So, I've had a few people ask if there's ever a time when I don't push myself to the point that I feel like crap, (the nice way of putting it), during/after a workout. Well,...the answer is honestly no. Perhaps my perspective on working out is not that of the average person trying to get in shape (shocker I know), but seriously folks, its called a WORKout for a reason. It should be work, it should be hard, you should even be a little ticked off halfway through it knowing that you're only halfway through it. If it were easy and fun all the time America would not be a sea of obese laziness. What blows my mind is why would you not work as hard as you possibly can?? If you can lift the 40lb dumbells, why are you lifting the 30's? If you can do one more push-up to get to failure, why not?? I think its a combination of a few things...1) You honestly don't think you can or ultimately know what you are capable of, 2) It's easier to be "comfortable" than struggle and ultimately raise expectations for yourself, and/or 3) Fear....of succeeding and failing (and ironically, a person's definition of failing in the weightroom is often times completely wrong). How about for once we throw all that out the window and let ourselves prove TO OURSELVES how strong and mentally tough we really are. It will transcend other areas of your life and ultimately rock your world my friend.
On to today's workout....yes, I was totally SPENT afterwards. Shoot, I was struggling 20 minutes in. I decided to do hamstrings/glutes before chest (usually I do the opposite)....well, I lived and learned. Big mistake. I was exhausted after my lower body exercises and still had 14 sets of chest to do. I looked down at the 'ol pecs for a little pep-talk. Apparently, they didn't have much to say back. Had to get through it....and I did. I kept the weight as heavy as possible throughout, and was pleased with my workout by the end. THAT is what makes it fun....knowing you gave it your all, and being one step closer to a goal.
Today's workout:
DB sumo squats 4 x 12
Hamstring curls on machine 4 x 10
Hamstring pull-backs on slideboard 3 x 15
Walking lunges 3 x 25 yards
Flat DB press 4 x 10
Incline DB press 4 x 10
DB flys 3 x 12
Wide push-ups to failure 3x
Great to be done. I can't decide if I want to take tomorrow or Sunday off. I usually decide after 3 cups of coffee. If I decided before that, there would be no working out...or anything for that matter. Heaven help you if you ever call before that caffeine hits my might reconsider our friendship....or I might reconsider our friendship...
One more client and then home for the weekend. I'll take some Nyquil tonight and hopefully achieve coma-like sleep and be ready to rock-n-roll tomorrow. I'm a machine...but sometimes I need a little WD40 ;)
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