Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Short and Sweet

Hump day, you win.
Its pretty predictable that every Wednesday morning I wake up wondering Where am I?  What day is it?  Why do I get up this early? And why are we crammed in a queen size bed like a couple of convicts?  Like clockwork, every week...
I was especially tired this morning because I didn't turn off the tv early enough last night.  No, I was glued to The Real Housewives of Orange County.  I am no smarter for having done so, but on some sick level I enjoy it.  I have very little pity for a woman "stressing out" with a 7 carat diamond on her hand, no job, 2 nannies, and enough botox to prevent blinking for the next decade....but darn if I can't change the channel.  And so here I am, exhausted the next day.  Surprise surprise.

Leg workout went well today.  I mixed things up quite a bit with supersets and various exercises I haven't done in awhile.  I have a feeling that the straight leg deadlifts will come back to haunt me for the next 4 days.  People often think that being sore is a bad thing or means that you're out of shape.  Eh,...not necessarily.  I'm sore somewhere on my body everyday.  Yes, when you initially start a routine after being inactive for a long period of time you might hate life for several days, but it subsides and your recovery time eventually decreases.  But to think that one day you'll wake up and be the fittest specimen alive and never have aches and pains or be sore is ridiculous and I'm about to kill that dream right here.  You're welcome.  Know that being sore is truly OK and to be expected.  Push through,...move on.

This is going to be fairly short tonight.  Apparently, I exceeded my word limit today.  It may have happened on the phone when someone called asking about services and barely spoke what sounded like broken English.  I did my best to explain what I interpreted to be a question about fitness programs, but instead of enunciating, I just spoke louder.  Yes, I am that person.  I'm still not sure where in my train of thought I justified increasing my volume on the basis that their English was horrible.  Don't judge me,...chances are 98% of you do the same thing.

Well, on that note I am headed to my queen-size-should-be-a-king-size bed in hopes to be in hibernation-like sleep by 9:30...

Here we come Thursday.

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