Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Would you rather...

Sitting in Barnes & Noble staring at the Starbucks counter and seriously contemplating putting my mouth under the coffee dispenser.  Second degree burns are worth the caffeine, right?  Eh...I'll just sit here and enjoy my 1846th protein shake of my life and dream of peanut m&m's.  Right now my fantasies involve a lot of edible items....there's got to be a support group for that.  Actually, my cravings have been bearable, but I know that will soon change.  By the end of January I might stare you down like you're right arm is a peanut butter covered slice of goodness.  Only be worried if I start drooling...

I got plenty of sleep last night and yet this morning it was like I'd been awaken out of a coma.  I woke up face-down in my pillow.  You know those mornings....where it looks like you need to take an iron to your face even an hour after you're up because the sheets left some pretty intense marks from your forehead to your chin.  Yeah, it was one of those mornings.  My face looked like an origami project.  It was a slow start this morning, but I survived and made it through a tough workout.  I had to switch up my normal lifting schedule this week since I am going out of town Friday.  Today I lifted back...which means tomorrow is death by legs.  Ever played that game "Would you rather"?  Great game...someone asks a question, "would you rather...." and then gives 2 options, both of which are equally good/bad, and you must choose one or the other.  Well, if you were to ask me if I'd rather lift only legs for an entire workout session or get punched in the face...some days I would rather get punched in the face.  Tomorrow might be one of those days.  It will be hard and the weights will be heavy...whew, I may need a little mental prep before this one.

Anyway, my workout went really well today.  A couple of my lifts actually went up, which is always good.  I've got a few more weeks to expect slight increases in strength and size, so I've got to really utilize every set, every rep.  Speaking of, since the date of the show was a little later than I once thought, I've decided to sneak in a creatine cycle.  I'll take it for about 4-5 weeks and see if I can put on maybe a tad more muscle before the calories drop.  Sometimes I swear I can look at creatine and my thighs will grow.  We'll see what happens.  If I'm complaining about having to buy bigger shirts because of my shoulders, you'll know it was a success. 

Bent over BB row 5 x 8-10
Wide grip lat pull-down 4 x 10
Single arm DB row 3 x 10 each arm
Cable row 3 x 10
Rear flys on incline bench 3 x 12
hyperextensions (slow) 3 x 15

Pooped.  Need to be in bed tonight by 9 or earlier.  Would you rather question of the day:
Would you rather be stuck in a room for 2 days with the person you dislike the most where only they are allowed to speak, or walk a marathon right now in clown shoes?

...I'd be walking baby...48 hours is way too long to jeopardize my sanity...

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