Monday, April 30, 2012

All Drugged up...

You know you go to bed early when you have to take "Night-Time" medicine at 7:30 so that it kicks in in time.  And totally unnecessary to individually wrap them in plastic/adhesive that is used by our military.  I was practically breaking a sweat and 2 seconds away from making a scene.  Yes, I have the patience of a 7 year old....and that drops a couple years when I'm sick...

This morning was a rough start.  My head was so foggy that I could barely hear my 6am clients when they spoke.  I was trying to read lips, but my eyes were watering so badly that I finally gave up on that strategy.  By 7:30 I was fairly certain the universe was stacked against me and I was just going to have to suck it up through a long day.
My workout felt ridiculously hard today, and cardiovascularly I was panting like a smoker.  I hit chest, biceps, and finished on the treadmill.  When it comes to being sick and working out there's a couple of "rules" to go by:...if you have a fever, no go until the fever has broke for 24 straight hours,...if its stomach-related (vomiting/diarrhea), no go,....head cold or anything like allergies without a fever is fine but remember you won't be 100% so don't expect any PR's.  Set the 'ol ego aside, and just do the best you can.  I definitely get frustrated when I'm sick, and more annoyed then anything...way too much drainage for my liking...

I had a client today say "You know its about to be swimsuit season,...can we focus more on THIS" (as she puts both hands on her stomach).  Ha,...ok,...hear me loud and clear:  YOU CANNOT SPOT REDUCE.  When your body burns fat, it burns it all over your body and the extent to which is burns it in your midsection versus your butt is completely different person to person. Believe me, if I could instantly zap fat off someone's size 14 rear I would, but it doesn't work that way.  Too bad it doesn't because I'd be retired and say to hell with getting up before 4:30 in the morning.  And there are no specific exercises that are going to take fat off of a certain area of your body.  Its a combination of diet and total-body exercise that puts our bodies in a state to lose fat.  And don't go to your trainer (or ME for those of you who are my clients) and expect them/me to magically help you shed fat in a 1 hour workout while you go home and eat crap.  You'll quickly undo any progress you make if you have that mindset and put it in practice.  Over 80 percent what you put in your mouth.  80 percent.
So on that note, yes, swimsuit season is just around the corner...but don't think for a second that thousands of crunches will flatten that stomach.  You'll give yourself whiplash before that happens...and then I'll be forced to watch some of you do squat jumps in a neck brace.  No sympathy.  None.

Along those same lines, I read an interesting article today about cravings and how more and more studies are being done on this area.  The findings debunk many preconceived notions about where they come from and how to control them.  The thing that fascinates me the most is the correlation between a pregnant woman's diet and her fetus.  Bottom line:  whatever you eat during a pregnancy DIRECTLY effects that child...his/her likelihood of developing diabetes, being obese, and even individual tastes.  Wake up call moms, your child will feel and ultimately live the consequences of your dietary habits, both good/bad.

Ah yes, medicine is kicking in.  Got to love sinus medicine strong enough to induce a nose bleed.  That's modern medicine baby, and I'll take the nasal menstruation over congestion any day. 

Well, its about that time.  I am beat.  I am pumped for Tuesday,...another opportunity to improve.  Heads up people :)

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