Sunday, May 27, 2012

Shoe Shopping With Ray Lewis

Sunday night sit-down.
I can't believe its Sunday night already and here I am staring at a stack of paper work and a ground turkey concoction that resembles a compost pile.  But oh so good. 

The weekend was pretty low-key,...which was much needed after a long week that began with me leaving my sanity somewhere in the Atlanta airport.  I spent plenty of time organizing, cleaning, and satisfying every OCD need I have.  Speaking of, I cleaned out my closet and got rid of 12 pairs of shoes.  Normally, this would be a big deal for the average wardrobe.  But being the shoe whore I am, it was the equivalent of FEMA sending a blanket to New Orleans. 
Just one. 
And lets be honest, it just made room for more.

And while I'm on the subject of shoes, I had one heck of a retail experience on Saturday.  SO, I'm in DSW (a shoe hoarder's dream), when out of the corner of my eye I see this kid (about 9 or 10 years old) slowly jogging towards the back of the store.  At first, I don't pay much attention because its Saturday and pretty much every store is packed with kids acting like they've never been in public before and immediately feel the need to run, scream, or cry profusely.  But then I notice a second kid apparently chasing him and all of a sudden pulls a Ray Lewis move on kid #1 and takes him out right there in the middle of the store.  Amazingly, no one seemed concerned that an ESPN Top 10 play was taking place, but I didn't move either so I pass no judgment.  Kid #2 (the Assassin), leaps up and runs out of the store, while kid #1 limps behind trying to catch up.  That scene in itself was enough to keep me entertained, but the best part was that the Assassin was decked out in full football attire...uniform, cleats, pads, and helmet.  Kid #1 didn't stand a chance.  He attacked him like a Little Debbie.  THAT'S what made the whole thing hilarious, and being that no one was bleeding, I didn't feel too bad about not doing anything. 
I was just mad I didn't have my camera ready.

Well, cardio was bearable this weekend, but I am definitely looking forward to weights tomorrow.  I'll hit chest and biceps.  Then its pool time where I'll probably witness more child madness and be popping birth control like Pez by 3pm.  Nothing like an eventful Memorial Day.

Alright, I've got more work to do before bed.  Have a wonderful Monday-vacation people!

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