Sitting down right now is a small dose of heaven. My quads are shot and I still feel slightly nauseous from today's workout. I'm used to pushing myself, but today was a whole new level. By my third set of leg extensions I was burping up oatmeal. I hope you're eating lunch/dinner when you read this. Nothing like the taste of cinnamon flavored oats coming up on rep number 6. Anyway, it was one of the toughest workouts I've had in awhile...where I actually wasn't sure if I could finish a couple of the sets. It was great, who am I kidding?! The exercise that truly did me in though, was the series of squat jumps at the end. I did them Tabata style....meaning that I did squat jumps for 20 seconds, rested for 10 seconds...and repeated that sequence for 4 minutes. Sounds short and sweet, right? I was ready to take a medicine ball to the face after minute 3. My pace was about 1 squat jump per that was 160 squat jumps in 4 minutes. Next time any of you complain about 3 sets of 12 squat jumps, I will probably take your medicine ball and get on your you can experience the weight of my rear and me yelling in your ear as you do your measly 12 jumps. Needless to say, I was thankful that was the end of quads...for 6 days at least.
So, I ate some green beans and salsa with my fish yesterday, and I thought I was going to explode. Its like I can look at a vegetable and it will immediately give me gas. I'm not kidding. In college I went to the emergency room because the on-campus doctor thought I had appendicitis. I couldn't stand up, I could hardly breathe, and in severe pain.....SEVEN HOURS LATER they discover that its just trapped gas. Let's just say the parents were not happy to receive that particular medical bill. The rule after that episode was that if I have any type of pain...even if its in my right eye, to go to the bathroom. Thanks mom and dad....I can see it now, "no, no doctor, its not a tumor....there's a 99% chance its just gas...just stand back and don't light a match." Wow, ok enough about that...
Today's workout:
Squats 4 x 10
Leg extension 4 x 10
Leg press 4 x 10-12
Squat jumps - Tabata style
Slow narrow grip push-ups (military style) 3 x 12/failure
Tricep pressdown using lat bar 4 x 10
Single arm cable extension 3 x 10 each arm (SLOW)
Glad to be done. Anymore of that and I might have lost my religion. I am pleased though that my strength has pretty much been constant over the last few weeks. Its been a mental and physical push for sure, but that's a given. Perspective is huge. If you go into something thinking it will be a breeze, (knowing that realistically it will not be), then you set yourself up for disappointment. I know this process is not, and will not be a walk in the park. I'll get off my soap box now. I can't be too serious on here....trips me out...
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