Friday, November 19, 2010


I think my body hates me.  I needed some good sleep, and being Friday, I could have slept in until 8 if I wanted.  But nooo, my eyes sprung open at 4:30 like a gun went off.  I laid there dosing in and out of sleep until 6:15 and finally got up.  By that time I was simply annoyed by my inability to sleep past 5 am like a normal human being.  By 9:30 I had already cleaned the majority of my house, paid bills, did a load of laundry, answered a few emails, and read the comics.  "Multi-task" is my middle name.  I know, I have a few other names as well...

Even after all that and 3 cups of coffee, I still felt tired.  Honestly, it was a lot of stress that had to do with other things.  Anyway, I was looking forward to my workout as an "escape" if you will.  Well, I wish it was.  I was so irritated by all the emotional baggage I brought in the gym today.  It definitely affected my workout and now I am physically and emotionally drained.  Sometimes it is extremely hard, but its so important to leave everything at the door.  Today I lugged in my baggage like a nomad.  Ugh,...

I had chest, hamstrings, and core today.  My back and shoulders were so sore this morning, and I considered putting off lifting chest until Sunday.  But then I knew I'd be sitting in church on the verge of cursing just knowing that I had a heavy workout later.  Something about that just seemed so wrong.  I pushed through, and 2 of my lifts actually went up in weight.  I was pleased with that.  My pecs are pretty darn strong.  Yes, I said pecs...
Its quite comical that there are so many boob jobs among competitors.  I mean, these women are anywhere from 9-11% body fat and yet have these boulders sitting on their chest.  Like no one's gonna be suspicious of a woman with a perfect 6-pack and yet has a set of x-rated knockers.  I'm not against their decision to do it, but some are ridiculously bad....

Enough about that...

Today's workout:
Flat DB press 3 x 10
45* incline press 4 x 8-10
Cable flys(10x)/ss wide push-ups to failure  3 sets
Slow SUMO squats 4 x 12
Walking lunges 3 x 25 yards
Hamstring curls on machine 4 x 10
Hamstring curls/glute raise on slideboard...12-15
Lunge jumps 3 x 24

I wish I could relax tonight, but I seriously need to get on my game for teaching a new class next week.  I start teaching ZUMBA on Wednesday.  Yes, I was born to lift weights,...but I was also born to shake what my mama gave me.  My hips are out of control so this class should be fun.  Between ZUMBA and the hip-hop class, I might make my debut on MTV....or Youtube...

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