Monday, April 16, 2012

Sandy Vows and Polio Cure

Well, I made it back from the beach in one piece.
I'm a little darker and perhaps still in much need of more sleep...story of my life.  The wedding was absolutely beautiful, and we all had a blast afterward shaking what our mama gave us....however, we were quickly put to shame by a man with a hip replacement doing pelvic thrusts on the dance floor like his life depended on it.  I couldn't stop watching.  I was like a moth to a flame.  The entertainment was priceless and a reminder that I need a video camera asap.
Here's a few pictures:...
The last one is my favorite.  Yes, one day I will show their kids with the caption "...and this is what happens if you stare at the boobies too long."

Yesterday was a blur.  I returned home by 10am and spent the next 3 hours unpacking, doing laundry, cleaning dishes, etc...By 2pm I was asleep on my bed.  A nap sounded like the best idea I'd had all weekend.  I had to get my mind right before heading to my parents house for a late Easter celebration.  Well, that was only part of the celebration.  Its official, my little brother is engaged!  We are thrilled, and I am honestly amazed that both my brothers ended up with the only women I've liked.  I've put up with some raging idiots over the years, and I'm happy to retire from being the "final clearing house" of the family.  I'm protective.  I can't help it.  I'd like to think they are that protective of me, but I'm pretty sure they think I can fend for myself.  At 5'7" and a combined weight of less than 300, I might as well just throw on a helmet and give it all I've got...
So it was a full afternoon to say the least, and a much needed day of rest for yours truly.  I didn't want to move.

Monday came like a rushing bull.
I woke up pretty darn tired with a packed day ahead of me.  The only thing I was pumped about at 5:15 this morning was my coffee and the fact that I finally approved myself for wearing shorts to work.  It only took about 4 baking sessions in the sun and some Loreal bronzer so I didn't look like I had polio.  Yes, I refuse to wear shorts without a tan.  Its for the sake of everyone.  You're welcome.
It was a great morning with clients, and a few I had to get on about splurging a little too hard over the weekend.  Its one thing to enjoy a meal you love, its another to make it a weekend-gorge-fest.  Yes, just a couple of days can undo a weeks worth of work.  Go "overboard" about 500 calories each day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and in just one month we're talking a couple extra pounds....that's over 20 in one year folks.  And we wonder how did this happen??...Sometimes the answer is right in front of you.
There are occasions when I have to really show some tough love and be a little harsh to get a client's attention, but for the most part its more about making them aware of their own poor choices and habits.  I'm honestly amazed by how many people are simply uneducated when it comes to nutrition.  BUT, once you do know, there is no excuse.  Its about the day to day choices...they are each important and impact your health.  Until we TRULY get that, embrace it, and make positive changes, we'll continue to eat ourselves to death.  Period.

On that note, I was ready to hit the weights hard today.  Such a meathead.  I had chest, biceps, core, and cardio.  I want to hit more strength-reps this week, so I went for sets of 6-8 on my compound lifts (flat and incline press), and then reps 10-12 on isolation moves.  The first couple of sets felt pretty darn heavy, but it was a good burn my the end.  I was pleased.

My body hates me right now.
It just hit me how tired I really am...booo.   Time for some shut-eye.  I just did a major typo with the word "shut".....the "i" key is just a little too close to the "u"....would have completely change the meaning of that sentence...ha.

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