Monday, May 14, 2012

Minivan Roadblock

What a day.
It was one of those mornings when I pulled into work and I really didn't have any clue how I got there.  I was immersed in an intense coffee zone that apparently left me oblivious to my surroundings.  Well, except for that minivan site-seeing in the fast lane at a whopping 62mph at 5:15 in the morning.  Unacceptable at any time of day.  Practice merging.  Get over.  Sincerely, EVERYONE on the highway.

My day was one person to the next with a midday self-induced beat down.  I was actually thrilled to have a great workout day.  Being that I had to fit in back, shoulders, core, and cardio, I was trying to just mentally prepared myself.  Shoulders are probably my weaker point, so doing 7 dropsets immediately after an intense back rotation was a weird form of personal abuse.  Good thing I don't like knives.  I managed to keep weights as heavy, but was completely spent afterward.  Monday workout, check.

I had a couple of clients send me pictures of their meals this weekend.  And after last week's conversations and borderline-meltdowns, I was so glad to see them making better choices.  Accountability can work wonders, and I loved it.  But if I had to send pictures of my meals to someone it would just look like repeat photos of cat vomit.  My obsession with texture is baffling...
Seriously though, if you're at the point where you're truly ready to transform your nutrition, HAVE ACCOUNTABILITY.  Weight Watchers is continually the fastest growing weight-loss program primarily for this reason.  Which reminds me, it blows my mind when people post pictures of the crap they eat on Facebook.  If it sends them to the toilet for the next 24 hours, I have no sympathy.  In fact, if it gives them diarrhea it will probably be a good thing. ....I've reached a new level and its not even 9pm....

Quick post.  I'm tired and need to gear up for Tuesday.  My to-do list for tomorrow is beyond what satisfies my OCD need.  I may have anxiety by 10am....or resorted to the head-bang-against-the-wall method. 

Alright people, have a great Monday night and get your mind right for tomorrow!  Night...

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