Thursday, May 24, 2012

Domestic Violence and 9 Buck Coffee

Just sat down to dinner.  House smells like salmon.  Cat going nuts.  This is my Thursday night in a nutshell. 

Last night I went to bed thinking that when the alarm goes off at 4:16 I might just punch someone.  Unfortunately for him, my husband would be the only person within arms reach.  Pretty sure that's domestic violence....even in Mebane. 
I woke up in a fog and stumbled to the bathroom as most people would....sober...before 5am.  It was going to be a long day.

My drive to work proved to be amazing.  Two words: Dunkin Donuts.  No, I'm not referring to the fried dough...even with a sweet tooth, I've never been a big fan of donuts.  Wedding cake = another story.  I am talking about the coffee.  Dear sweet God I was coffee drunk by 5:32am.  I've heard people rave about their coffee, but I've never taken the plunge to try the original blend for 9 bucks.  During the week I keep Maxwell House in business.  BUT, I happen to buy a bag to try.  I had a coupon.  For the record, I used ONE coupon, not 10 or an entire notebook full.  One.  Extreme couponing is horrible.  It angers me more than it should because I always get stuck behind that one nut-job freaking out over saving 40 cents.  Meanwhile, I'm losing seconds off my life watching this circus act as my milk goes bad.  Just know that if you whip out the scrapbook of clippings in the checkout line, everyone pretty much hates you.
I get carried away.
Long story short, the coffee rocked my morning and I was sad when I drank the last sip.  Emotional low point of my day was finishing coffee.....ridiculous.

Workout today was legs and core.  I was pleased with the weights and included several supersets that made me want my mama.  I was a total meathead fest with me, Brian, Garrett, Jacob, and David.  I've never really lifted with females come to think of it.  In college I was always in the back with the guys while the vagina-cardio-convention was held on the elipticals.  They fell victim to the "I'm-going-to-look-like-a-dude-if-I-touch-a-dumbbell" mentality.  Ugh,...I still deal with that sometimes with females even now more than I'd like to.  Its a horrible misconception that leaves women literally running circles trying to get in shape and achieve the physique they desire.  Its crap.  Throw it out.

A client texted me today to tell me her fitness goals for the weekend and her cardio accomplishment of the day.  I was thrilled.  And truly, I was touched that she was excited to tell me.  She is slowly but surely turning her life around and fostering genuine self-love in the process.  Its awesome.  Another highlight of my day.

The last highlight of my day came when I was on the phone with my mom.  She made an analogy involving herpes and I nearly ran off the road.  It was so far from her sense of humor (more like mine honestly), and I laughed until I cried.  I was so proud.  Well done mom, well done.

Friday is almost here and I have big plans of working out, cleaning, and working in my garden.  I will probably say about 5 words all day, which will be fine.  I need some down time.  Have a great night folks and get ready for the weekend. 
I'll have a few words about staying on track Sat-Sun tomorrow....until we meet again....niiiight!


  1. Vagina cardio convention...ha! I'm going to be laughing about that one all day. Sounds as though some of your humor is rubbing off on your mom. I'll never forget the first time I heard mine yell, "DICKHEAD" after someone cut her off on the freeway. It's odd how them gleaning these little bits of information from you instill such pride. :)

    1. Haha, that is funny. I haven't seen my mom lose it in traffic yet,...good thing she doesn't ride with me much. She'd cry.

  2. I just have to tell you....
    Today, I sucked it up and did a "long run." I put on my iPod (with new music to boot), wore a new pair of running socks, woke up early enough to enjoy breakfast in the quietness of my house, and drove to east campus to push for a much needed long run. Though I've struggled these past few weeks with running, today I CHOSE to make it a good one. I was pleasantly surprised by how amazing my body felt and reacted to BOTH the hills and the added distance!! Don't get me wrong, I despise hills almost as much as eating fish, but today was different. My hamstrings kicked into gear on the uphill climbs while my quads quickly followed suit, my brain told me to stop but my legs felt so strong that I didn't need to give in!! My arms felt strong as they helped me pump up the climbs, my core felt stronger to hold me more upright, and all I could think of was, "no kiddin, it's working!!!"

    I managed to run 7 miles and finished with an 8:06 ave pace, so much faster than I have been running the past few weeks! Even though my brain hasn't fully recovered and I still felt the "need" to walk 3 times (short though) to catch my breath, I felt so strong that I left the trail wanting more. I think I've finally gotten over the "wall" that's been standing in my way and these extra workouts are what's pushing me over it.

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

    1. Lora,

      I read this last night at midnight (yes, I was up...crazy), and I was truly excited for you. That feeling is amazing when it all starts to "click"...very cool. And I'm so proud that you just let your body lead you. That's a huge step in itself! We can talk ourselves in/out of anything, but sometimes we just have to tell our minds to shut up and let our bodies just MOVE!
      I'm so glad you had a great run! That one sounds like it was worth waiting for after the last couple of weeks...and what a pace! That's like my 1/2 Ha.
      Great work! And I appreciate all your hard work in the gym, even though I know its not you're ALL works together :)

      Thank you for your kind words! Have a great long weekend!
