Friday, May 18, 2012

Family Matters

Well, I am officially a few shades darker.
I just spent 4 hours on the beach here in Florida and was frying like a honeybaked ham out there.  Clear blue water, white sand,...nothing like it.  Family Matters is the name of the house...(just in case many of you thought I was going to cover actual family matters).  Definitely not,...I'd get carpal tunnel and bloody fingertips before remotely scratching the surface of any issues.

After running through the airport in heels, sitting through 2 packed flights, and somehow managing to maintain sanity, I was ready for some vacation time.  Out of 13 people, I was the first in bed and the first one up by 6:30 this morning.  My idea of "sleeping in".  Then I was on a hunt for coffee like a true addict.  When I finally found some in the upstairs kitchen you would have thought I found the dern Willie Wonka golden-ticket.  That first sip was heaven.  I downed a couple of cups out on the balcony with my dear friend Katherine, and then I needed to get my butt moving.  If I was going to sit on the beach all day I needed to wear myself out first.  No, I was not thrilled to run, but once I had Eminem blasting in my ear I was pretty much ready for a run...sprint...enter a UFC fight...anything.  Not sure how far I went...maybe 5 miles...dodging cars, strollers, and a few dogs that looked way to similar to their owner.  That creeps me out.  You should never look like an animal that licks its butt and sniffs yours.  Period.  Its not cute.  Its weird.

I am in desperate need of a grocery trip.  I packed what I could...carrots, tuna, turkey burgers, protein, almonds,...but this machine needs fuel.  Ironically, we've got enough alcohol in this house to survive 2 hurricanes and Armageddon, but already ran out of eggs and toilet paper.  Yes, at 2am I was hunting down paper towels because there was no TP.  My life reached a new low point.  Actually, a few hours later everyone was ready to see 'ol Angel Soft.

Yes, it is hard for me to travel and truly relax.  My life is on the go all the time and there is a certain amount of structure that I am used to and need.  I cannot sleep in until 11 and start my day with beer and bagels like a certain someone did this morning.  BUT, I do need rest.  I need a break from my normal this is my attempt at that.  We'll see how this goes...

I've already started the photo sessions so I'll have plenty to post for you folks.  I wanted to start it in the airport yesterday, but I figured many strangers would not appreciate that.  Eh, part of my really didn't care.  The people watching there is phenomenal.  And when a man is standing by the gate wearing a My Little Ponies backpack, corralling 4 daughters on an obvious sugar-high, of course I want a picture.  Life practically castrated him right there at Gate A14.  Unbelievable.

Well, the night festivities are about to begin, which means I should probably start drinking coffee right now to stay awake.  My partying abilities are simply not what they used to be.  In 10 years I'll have to resort to brunches and afternoon throw-downs...

And before I forget, next time I want to cover Having a life AND being fit ....A topic that has come up numerous times over that last week with clients.  Stay tuned!

Here we go...

1 comment:

  1. Waking up and reading your blog this morning was an especially delightful treat. It's always good to get in a few laughs, especially the part about the toilet paper, packing food for vacation and getting accosted at's a relief to know I'm not the only "crazy" out there. Sounds like you've had a great trip so far - I hope you found time to relax and enjoy it! You deserve to live a little. Well, a lot really! Great seeing you the other day...I was sore for days (no joke). It was awesome. :)
