Monday, November 15, 2010

Going deaf

Back in the gym.... It was a great weekend, and I was able to catch up on some sleep and enjoy time away from my normal hectic weekend schedule.  When I got back, it was endless grocery shopping, chicken cooking, and laundry.  I think I set a record for fastest trip through super Wal-mart and Sam's Club.  I was running people over with my cart like it was the Daytona 500.  I understand people want to enjoy the whole shopping experience, but I swear I get behind every person that apparently has no groceries in their house and must stock up on EVERYTHING at one time...while trying to keep up with 5 kids on a sugar high.  I almost ran over a 6 year old in the meat department...seriously, the kid leashes should be mandatory in Wal-mart.

Anyway, it felt good to get back into a routine today.  I was ready to lift heavy.  I had shoulders/biceps today and was pleased with my workout for the most part.  My barbell shoulder press went up in weight, as did my DB curls.  Its like I've had a surge of strength here lately...probably the music.  I think the louder and angrier the music, the heavier I lift.  I'm gonna be deaf by the time I'm 30.

Standing BB shoulder press 4 x 8
Upright BB row/ss kneeling high rope row 3 x 10 each
Bent arm DB raises 4 x 10
Front DB raises 4 x 10
Alternating DB curls 4 x 8 each
Underhand grip bicep pull-down 4 x 10
EZ bar curls to failure/15 - 2x

Looking forward to an early evening and some more sleep.  If sleeping were an Olympic event, I'd be a gold medalist...EVERYDAY.  Happy Monday folks...grab life by the horns.

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