I am blessed that my job is to help cultivate the latter.....its an honor I take seriously.

I thought I was 100% ready for today's workout, but it was one of those days when everything felt heavy.  I stuck with 12 reps on most exercises, and the last 3 were definitely a struggle.  Since I was doing back exercises today (mainly pulling), my forearms were killing me by the end.  Lord knows I don't need my forearms getting bigger.  Already look like I might whip out a 85 mph fast ball at any moment....and this is where my husband cocks his head back and just laughs at me being ridiculous.  Needless to say, he does that a lot.  To survive in our house you have to have a sense of humor....or take really good anti-depressants.  I'm a little intense, what can I say...

Wide grip pull-ups 3 x 12
Lat pull-down 3 x 12
BB row/ss hyperextensions 3 x 12 each
Standing heavy rear flys/ss light rear flys on bench (3 x 12 each)
Alternating hammer curlgs 3 x 10 each
Standing EZ bar curls 3 x 12

Tonight I've got a ZUMBA class to teach.  Squatting is still painful....this could be interesting.  Here's to another good day of lifting, overdosing on protein, and lots of laughs with clients...


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ready for more

Just woke up from a nap...still in that semi-awake phase where I'm pretty sure I could sleep another hour if I had a horizontal surface and a blanket.  That nap was amazing, and much needed.  Today, I am tired.  I got to bed slightly later last night, and 4:30 came early.  The second I stepped out of bed my quads were cursing me.  I am extremely sore today, and sort of thankful I didn't have to teach ZUMBA this morning.  My salsa moves would have looked like the elderly-woman version....

I only had cardio today so I walked for 40 minutes on an incline.  People magazine kept me occupied, and I was able to catch up on the latest gossip.  That stuff may be trash, but the truth is we all love reading it...if only for the brief moment of satisfaction we receive from thinking that we are "normal".  Yes, it is a little sick, and yet we are all guilty.  I stayed at my normal pace, although it was more of a struggle today since my legs were so sore. 

My energy was much better yesterday with a few nutritional changes I made to my diet.  Since I'm so used to being tired everyday by mid-afternoon, I can pretty much feel any increase in energy.  So not wanting to bang my head against the wall at 4pm is truly awesome.  I miss those days in high school when I could just go and go with no problem.  Oh to be 16 again.  HA,...I sound like I'm 60 and just offended all of you who have about 20 years on me.

Well, big day tomorrow...BACK!  Ready for it.  Its so funny to me that after I get done working out and beating myself up, I am completely spent, a little pissed off, and so glad its over.  Then the next day, still sore, I come back for more...excitedly ready for more.  Its like an abusive relationship that I secretly enjoy and keep coming back there's something for my shrink to analyze...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Do a Dozen

Despite having a few extra hours to sleep in and take care of a few things around the house yesterday morning, I was ready to get back into my normal ridiculous schedule today.  Not gonna lie, I almost had a little pep in my step today.  Eh,...maybe that's an exaggeration.  But I was definitely in a better "mental state" today.  Its amazing what some sleep and a new day can do.  I spent over an hour working on my diet last night...making adjustments, analyzing numbers, bla bla bla.  My brain was fried by the end, but in a good way.  A few more carbs, a little less protein (thought you'd never see the day, right?!), and a greater caloric deficit...we'll see how my body responds.  I think I will definitely have more energy because of the carb increases, but going down to 3-4 oz. of meat at a few meals is like cutting off my arm.  I feel like I might as well eat a tic-tac.  I'll get used to it I'm sure, but not without hating a few moments along the way.  My thing is, you can piss and moan a little as long as you do it!  But whining with no action is just a waste of oxygen and a massive pain in the rear.  I'm not a tree-hugger by any means, but I will support the conservation of some good 'ol oxygen.  They should have t-shirts that say "Conserve oxygen....Shut your pie-hole!".  I'd definitely buy one...

Alright, let's talk workout.  I had quads and triceps today.  12 reps of everything.  I almost missed doing heavier weight for only 8 reps.  Don't get me wrong, the weight was heavy, but those last 4 reps had me flat out winded.  Leg extensions had me burning and crying for my mama.  It was brutal, but good.

Squats 4 x 12
Leg press 3 x 12
Leg extensions 3 x 12
Back loaded squat jumps 3 x 12
Tricep press-downs on dip machine 3 x 12
Overhead rope extensions 3 x 12
Rope press-downs 3 x 12

I'm a little sick of the number 12 right now.  Tomorrow will just be light cardio...yaaayyyy.  Sarcasm is my way of surviving cardio.  That "high" some of you get from running...well, I'm still waiting to experience that....and if it were seriously better than drugs, there would be way more pot-heads-turned-runners.  Not happening...

Well friends, have a lovely Tuesday and get pumped for hump day!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

This too, shall pass...

It's 8:00 and I'm finally sitting down for dinner.  I've got my laptop on one TV tray, and my food on another...we live high class out here in Mebane.  I am tired, but not as tired as usual.  I was able to sleep in until 6:45 this morning since Brian was working for me.  Getting up at 4:30 this morning would have been comical.  I was exhausted yesterday...every time we bowed our heads to pray at church it was like the biggest tease.  Pretty sure I almost drooled once.  And when you sit on the second row sleeping is not an option.  Next week I might have to make my way to the back with the elderly folk.  They sleep like champs back there and no one says after a certain age its expected that you sleep through at least half of the sermon....and rock Velcro shoes....

The weekend was good, but very short.  I took Saturday completely off and then did 35 minutes of light cardio on Sunday.  I felt recovered and ready to roll today.  It was a mentally tough day though.  I started second guessing myself on a couple of aspects of my diet plan, and I was so frustrated by the end of the day.  There are a couple of things I am going to change, and in the end I've got to be confident that I know my body.  But the fact is, despite hours and hours in the gym, the diet will make or break you on stage.  Weak moment, just a weak moment.

Today I had shoulders, core, and biceps.  I mixed up my shoulder routine a little and found that my shoulders were definitely more tired by the end.  No barbell work, and a bigger range of motion on my shoulder press and font/lateral raises.  I wanted to curse by the end....sign of a good workout.  A couple of near-death experiences, a few grunts, and my time in the gym is complete. 

DB shoulder press 3 x 10
Arnold press 3 x 10
High rope row 3 x 10
Lateral raises/front raises 3 x 8
Full decline sit-ups 3 x 12
Pilates heel touch 3 x 30
Alternating DB curls 3 x 10 each
Underhand bicep pull-downs 3 x 10
Alternating incline curls to failure 2x

Gonna spend quite a bit of time crunching some numbers tonight....and then to bed at a decent hour.  Tomorrow will be a full day.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Guest Appearance

Sometimes life just has other plans...

After I finished teaching my ZUMBA class last night, I walked out completely drenched in sweat, tired, but looking forward to a relaxing night and a solid 8+ hours of sleep and not much to do today.  Well, that didn't exactly go as planned.  I'm standing in my kitchen recounting my day to my husband when I look down and Brian was calling.  I immediately thought he was calling to remind me something to do at the gym on Monday or see if he left something at work.  No, not quite.  He was at the hospital because his wife had to have an emergency appendectomy.  Seriously, whats the deal with the appendix anyway?  Ranks up there with the gallbladder.  Anyway, that meant I needed to be ready to roll with clients at 6 anxiety level rose simply because all I wanted to do was sleep.  But needless to say, everything went smoothly and I was glad that he knew he could depend on me at the last minute.  I don't normally work Fridays, so I got a lot of "what are you doing here?" looks.  Funny, some didn't look too excited to see worries, I don't take it personal...I'm tough, I get it.  There was a joke for awhile among the clients that Fridays were "Meredith-free-Fridays"....and some have just eliminated the first part of my name entirely and call me "deth".  Not quite sure how I feel about that one yet....but I guess I've been called worse...

I thought for sure this entire week of busyness and sleep deprivation would effect my workout today.  I am happy to say that I got through it and even increased weight in a couple of lifts.  I just tried not to think about it too much....just had to keep moving.  Went to 45's on DB bench press....left shoulder almost gave out once and about took a dumbbell to the face.  As long as I completed the set, I could deal with the black eye.  I did notice that my right wrist was seriously bothering me today.  I broke it when I was 8 so its always been weaker.  Yeah, I was walking on the railing of our deck pretending that I was at the Olympics on a balance beam....well, lets just say that I didn't even make the Special Olympics that day.  I fell about 6 feet into the yard like Humpty-Dumpty and screamed like a little girl.  That was my last attempt at gymnastics.  So, I'm not quite sure if that break has something to do with any pain I experience now, but perhaps it doesn't matter.  Unless my wrists breaks again, I probably won't slow down....who am I kidding?!

Flat DB bench press 4 x 8
Incline DB press 4 x 8
DB flys 3 x 10
Declined push-ups 2 x failure
SUMO squats 4 x 10
Single leg sled-drives on pull-up machine 3 x 10 each
Hamstring curls on machine 3 x 10
Hamstring pull-backs 3 x 10

I finally get to rest for a bit.  I got the Christmas music blasting...the scent of Pinesol burning my cat shedding hair under the tree like he's in Egypt.....typical Friday at the Falcon house.  I just might have to hit up the coffee maker and take it to the face like a champ.  Have a wonderful weekend folks and be ready to roll Monday!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pulling Back

4:30 hit me like a ton of bricks this morning.  I truly envy those people who can wake up each morning, smile, and be convinced its going to be a good day.  Its all perspective I know, but somehow at 4:30 its all I can do to put both feet on the floor and just keep moving.  As long as I don't think about it, I'm ok.  Just gotta get up and go...

It was a great morning with clients.  A little slower, so I was able to chat more and enjoy the conversations and laughter.  Some of the people I train truly trip me out, and I wish I had a recorder to document comments and conversations that are completely off the wall!  Its great.  From college students to menopausal women, I am entertained all day. 

Ok, down to business.  I had back and core today.  3 of my 4 back lifts went up in weight, which was awesome.  Got 110 on BB row for my last 2 sets.  I will honestly be shocked if the judges think my back muscles are too small compared to the rest of my body.  My rear delts and lats look like I'm about to fly away.  I say that, and yet I'll probably end up on stage beside an amazon women whose been on roids for the past 5 years.  I think one thing that's hard about training my back is making sure that I'm pulling evenly with my right and left side.  Symmetry is very important.  My left side generally lags behind, so I've really tried to focus on being precise with every muscle contraction.  I sound like a gym nerd.  Ha.  All about the details...

Bent over BB row 4 x 8
Lat pull-down 4 x 8
Seated cable row 3 x 8-10
Rear flys 3 x 10
Dynamax sit-ups 3 x 15
Leg lifts (10x)/ss pilates heel touches (20x)...3 sets
Plank roll on ball 2 x 12

Long day....I've got clients til 6 and then a new ZUMBA class from 6-7.  Its a fun class, but my hips can only move so much within 48 hours.  It is great to see the women enjoying themselves though.  I know for some it is a step outside of their comfort zone, to come into a room and move their rear like they're in a music video for an hour is a big deal.  Just break out a few of those moves in the kitchen in front of your husband and you can thank me later....

Happy Thursday folks.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Will work 4 food

Just woke up from a nap...I feel like a new woman.  Well, sorta.  Not sure why they call it "beauty rest"....because when you wake up you look like death.  Everybody does.  No exceptions.  Even Bradley Cooper (whom I happen to think is a delightful arrangement of molecules).  Anyway, after my morning clients, I went into the massage therapy room, put on some Enya, and curled up like a 2 year old.  I think I drooled on the pillow.  I probably could have stayed there until tomorrow...I was exhausted.  Thank God I didn't have to lift today....but I did have to teach ZUMBA at 8:30 this morning.  Once I got into it I was fine, but let me tell ya...the first few Merrenge moves and pelvic thrusts were a little rough.  I am extremely sore...triceps and quads hate me right now.  The good thing is that I technically don't have to do any additional cardio on Wednesdays since I am teaching.  You know me, heaven forbid I do too much cardio...

I'm eager for my body to hurry up and adjust to the lower calories.  I still have moments during the day when I am a little hungry.  And this is one more reason why I'm not gonna overdo the will just create a greater deficit and make me hungrier.  A hungry Meredith is not good for anyone.  I may have to add in some extra veggies to hold me over....awesome,...gas-producing veggies...I might spontaneously explode.  I need more gas like I need a hole in my head. 

Big lifting day tomorrow...I've got back and core.  Hard to believe that I will start practicing my posing soon.  Breaking out the stripper heels and swimsuit in the dead of winter with no tan will send anyone into depression.  Thank God for tans....some people have beautiful, pale skin and I am not one of them.  Without a tan I look like I am recovering from the plague.  I admit, I used to completely bake myself in the tanning bed in college...I don't anymore... It might be healthier, but getting naked with the lights on is not as cool...

Nothing too great to go on about today...a few more hours and then home.  Perhaps I might actually stay awake after 9 tonight....then again, maybe not...