Friday, May 4, 2012

Let The Parties Begin...

Friday morning and I'm sitting down to my plate-o-eggs.  7 egg whites and 1 whole egg to be exact...and realizing that I need a chicken coop asap.  I figure if my neighbor's dog can bark like a circus act around the clock, then what's a few chickens to add to the mind-numbing noise??...

I am still fighting this cold and honestly, its just annoying at this point.  While its not effecting my workouts like it was earlier this week, I still have trouble breathing.  Feeling a little sluggish, but its my day off so I can't complain about a little snot. 

Yesterday was just one thing to the next, and by the time I made it to the grocery store I wanted to fake a bum knee replacement and hop in a riding cart.  I was exhausted.  I didn't even have time during the day to make an actual grocery list, so I had to wing it.  For the record, I HATE doing that.  I am a list slut and my OCD was going crazy to be in there without one.  Some of you are like this and completely understand the anxiety I experienced.  Others of you live in a spur-of-the-moment-list-rebel world that sounds like a small dose of hell to me.  The one thing that drove me nuts in there was the price of avocados.  Last week I paid $2.29 for 1, and this week they were $0.97.  They were probably laced with pesticides and traveled in the same truck as fertilizer.  I was glad to save a little, but its just a tease because I'll probably pay 4 bucks next week. 
Buying fresh and natural can certainly be more expensive, but I'd argue that the health consequences of treating your body like a toilet and feeding it crap will cost you more.  Period.  In one way or another, the cost will be much greater.
Challenge of the day:  throw 3 things out of your pantry.  I don't care if there is still some in the box, you don't need it.  Replace it with real food.  Try something new.  There are a ton of vegetables and fruit in season right now.  If you've never been to a local farm or farmer's market you are missing out on what they are truly supposed to taste like.  Post what you threw out...and don't just say you'll do it later....make a move now. 

Here we go Friday. 
Its the jump start to the weekend and mine is going to be packed.  We are celebrating my precious niece (Haven)'s first birthday.

  I seriously cannot believe she's almost one.  Let the spoiling begin, I mean continue.  Then I've got a 21st birthday celebration the following day.  My guess is that the parties will be slightly different.  Breast milk at one, beer at the other.  THEN, I get to go with my sister in law, mom, and future sister in law to pick out dresses for the wedding.  I just told her not to put me in pink.  I would rebel and probably show up in my birthday suit.  What can I say, I'm all about making memories...

Have a wonderful Friday and stay focused this weekend.  Remember your goals, push yourself, and never settle for average :)

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