Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Walking boldly...

It's 1:00 and I'm about 2 steps away from a nap.  I didn't get to bed as early as I'd hoped last night...I came through the door at 7:20, changed clothes, made my dinner, put laundry away, made my husband's dinner, cleaned up, and before I knew it the clock said 9:30 and I was still standing in the kitchen.  I can't imagine what life will be like when I have kids.  They will have to be self-sufficient by the age of 5 to last in our house...I'll have those jokers changing their own diapers.

Ah yes, Tuesday...you know what that means....SQUATS.  Strange, but I was actually looking forward to doing squats.  Perhaps after doing squats second in my workout instead of first last week, I was ready to get them over with from the start.  As I said in yesterday's post, I am keeping reps a little lower and weight pretty high to maintain strength as I start decreasing my calories.  Thus, my workout began with 5 sets of 8 squats.  I got to set 3 and my legs were getting pretty tired, but I had this thing in my head that I was going to squat 200 pounds today.  Ok, normally when I determine stuff like that its the day before, and so I have 24 hours to mentally prepare myself....AND, it would be on a day when I only have 3 sets instead of 5.  But noooo, I decided to do it on my 5th set of squats.  So I took 2 minutes rest after my 4th set, loaded the bar, and squatted the weight like it was my job.  I wanted to do 200 pounds, so I did.

Here's the thing, those moments are powerful.  When we realize that its not about proving something to another human being, but rather proving something to ourselves.  It's then that we not only gain confidence to push further, but the belief in our capability catches up with our actual ability.  Its amazing to me that I have clients that want me to be proud of them for accomplishing something in the gym.  The truth is, I already know they are capable....I'm just opening a door for them to experience true struggle and success, and ultimately believe in themselves.  Then, all of a sudden they cannot hide under the comfortable shelter of self-doubt and fear...but can, and must face the world boldly.  And this is reason #1 why I love my job...

Today's workout:
Squats 5 x 8
Single leg, leg press 3 x 8 each
Leg extension 4 x 10
Overhead rope extension 3 x 10
Lat bar press-down 3 x 10
Single arm tricep extension on cable 3 x 10 each

Well, I've got a few minutes for a quick nap and then on to my afternoon... My challenge to you today:  The next time you are in the gym and doing an exercise, bump up the weight on the last set.  Buckle down, know that you will complete the set...then do it....and relish the sense of accomplishment afterward.  You are worth it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The first 24...

Its definitely Monday...back to the grind.  I was honestly ready to get back to a routine.  From Thursday to Sunday it was family, shopping, decorating, and trying to catch up on some sleep.  Let the family-detox process begin.  During the holidays its like this constant see-saw of feelings regarding family.....one minute you're like "ok, these people are pretty cool, I can handle this for a few hours" to "oh dear God, what kind of pollutant leaked into our gene pool?!"  Either way, its an adventure.

Saturday night was in bed by 8:15 and slept for over 10 hours.  I haven't done that since college...and my reasons for doing it then are pretty much unacceptable.  Yeah, lets not go there.  I took Saturday completely off, and then went for a 40 minute jog on Sunday.  It was chilly, but bearable.  I would honestly rather run in 95 degree heat than run when its below 55.  There's just something to be said for being able to actually feel your face while doing something that is already not very fun.  The time went by fairly quickly so that was a relief.

So, I topped out at a little over 133 pounds.  I'd hoped to get to 135 by the time I needed to start cutting, but I will settle for a 21 pound bulk.  Today was officially day 1 of my cutting diet.  The afternoons are going to be the hardest.  I hit a wall from about 2:30-4:30 when I am ready to set the treadmill at 12 mph and just lay my face on the belt.  Perhaps a little extreme, but you get the picture.  I'm starting my calories only about 250 below my maintenance so that when I start to plateau, I have room to drop them as needed.  My last resort will be more cardio.  My fat loss will be at a slugs pace simply because I'm pretty lean to begin with.  I will be surprised if I lose more than 9 pounds before time to go on stage.  Hard to believe that the last time I placed well at this show I was on stage at 108 pounds.  What a waif...

Today's workout was great.  For my big, compound movements I am keeping the reps a little lower and the weight as heavy as possible.  My shoulders and biceps were shot.  Mission accomplished.

Behind the neck BB shoulder press 4 x 8
High rope row/ss "V" DB press 4 x 8 of each
Bent arm DB raises 3 x 10
Front DB raise 3 x 10
Sit-ups, legs on bench 3 x 15
leg lifts 3 x 15
Oblique crunches on ball 2 x 20
Cross-body DB curls 4 x 8 each
Straight bar curls 3 x 10
Alternating incline curls 3 x 8 each

Just popped a B-12 pill like a PEZ....I am desperate for some energy right now.  Full afternoon, then home for the night....hear that?  That's the bed calling my name....

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Last Supper

Yes, I am still alive.  Its been 3 days since I've blogged and I could probably write a book tonight about random experiences in and out of the gym over the past few days.  I'm sure everyone has a few classic family stories from Thanksgiving....tons of food...dysfunctional family members crammed in one house for an extended period of time.....its a youtube video waiting to happen.  My favorite moment was walking into our first stop on the family-bonding-train, to find my cousin walking around with football shoulder pads on like he was about to tackle anyone that looked at him wrong.  I forgot my helmet....I didn't get the memo...

Surprisingly, I didn't go completely nuts on Thanksgiving as far as eating goes.  It was technically my "last big splurge meal" before my hardcore dieting begins, but I honestly had no desire to gorge myself with foods that would ultimately irritate my stomach and leave me feeling like crap.  Sure I had a few things I don't normally eat, but I only went over my calorie needs by about 300.  Not too bad for a holiday.  I burned that off this morning shopping all over God's creation starting at 4:00 a.m...
Speaking of, what a circus....all the idiots and consumers who normally hibernate the other 364 days of the year, were out this morning.  It was insane.  Once again I was reminded that common sense is not so common, some people should just stay in bed at least until 10, and one size does not fit all... If you are remotely claustrophobic or have anger-management issues, Black Friday is not for you.

Well, let's move on to workouts.  Yesterday I just did moderate cardio for 40 minutes, and today I had chest and hamstrings/glutes.  Today's workout was tough because I'd been awake since 3:15.  I was pooped, but I made it, and it felt great to be done.  For the first time I looked in the mirror and was pretty satisfied with my size.  I've worked hard to pack on 21 pounds over the last year and a half.  And now its time to cut-up.  Whew...let the games begin!

Incline DB press 4 x 10
Flat DB press 3 x 10
DB flys 3 x 10
Y-raise with rotation 3 x 10
Wide push-ups to failute 2x
Walking lunges 4 x 25 yards
SUMO squats 4 x 12
Hamstring curls on machine 3 x 10
Hamstring pull-backs 3 x 12

I am sitting here eating left over turkey while my husband is eating a Papa John's pizza with 4 different toppings.  What is wrong with this picture?!  Eh, I'm too tired to even comment further.  I am looking forward to a good nights sleep...assuming no text messages at 12:30 in the morning.  You know who you are, and thank you for interrupting my beauty rest....now the whole world will pay.  Ok I'm kidding...

Night folks!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mixing it up

Wednesday night cannot come soon enough.  When I can drive home knowing I don't have to get up early Thursday morning.  I am exhausted.  I fell asleep sitting straight up in a chair right after my workout.  I can pretty much fall asleep anywhere during anything....just ask my college professors.  It's probably worse now that I am completely drained by the end of the day.  So when I finally get a chance to sit down, I'm totally worthless at that point. Sitting here typing this is such a tease...my eyes are heavy and my legs are slowly falling asleep.  Excellent....a few more minutes and I will be glued to this seat.

I had some great conversations with clients this morning...ranging in topic from coping with family functions during the holidays, to the absurd amount of money we spend as a country protecting people from their own stupidity.  Both subjects get me a little fired up.  Its probably a good thing I was not on the debate team.  I'd be kicked out within the first 5 minutes for either throwing something or explaining that a debate was pointless because I was right and that there is such thing as absolute truth and that was one of them.  I think my blood pressure increased quite a bit as the morning progressed.

My workout was good.  I had quads and core.  I decided to do leg press first before squats, and after set 3 I wasn't sure it was a great idea.  Squats were harder than normal after that (understandably), but my legs were already to the point where I couldn't flex them.  Mixing things up is good, but geez...I was hating life by the time I got to leg extensions. 

Leg press  4 x 12
Squats 4 x 12
Leg extensions 4 x 10...last set drop set
Sit-ups on ball with resistance band 3 x 15
Oblique crunches on decline 3 x 10 each
Ab roll on stability ball 3 x 10

Few more hours and then home....ready to sleep.  Its been a good day.  I gotta get ready for tomorrow...full day, first ZUMBA class, and then a back workout.  If I don't bust a hip in ZUMBA I'll be good to go.....we'll see...

Monday, November 22, 2010

all that POWER

I could crawl in bed right now and be out like a light in about 2 minutes tops.  I will sleep like a champ tonight.  This morning I decided to go into freak-out mode around 3:45.  I was so paranoid that I would oversleep that I didn't really fall back asleep until it was time to get rolling at 4:30.  Next time your alarm goes off at 6 and you want to curse, I'm already at work....so stop.  There are many things your body can get used to, but getting up that early shouldn't be one of them....

Weekend was good...took Saturday off and then did about 35 minutes of moderate cardio on Sunday.  I worked on my ZUMBA routine for class this Wednesday.  My husband came downstairs to find me doing a bazillion hip thrusts in the kitchen with my headphones on.  Dude was looking at me like a fat kid looks at a twinkie.....next time I might practice in the garage.  Anyway, I tried to just focus on getting in all my calories and resting.  Check, and check.  Eating was definitely not a problem.  Never is.  I'm like a lean person with an inner fat child or something.  I love to eat, and always have.  Which will make this whole dieting process interesting to say the least.  Part of me actually does not want to go overboard on Thanksgiving even though I technically can if I want.  I'm mentally at a different place though.....game on.

I think the key is not necessarily having the will to do it, but rather, its the power behind the will.  Sounds a little cliche, but when you can mentally get to a state where the struggle to practice the will is not a struggle at all, THAT is a strong place.  That's power into practice.  Don't get me wrong, there will be days that are hard, but only tough physically...tired, sore, perhaps hungry, but when the focus and the drive are there, the former are simply inconveniences...not breaking points.

My workout today was great.  I felt strong, engaged, and slightly awkward (as I was the only one lifting with my shirt on....thank you Brian and Chad).  Guys trip me out with that....as if they are able to physically lift more weight if the world can see their nipples.  I may be wrong, but I don't think it works that way.  Otherwise strippers would completely dominate the strong-man competitions. 

Behind the neck shoulder press 4 x 10
Alternating shoulder press - hands in neutral 3 x 10 each
Heavy bent arm lateral raises/ss shoulder circles 3 x 10 each movement
Front DB raises 3 x 10-12
Alternating DB curls 4 x 10 each
Underhand lat pull-down 4 x 10

Shoulders were on fire by the end...it was great.  Biceps couldn't flex after the last set....successful workout.  I measured my biceps the other day...1.5 inches bigger than over a year ago.  That's huge.  Go Mer. 

Ready for some dinner and some down time.  I've met my word limit for the day (good thing for my husband)...I am DUN. 

Friday, November 19, 2010


I think my body hates me.  I needed some good sleep, and being Friday, I could have slept in until 8 if I wanted.  But nooo, my eyes sprung open at 4:30 like a gun went off.  I laid there dosing in and out of sleep until 6:15 and finally got up.  By that time I was simply annoyed by my inability to sleep past 5 am like a normal human being.  By 9:30 I had already cleaned the majority of my house, paid bills, did a load of laundry, answered a few emails, and read the comics.  "Multi-task" is my middle name.  I know, I have a few other names as well...

Even after all that and 3 cups of coffee, I still felt tired.  Honestly, it was a lot of stress that had to do with other things.  Anyway, I was looking forward to my workout as an "escape" if you will.  Well, I wish it was.  I was so irritated by all the emotional baggage I brought in the gym today.  It definitely affected my workout and now I am physically and emotionally drained.  Sometimes it is extremely hard, but its so important to leave everything at the door.  Today I lugged in my baggage like a nomad.  Ugh,...

I had chest, hamstrings, and core today.  My back and shoulders were so sore this morning, and I considered putting off lifting chest until Sunday.  But then I knew I'd be sitting in church on the verge of cursing just knowing that I had a heavy workout later.  Something about that just seemed so wrong.  I pushed through, and 2 of my lifts actually went up in weight.  I was pleased with that.  My pecs are pretty darn strong.  Yes, I said pecs...
Its quite comical that there are so many boob jobs among competitors.  I mean, these women are anywhere from 9-11% body fat and yet have these boulders sitting on their chest.  Like no one's gonna be suspicious of a woman with a perfect 6-pack and yet has a set of x-rated knockers.  I'm not against their decision to do it, but some are ridiculously bad....

Enough about that...

Today's workout:
Flat DB press 3 x 10
45* incline press 4 x 8-10
Cable flys(10x)/ss wide push-ups to failure  3 sets
Slow SUMO squats 4 x 12
Walking lunges 3 x 25 yards
Hamstring curls on machine 4 x 10
Hamstring curls/glute raise on slideboard...12-15
Lunge jumps 3 x 24

I wish I could relax tonight, but I seriously need to get on my game for teaching a new class next week.  I start teaching ZUMBA on Wednesday.  Yes, I was born to lift weights,...but I was also born to shake what my mama gave me.  My hips are out of control so this class should be fun.  Between ZUMBA and the hip-hop class, I might make my debut on MTV....or Youtube...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

SOLID as a rock

I woke up and honestly thought I'd been awaken from the dead.  I immediately assumed it was going to be a long, slow day.  Then something clicked halfway through my caffeine fix and I was all jacked up and ready for anything.  I had one of those mornings where you are truly reminded that what you do matters and impacts lives.  It made my day more than I can possibly explain.  To watch a client finally "get it" is tremendously gratifying...and those moments are a huge reason why I love what I do.

So I got on the scale today....lets just say I can apparently just look at a creatine container and put on size.  Two pounds in two weeks and strength gains along the way.  Perfect.  I was telling a client this morning how amazing the whole concept of gaining muscle and changing your body composition truly is.  Sometimes we get caught up in the scale # way too much.  I mean, if that's all that matters then I am technically "overweight" for my height. HA.  Here's something to chew on.....over the past 2 years I have put on 22 pounds, but my waist has only increased 1 inch, and I've only gone from a size 0 to a size 2.  Come on folks, stop worrying about weight so much. 

Today's workout was intense.  I had back and shoulders (mainly detail work for my shoulders).  My traps are out of control....  It looks like I am about to tackle someone.....and I might, who am I kidding?!  My workout was good, and the shoulder pain that I've experienced all week seems to have subsided a little.  Yeah, I forgot to mention that after Monday's workout.  I must have strained my left shoulder because it was killing me Tuesday morning.  It hurt to drive, reach over my head...pretty much everything.  Blah.....no excuses.  I just tried not to think about it.

Wide grip pull-ups 4 x 8-10
Lat pull-down 3 x 10
Bent over BB row 4 x 10
Rear flys 3 x 12
Hyperextensions 3 x 12
Shoulder series: Y press, lateral pulse raises, BB press

I tell ya, you don't realize how much you weigh until your pull'n that tank UP!  Great workout...great day...ready for the weekend though.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Out Cold

My body is demanding more rest.  Last night I was in bed by 8:15...and I honestly could have gotten under the covers an hour earlier, but I inevitably got stuck on facebook reading some of the worst status messages known to man.  Mother of 3, working, and yet still has time to update her status every 3 hours.  Really?!  She's updating her facebook page and meanwhile little Johnny is sticking his fingers in the wall sockets.  Anyway, I sat there for like 30 minutes before I had energy to actually get up and get in bed. 

I seriously don't know how I am going to be when its time to lower my calories.  I'm already pretty tired, and could eat a horse by 5:00 each day.  I think the creatine has affected my appetite a little.  Basically, I could eat every hour.  Thanksgiving might be an all-out woman vs. food war.  Odds are woman will win...as long as I wear spandex pants.  On serious holidays you can't wear restrictive clothing.  And if you own maternity pants you are ahead of the game.  Needless to say, I am looking forward to enjoying a few last treats before the war-on-fat begins soon after.  I'm still in the process of finalizing my diet plan.  Details, details, details....down to the teaspoon.  I want to cut calories gradually and avoid excess cardio like the plague.  Cardio is always the last resort when it comes to competing and fat loss.  First goal is always to maintain as much muscle as possible....second goal is not to kill anyone while eating only about 40g carbs a day. 

I only had cardio today...which was nice...sorta.  I walked on an incline for 50 minutes focusing on squeezing my glutes as much as possible the entire time.  It literally felt like someone lit a match under my rearend.  It was great.  It felt good to be done though.  And now I am in much need of a nap...I am cranky....yeah, imagine that.  I know some of you are sitting there wondering how my husband deals with me.  I get it.  I'll probably find out one day the whole baseball thing was a scam and he just needed to get away for 6 months of the year.  A patient, patient man...

Well, I think I might forgo the nap and just go get a caffeine fix...I got a rush just thinking about it.  Full afternoon and then home to rest.... Big lifting day tomorrow...pretty pumped already!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Certified Extremist

Completely spent...

It's Tuesday and feels like a Thursday afternoon at about 4:00 when I seriously contemplate banging my head against the wall.  I figure it will either knock me out, or wake me up...both of which would be fine.  I am so ridiculous, I know.  I like to think of myself as an extremist....sounds better than type A with a bend towards negativity.

Today's workout was hard and heavy. [Insert comment from Michael Scott here].  Seriously though, I felt like I JUST did squats a couple of days ago.  Probably because my quads were sore last week from Wednesday to Sunday.  Absurd.  The good news is that I didn't feel nauseous until the end of my workout instead of mid-way through.  I had to utilize the 'ol pre-lift "bounce" though.  You meat-heads know what I'm talking about.  Its when you're getting ready to do a set, but stand back and get yourself psyched by bouncing up and down, maybe even doing quick breaths to get the adrenaline flowing a bit.  I bounced before my last set of squats long enough to get a little dizzy and question my sobriety.  I'm honestly amazed at how much the intensity of my workouts has changed since deciding to compete.  Not that they were not tough before, but now that I have a goal and more accountability, I'm pushing myself much harder.  Some days its easier to push than others....but thats life.

Squats 5 x 8-10
Leg extension 4 x 10
Single leg press 4 x 10 each
Back loaded squat jumps 3 x 12
Tricep press on dip machine 4 x 12
Single arm kickbacks with rotation 3 x 12 each
Reverse tricep extension on cable 2 x 15

Dreary day...a few hours to go and then I'm home to SIT...yes, just sit.  At the end of the day, I just want to sit...and for a few moments imagine that I can actually feel my legs...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Going deaf

Back in the gym.... It was a great weekend, and I was able to catch up on some sleep and enjoy time away from my normal hectic weekend schedule.  When I got back, it was endless grocery shopping, chicken cooking, and laundry.  I think I set a record for fastest trip through super Wal-mart and Sam's Club.  I was running people over with my cart like it was the Daytona 500.  I understand people want to enjoy the whole shopping experience, but I swear I get behind every person that apparently has no groceries in their house and must stock up on EVERYTHING at one time...while trying to keep up with 5 kids on a sugar high.  I almost ran over a 6 year old in the meat department...seriously, the kid leashes should be mandatory in Wal-mart.

Anyway, it felt good to get back into a routine today.  I was ready to lift heavy.  I had shoulders/biceps today and was pleased with my workout for the most part.  My barbell shoulder press went up in weight, as did my DB curls.  Its like I've had a surge of strength here lately...probably the music.  I think the louder and angrier the music, the heavier I lift.  I'm gonna be deaf by the time I'm 30.

Standing BB shoulder press 4 x 8
Upright BB row/ss kneeling high rope row 3 x 10 each
Bent arm DB raises 4 x 10
Front DB raises 4 x 10
Alternating DB curls 4 x 8 each
Underhand grip bicep pull-down 4 x 10
EZ bar curls to failure/15 - 2x

Looking forward to an early evening and some more sleep.  If sleeping were an Olympic event, I'd be a gold medalist...EVERYDAY.  Happy Monday folks...grab life by the horns.

Friday, November 12, 2010


It's amazing how easily we get addicted to our own hectic schedule and adrenaline.  We left for the beach this morning and arrived by lunch.  I was on the couch and asleep less than an hour later.  Getting away from my typical daily grind and business haven proven to be something we both needed.  On some level, my brain and body are so confused and a little uncomfortable with no to-do list or set schedule.  My OCD is craving a fix.  But honestly, I need some down time.  Like I can finally breathe for a little while.  The ride down here was so funny at times.  Hearing my husband go off about sports issues is hilarious....we're probably the only couple who talk about how much weight we can squat and how to engage more core/glutes, for a 30 mile stretch down the highway... A little ridiculous I know.

Then we started analyzing the difference in college/amateur athletes and professional athletes and concluded that the answer is consistency.  That's the difference.  The talent and potential can be there...the ability can be there...but if you're inconsistent, you'll never make it.  But what produces consistency?  Practice is only part of the equation.  It's valuing every aspect of training,...every rep, every set, all that culminates to making someone great at whatever sport they pursue.  I think too often we put more emphasis in one area or another and neglect the overall balance that must exist.  Attention to every detail...because every detail is important.  Ok, I'll stop preaching now...but it definitely got me thinking about my own journey back to competing.  I look back to my last two shows over 4 years ago, and I just honestly was not focused on the details like I should have been.  I hate it, but it is what it is and now I've learned....

Well, I decided to take today off.  Actually, my body decided for me.  If you asked me to do anything that involved moving my legs faster than a measly walk, I might hurt you...or just say no.  I am still very sore and just plain tired.  I might go for a jog tomorrow...but only if I get some good sleep tonight.  Right now its not looking too good.  The couple staying in the condo next to us is on their honeymoon, completely drunk, and have been blasting music like a frat party for the past 9 hours.  This could be a long weekend to say the least.... My chair is vibrating as I type.

We went out to dinner tonight, and I downed some salmon like it was my last meal.  Its funny when I order...the waiters hate me and probably spit on my food in the back.  I order everything the exact opposite of how its supposed to be prepared, with sauces on the side, etc etc... The glaze on the salmon was definitely not olive oil....it was probably saliva.

Calling it a day....Cardio tomorrow and Sunday, then back to the gym on Monday.  Can't wait.

Success is in the details...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Long day

Its 9:45 and I am struggling to keep my eyes open.  It was a long day...physically...emotionally...to say the least, and ended with me too exhausted to laugh out loud while watching The Office...even with a much anticipated "that's what she said" comment.  After 4 straight days of weights, by body is extremely sore and needs rest.  My quads are pretty much useless right now, and my back feels like I was flogged in my sleep.  What a word..."flogged"...doesn't even sound pleasant.

Anyway, I had chest/triceps/core today and felt great throughout the entire workout.  My flat DB bench press went up in weight, as did my incline press....so I was pleased.  Doesn't take much to make my day I guess...

Flat DB bench press 4 x 10
Incline DB press 4 x 10
DB fly/ss front DB raises 3 x 10 each
Wide push-ups to failure  2x
Tricep press-down 4 x 12
Bench dips 3 x 12-15
Sit-ups, legs extended 4 x 15
Decline oblique crunches 3 x 20

Not much to elaborate on right now....I can hardly see straight.  Need some beauty rest....might sleep until December.  Night night.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Growing pains

Got some good sleep...thank God.  Four cups of coffee later and I was ready for anything...maybe.  I was actually looking forward to my leg workout today.  I know, the world must be coming to an end because that never happens.  But I was pretty pumped.  Maybe I drank enough coffee to be sort of caffeine-drunk so I wasn't thinking clearly.  I remember I did that once in college and couldn't see straight during an exam....I think I got a pity passing grade.  O well, I'll take it.  Anyway, I only had 45 minutes to fit in my workout so I felt like I was flying through everything with no time to catch my breath.  It was good, but thought I would throw up a couple of times.  Honestly, there were a couple of times during lunges that my body wanted to just stop.  Not an option.  My last 3 sets of squats went up in weight...10lbs from last week.  Thought I was either gonna give birth or pop a blood vessel by the last set... I look forward to a normal lifting schedule next week.  Where hump day will simply be hump day and NOT on-the-verge-of-vomit-because-of-squats day...

Squats 5 x 8-10
Leg press 4 x 10
Walking lunges 3 x 25 yards
Hamstring curls on machine 4 x 10
Hamstring pull-backs 3 x failure

Surprisingly, I don't have much to vent about today.  Shocking, I know.  Oh, but don't worry...there are still several hours left in the day for someone or something to send me over the edge.  Overall, its been a great day....thank you all who contributed to it...you rock :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Would you rather...

Sitting in Barnes & Noble staring at the Starbucks counter and seriously contemplating putting my mouth under the coffee dispenser.  Second degree burns are worth the caffeine, right?  Eh...I'll just sit here and enjoy my 1846th protein shake of my life and dream of peanut m&m's.  Right now my fantasies involve a lot of edible items....there's got to be a support group for that.  Actually, my cravings have been bearable, but I know that will soon change.  By the end of January I might stare you down like you're right arm is a peanut butter covered slice of goodness.  Only be worried if I start drooling...

I got plenty of sleep last night and yet this morning it was like I'd been awaken out of a coma.  I woke up face-down in my pillow.  You know those mornings....where it looks like you need to take an iron to your face even an hour after you're up because the sheets left some pretty intense marks from your forehead to your chin.  Yeah, it was one of those mornings.  My face looked like an origami project.  It was a slow start this morning, but I survived and made it through a tough workout.  I had to switch up my normal lifting schedule this week since I am going out of town Friday.  Today I lifted back...which means tomorrow is death by legs.  Ever played that game "Would you rather"?  Great game...someone asks a question, "would you rather...." and then gives 2 options, both of which are equally good/bad, and you must choose one or the other.  Well, if you were to ask me if I'd rather lift only legs for an entire workout session or get punched in the face...some days I would rather get punched in the face.  Tomorrow might be one of those days.  It will be hard and the weights will be heavy...whew, I may need a little mental prep before this one.

Anyway, my workout went really well today.  A couple of my lifts actually went up, which is always good.  I've got a few more weeks to expect slight increases in strength and size, so I've got to really utilize every set, every rep.  Speaking of, since the date of the show was a little later than I once thought, I've decided to sneak in a creatine cycle.  I'll take it for about 4-5 weeks and see if I can put on maybe a tad more muscle before the calories drop.  Sometimes I swear I can look at creatine and my thighs will grow.  We'll see what happens.  If I'm complaining about having to buy bigger shirts because of my shoulders, you'll know it was a success. 

Bent over BB row 5 x 8-10
Wide grip lat pull-down 4 x 10
Single arm DB row 3 x 10 each arm
Cable row 3 x 10
Rear flys on incline bench 3 x 12
hyperextensions (slow) 3 x 15

Pooped.  Need to be in bed tonight by 9 or earlier.  Would you rather question of the day:
Would you rather be stuck in a room for 2 days with the person you dislike the most where only they are allowed to speak, or walk a marathon right now in clown shoes?

...I'd be walking baby...48 hours is way too long to jeopardize my sanity...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Born ready

Monday already?!...Weekend flew by, and now its another Monday to Friday grind.  I ended up taking Saturday completely off and just focused on getting enough calories and just resting my body.  I passed out in the recliner by 5:00 and stayed there until it was feeding time again.  Sounds like I live in a barn.  I basically do.
Sunday morning came early despite getting an extra hour of sleep.  I had to do my sprints first thing because my day was packed with church, baby shower, errands, etc...Fact is that you make time for whats important.  Thus, I was on the treadmill with Kanye West yelling in my ear by 6:15 in the morning.  I'd forgotten what it felt like to sprint right when you wake up.  Death,...that's what it feels like.  I felt disoriented and borderline hungover, and I haven't drank anything in weeks.  It was a rough start...and I truly did not feel like I was in any "rhythm" until about 20 minutes in.  And by that point my quads felt like they'd packed on 10 pounds overnight.  35 minutes of sprints on Sunday morning was a mental and physical battle every step of the way.  By the time I went to church, I had even more to repent for...

I was ready to lift today.  Ok, yes I love to lift weights and am basically ready everyday.  I was born ready to throw around weights like a hacky sac.  It was a great workout.  Shoulders, Biceps, and core.  By the time I was at the end of biceps, I was pretty sure my heroine vein was going to explode.  I call it my heroine vein because it sticks out as if I've been shooting up like a pro since I was 12.  It was great.  I've never been extremely vascular, so when the veins become more prominent, that's a good sign.  Shoulders were hard today.  I looked up some of the top women from last years competition, and not gonna lie, it got me a little paranoid about my shoulders.  I forgot that when you compete in a federation that does not test for roids, some of the women are just plain JACKED.  At 132, I better hope I don't go on stage any lower than 122lbs.  I will look like a rail.  A solid 125 will be good.  And so help me God if I lose my butt...that's the money maker baby.

Alternating DB shoulder press 4 x 8 each arm
High rope row/ss BB press 3 x 10 each
Front DB raises/ss bent arm DB rasies  4 x 10 each
Underhand bicep pull-down  4 x 10
Standing EZ bar curls  3 x 10
Alternating incline DB curls 3 x 8-10 each arm
Sit-ups, legs on bench (slow) 4 x 12
Leg lifts 3 x 15
Plank roll on stability ball 3 x 12

I can already tell this afternoon is going to be long.  My eyes are heavy and I could take some coffee straight to the face right now.  Instead, I'll probably suck it up, yell at a few clients, and look forward to the ginormous chicken breast I will eat for dinner....double D...

Friday, November 5, 2010

ALWAYS Pushing

So, I've had a few people ask if there's ever a time when I don't push myself to the point that I feel like crap, (the nice way of putting it), during/after a workout.  Well,...the answer is honestly no.  Perhaps my perspective on working out is not that of the average person trying to get in shape (shocker I know), but seriously folks, its called a WORKout for a reason.  It should be work, it should be hard, you should even be a little ticked off halfway through it knowing that you're only halfway through it.  If it were easy and fun all the time America would not be a sea of obese laziness.  What blows my mind is why would you not work as hard as you possibly can??  If you can lift the 40lb dumbells, why are you lifting the 30's?  If you can do one more push-up to get to failure, why not??  I think its a combination of a few things...1) You honestly don't think you can or ultimately know what you are capable of,  2) It's easier to be "comfortable" than struggle and ultimately raise expectations for yourself, and/or  3) Fear....of succeeding and failing (and ironically, a person's definition of failing in the weightroom is often times completely wrong).  How about for once we throw all that out the window and let ourselves prove TO OURSELVES how strong and mentally tough we really are.  It will transcend other areas of your life and ultimately rock your world my friend. 

On to today's workout....yes, I was totally SPENT afterwards.  Shoot, I was struggling 20 minutes in.  I decided to do hamstrings/glutes before chest (usually I do the opposite)....well, I lived and learned.  Big mistake.  I was exhausted after my lower body exercises and still had 14 sets of chest to do.  I looked down at the 'ol pecs for a little pep-talk.  Apparently, they didn't have much to say back.  Had to get through it....and I did.  I kept the weight as heavy as possible throughout, and was pleased with my workout by the end.  THAT is what makes it fun....knowing you gave it your all, and being one step closer to a goal.

Today's workout:
DB sumo squats 4 x 12
Hamstring curls on machine 4 x 10
Hamstring pull-backs on slideboard 3 x 15
Walking lunges 3 x 25 yards
Flat DB press 4 x 10
Incline DB press 4 x 10
DB flys 3 x 12
Wide push-ups to failure 3x

Great to be done.  I can't decide if I want to take tomorrow or Sunday off.  I usually decide after 3 cups of coffee.  If I decided before that, there would be no working out...or anything for that matter.  Heaven help you if you ever call before that caffeine hits my lips...you might reconsider our friendship....or I might reconsider our friendship...

One more client and then home for the weekend.  I'll take some Nyquil tonight and hopefully achieve coma-like sleep and be ready to rock-n-roll tomorrow.  I'm a machine...but sometimes I need a little WD40 ;)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Not a ball-shagger...

Today was more of a struggle than I thought it would be.  I was extremely tired this morning because I stayed up until almost 11:00 last night (dumb on my part, and for no good reason).  Going into my workout I honestly felt pretty good and ready to go. But after my second set of pull-ups I got frustrated because I felt weaker and just couldn't find my zone or something.  Its just like anything else in life,...some days are better than others....some days you bring your A game, and other days it looks like you should be the team manager and shag balls.  I get it.  Sorry, but I'm not ok with being a "ball-shagger"...

By the end of my second exercise my workout seemed to flow a little better.  I decided to do a little bit of shoulder work at the end, and might regret it if they are extremely sore tomorrow when I am supposed to lift chest.  I'm a little paranoid about my shoulder size right now.  In past competitions they were definitely a weak point, and I certainly do not want that to be the case this go-round.  Had a promising moment last night when I went to try on a suede jacket that I've owned for a few years and I looked like I could have starred in Tommy Boy when he does the "fat man in a little coat" dance... One wrong move and I would have cut off the circulation in my arms.  Needless to say that jacket will be going to Good Will asap, and I will be shopping from the big and tall department.

Today's workout:
Wide grip pull-ups 4 x 10
Lat bar pull-down 3 x 10-12
Bent over BB row 4 x 10/ss hyperextensions 4 x 12
Single arm lat pull-down 3 x 10 each
Rear flys on bench 3 x 12 (slow and light)
Heavy bent arm lateral raises  4 x 10
Overhead BB press/ss front raises  3 x 10-12 each

Alright folks, day 3 of lifting down for the week...one more to go.  Tonight I will cheering on the 'ol Duke Blue Devils, and probably going through chicken-withdrawals for the few hours we'll be at the game...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bringing sexy back

Wide awake at 4:15...then 5...then 5:15...feet finally hit the floor at 5:30.  I could have slept in this morning until 6, but my body had other plans.  It always has other plans.  The good news was that I didn't have any lifting today...the bad news was I still had to do sprints on the treadmill.  After yesterday's workout, I could hardly fully extend my legs.  And flexing my quads is completely out of the question for the next few days.  Touching them is slightly painful.  I feel like I've got that fibromyalgia crap...which, I'm sorry, I don't believe in.  We just love to come up with new names for conditions we think we have to get medication.  Got a medication for Stupid?.....because that seems to be an epidemic...

Anyway, my sprints went well.  I mean, I got through them.  I did 35 minutes total.  5 min warm-up, then 4 minute rounds of 20 sec on, 10 off...walk 2 min...repeat 5 times.  I discovered that my heart is a machine (yeah, as if you didn't already know this).   During each 4 minute bout, my heart rate got up to 197, but after the first 60 seconds of walking it was already back down to 120.  SO, that means I need to decrease the active rest time between the sprint series....yay.  Every step my legs were reminding me how sore they were.  I was thankful though that the time went by quicker than I expected it to.

Had many laughs this morning with clients...I could write a book about the many weird/funny conversations I've had while training people.  It would probably have a parental advisory sticker on the front. 

Ok, on to the rest of my day....more peeps, 40 ounces of water to go...and lots of chicken.....my life is so predictable.....definitely fuels the OCD, which I am completely ok with...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Squat what?!!

Sitting down right now is a small dose of heaven.  My quads are shot and I still feel slightly nauseous from today's workout.  I'm used to pushing myself, but today was a whole new level.  By my third set of leg extensions I was burping up oatmeal.  I hope you're eating lunch/dinner when you read this.  Nothing like the taste of cinnamon flavored oats coming up on rep number 6.  Anyway, it was one of the toughest workouts I've had in awhile...where I actually wasn't sure if I could finish a couple of the sets.  It was great, who am I kidding?!  The exercise that truly did me in though, was the series of squat jumps at the end.  I did them Tabata style....meaning that I did squat jumps for 20 seconds, rested for 10 seconds...and repeated that sequence for 4 minutes.  Sounds short and sweet, right?  I was ready to take a medicine ball to the face after minute 3.  My pace was about 1 squat jump per second....so that was 160 squat jumps in 4 minutes.  Next time any of you complain about 3 sets of 12 squat jumps, I will probably take your medicine ball and get on your back....so you can experience the weight of my rear and me yelling in your ear as you do your measly 12 jumps.  Needless to say, I was thankful that was the end of quads...for 6 days at least.

So, I ate some green beans and salsa with my fish yesterday, and I thought I was going to explode.  Its like I can look at a vegetable and it will immediately give me gas.  I'm not kidding.  In college I went to the emergency room because the on-campus doctor thought I had appendicitis.  I couldn't stand up, I could hardly breathe, and in severe pain.....SEVEN HOURS LATER they discover that its just trapped gas.  Let's just say the parents were not happy to receive that particular medical bill.  The rule after that episode was that if I have any type of pain...even if its in my right eye, to go to the bathroom.  Thanks mom and dad....I can see it now, "no, no doctor, its not a tumor....there's a 99% chance its just gas...just stand back and don't light a match."  Wow, ok enough about that...

Today's workout:
Squats  4 x 10
Leg extension  4 x 10
Leg press 4 x 10-12
Squat jumps - Tabata style
Slow narrow grip push-ups (military style) 3 x 12/failure
Tricep pressdown using lat bar  4 x 10
Single arm cable extension  3 x 10 each arm (SLOW) 

Glad to be done.  Anymore of that and I might have lost my religion.  I am pleased though that my strength has pretty much been constant over the last few weeks.  Its been a mental and physical push for sure, but that's a given.  Perspective is huge.  If you go into something thinking it will be a breeze, (knowing that realistically it will not be), then you set yourself up for disappointment.  I know this process is not, and will not be a walk in the park.  I'll get off my soap box now.  I can't be too serious on here....trips me out...

Monday, November 1, 2010

About 20 weeks to go...

I rolled over in bed this morning, got comfortable, and then about 2 seconds later my alarm goes off.  I don't care how many times you train your body to do so, getting up at 4:30 just never feels normal.  The sad part is that I went to bed at 8:30....I know, some kids were still racking up on candy, and I was down for the count.  I was spent.  All I had was cardio this weekend, but both days left me tired and in much need of extra sleep.  Saturday I did sprints on the treadmill for 35 minutes.  Enough said...I haven't ran like that in months.  My quads and obliques are still extremely sore, which made Sunday's jog suck even more than usual.

I can't believe today is November 1st.  The months are going to fly by at this point.  I need to make sure all my training/nutrition is completely on point.  My "hardcore" dieting will start pretty soon.  I want to give myself a solid 18-19 weeks to diet down, which means I've got 13 days to enjoy one last "treat" until game-on!  By April, I will want to swim in a pool of m&m's and peanut butter.  As one of my friends said, "peanut butter is sex".  Yes, it is...

Today's workout was good...I felt slightly out of focus during shoulders.  Stupid ADD.  I was on key after shoulder press though.

BB shoulder press/ss alternating shoulder press in neutral  4 x 10 each
High rope row 4 x 10
Heavy bent arm lateral raises/ss Y raise (palms down)  4 x 10 each
Lat bar curls 4 x 10
EZ bar preacher curls/ss hammer curls 3 x 10-12 each
sit-ups, legs on bench 4 x 15
Ab roll-in with stability ball  3 x 12
Plank on ball 2 x failure

Let's talk about Halloween for a second.  The costumes were a trip.  MC Hammer came to my door, along with Spiderman, a plethora of princesses, and an 80 year old woman.  No really, an 80 year old woman walked straight up to our door and just held out her bag.  Seriously?!  I was honestly speechless.  But perhaps she falls under the unwritten rules of trick-or-treating....technically, if you are hardly able to walk and wearing a diaper/velcro shoes, you are eligible to go house to house.  Apparently, someone forgot to specify an age limit for the diaper-wearing participants. 

On to the rest of my day...an afternoon full of clients and then home.  I am already looking forward to getting in bed.....probably before 9.