Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Out Cold

My body is demanding more rest.  Last night I was in bed by 8:15...and I honestly could have gotten under the covers an hour earlier, but I inevitably got stuck on facebook reading some of the worst status messages known to man.  Mother of 3, working, and yet still has time to update her status every 3 hours.  Really?!  She's updating her facebook page and meanwhile little Johnny is sticking his fingers in the wall sockets.  Anyway, I sat there for like 30 minutes before I had energy to actually get up and get in bed. 

I seriously don't know how I am going to be when its time to lower my calories.  I'm already pretty tired, and could eat a horse by 5:00 each day.  I think the creatine has affected my appetite a little.  Basically, I could eat every hour.  Thanksgiving might be an all-out woman vs. food war.  Odds are woman will long as I wear spandex pants.  On serious holidays you can't wear restrictive clothing.  And if you own maternity pants you are ahead of the game.  Needless to say, I am looking forward to enjoying a few last treats before the war-on-fat begins soon after.  I'm still in the process of finalizing my diet plan.  Details, details, details....down to the teaspoon.  I want to cut calories gradually and avoid excess cardio like the plague.  Cardio is always the last resort when it comes to competing and fat loss.  First goal is always to maintain as much muscle as possible....second goal is not to kill anyone while eating only about 40g carbs a day. 

I only had cardio today...which was nice...sorta.  I walked on an incline for 50 minutes focusing on squeezing my glutes as much as possible the entire time.  It literally felt like someone lit a match under my rearend.  It was great.  It felt good to be done though.  And now I am in much need of a nap...I am cranky....yeah, imagine that.  I know some of you are sitting there wondering how my husband deals with me.  I get it.  I'll probably find out one day the whole baseball thing was a scam and he just needed to get away for 6 months of the year.  A patient, patient man...

Well, I think I might forgo the nap and just go get a caffeine fix...I got a rush just thinking about it.  Full afternoon and then home to rest.... Big lifting day tomorrow...pretty pumped already!

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