Friday, May 11, 2012

Crawling Through Friday...

I just ate enough kale to be regular until Labor Day.
Wow, what a horrible way to begin a blog post.

The odds of me leaving this recliner in the next 3 hours are quite slim.  I am beyond tired....this week kicked my butt, big time.  And it is now day 14 of this head cold.  I was going through so many tissues that I bought 3 boxes of the cheaper kind.  Bad mistake.  I might as well be wiping my face with a post-it.  I quickly discovered there's a reason why Kleenex charges more...BECAUSE ITS BETTER.  Not sure what I was thinking.  I mean, I buy good toilet paper, so why would I buy sub-par tissues for my face?  Why would I treat my bottom better than my face?  And for those of you who still buy 1-ply, your body hates you.  For those of you who buy 3-ply, stop being cocky.  That is completely unnecessary (assuming you're not suffering from dysentery) one deserves 3-ply, sorry.

I practically crawled through my day.
It started at 8am when I got to keep my nieces for a few hours....paint finger primarily make sure I wasn't corrupting my own family members.  Eh, she's 50% my brother,...I'd have to try really hard to further any damage there.  We had a great time, and I was thankful to start of my day with those gals!

After chasing a 1 year old and a 2 1/2 year old, I headed to the gym for a second workout.  I had shoulders and hamstrings/glutes today and barely did any cardio because I was just entirely too drained.  My resting heartrate was well above normal, and my body was just DONE from a very long week.

I think one reason my week felt very long and draining was that I had several intense conversations with female clients, and it was one common theme: I CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE, I HATE THE WAY I LOOK AND FEEL.  We delved deeper into habits, spiral-thinking, and overall self-perception.  There were tears, frustration, and many emotional moments that can only be described as desperation.  As a trainer, you will do them and yourself a disservice if you avoid this stuff.  THIS is the essence of personal training.  Its beyond the exercises, more than the sweat, it is a personal relationship with someone who is trusting you enough to be vulnerable and pushed.  You must seek to understand where they came came from, who they are now, and where they want to go.  I firmly believe that its only then that you can truly help transform someone's life.  Because its more than a physical change.  At some point, a mental switch has to go off.  Not only do they need to value the process, but they must be willing to confront deep-seeded fears and ideologies that served as boundaries for so long.
I love the moment when they stop striving to prove something to ME, but realize they are proving to themselves things they once thought impossible.  Very cool.
As much as possible, each conversation ended with a sense of positive direction.  Its about being proactive.  I am thankful for their willingness to let down some walls with me.  Its a tremendous responsibility.

On a lighter note, I will be in a poolside-coma tomorrow.  The high is 78, clear skies, and after I clean and get cardio out of the way I will grab my floaties and be on my merry way.  I need a quiet, lazy day.  And honestly, I give it about 10 minutes before I'm hit with a soaking wet swoosh ball and have to fight the urge to beam a child with my slider.  Don't feel sorry for them.  These kids play dirty.

Well folks, I'm signing off.  Have a  great Friday night and here's to the weekend!

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