Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Running in Circles

I enjoy looking at the stats on my blog.  I can see where people are reading from, their traffic source, and key words they used to search through Google.  Yesterday, someone typed in "mooning figure" into google and were redirected to my page.  Mooning figure?  Seriously, what were you actually looking for?  Were you sober?  That's bizarre,...but no judgment,...welcome.

After a long Monday, Tuesday hits me like a ton of bricks.  I was able to sleep in about 20 extra minutes, which didn't really matter in the scheme of things since I didn't go to bed until after 10.  Might as well have been 1am.  I woke up face-down in the pillow nearly suffocating and yet completely content to stay in the position for another couple hours.  No such luck.  Scarfed down some egg whites, grabbed my coffee, and was out the door like the bright and chipper morning glory I am.  That's crap......I was just out the door.

So let me finish the thought I started last night before my arthritis flared and I needed to hit the bed...

Two clients pulled me aside after their workout, and I immediately noticed a somewhat discouraged look on their faces.  To make a long story short, they wanted to know why they still suck wind, struggle, and cannot breeze through a workout even after months of training.  HA.  I did have to chuckle a little bit.  (Chuckle is a creepy word by the way).  They explained that they look around the gym and feel like they're the only ones looking like ultimate fighting victims, and wanted to know WHY.
Ok,...first, stop watching others.  Period.  Two people can be doing the exact same workout or work with the same trainer, but you truly will get out of it what YOU put in it.  Yes, there are people that go through the motions and are "working out" but not really pushing themselves.  Their choice.  Not your concern.  Secondly, as you get stronger, recover quicker, become leaner, etc.., you have to make it harder and change the intensity.  The body is very adaptive and you'll stop seeing changes if you do the same 'ol thing time after time.
I've seen dozens of people who come in saying "I've done the same routine for the past 2 years, but I'm not seeing results like I did the first 2 months."  Yeah, no kidding.  That's because you're body knows the routine, and has become so efficient doing it that you're now burning less calories and recruiting less muscle fibers during the workout.
The reason the ladies feel "out of shape", as they put it, is because I'm constantly changing the routine and making it harder as they improve.  I do wish they would have said something earlier because it was simply a maker of perspective and expectations.  They associated struggle as a bad thing during a workout.  News flash, if you don't want to curse and crawl into fetal position at least once in your workout you're not working hard enough.  Its not meant to be a walk in the park.
I think they left there with a new outlook on the whole gym experience and how it truly is a personal journey,...one day at a time,...one workout at a time.

My own workout today was definitely painful at times.  I hit shoulders and quads.  I was ready for a day off from cardio, so that's why I decided to hit quads today, but then there I was on the treadmill after my weights.  I have no clue what my rationale was, except that I couldn't feel why quads by that point, so what was a little treadmill-mountain-climb, right?!  Boo.  I got it done, but I would be lying if I said it was both easy and fun....ha, hardly.

Its 10 minutes til 9 and I look and feel like I was beat with a croquet mallet.  I say that because I honestly was hit in the mouth with one when I was about 7.  My brother decided to swing it like a 9i, and I decided to stand directly behind him to watch.  Idiots.  I bled, he laughed.

Before I sign off, its officially my dear niece's birthday!!  That bundle of Parker love turns 1 today, and I am a proud, spoiling, totally-nuts-about-her aunt :)  Happy Birthday lil peanut!

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