Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Google Chaos and Juvenile Bootcamp

I hate it when I sit down to blog and out of nowhere Google pops up to tell me the entire format of my blog/site has changed and all of a sudden I'm the blind kid playing dodgeball.  I have no clue what's going on and spend the next 15 minutes wandering like an internet nomad.  Yes, it took me about that long to get to this point right here.....so I will marinate in my bitterness for a moment....

But seriously, this must be what my dad feels like every time he turns on a computer.  His inbox has been full for over 7 years.  Doesn't matter,...there's a 98% chance he doesn't remember the password.
On to other things...

My day was fairly typical for a Tuesday.
I had a client this afternoon who I constantly have to challenge this whole notion of "good enough."  When it comes to fitness and health, he is the epitome of settling for mediocre.  He has good genetics, is fairly active but nothing over the top, and is not challenged physically in his job on a daily basis.  Thus, average health has actually allowed him to live the life he desires because weight and hereditary health concerns have never been a major issue.  Ahh!  Why do we settle for anything less than our optimal health?!  He jokingly said "I'm not going to be a professional athlete Meredith."  No, definitely not, BUT why would you not strive to just lay it all out there for that hour knowing that you will only benefit from it - far beyond the actual gym setting?!  What is it within us that is OK with less than our best?  And what's worse, is when we want the results of giving everything we have, but are only willing to give 50%.  Give me a break.  Genetics will only get you so far, and at some point we're all faced with the reality that when it comes to your health, you get what you put in.  And if you give nothing, expect nothing but the consequences of your choice to do so.
For my client, it was another workout in the books and another opportunity to improve and fight his own tendency to give less than 100 percent.

My own workout today felt pretty brutal.  I'm still battling this fatigue.  I was that weird tired-drunk by 9am.  Its the strangest thing,...you're exhausted...sober...but feel 3 sheets to the wind and longing to pass out somewhere.  I just needed to start my workout and not think about it.  I did shoulders, triceps, and quads today.  It was the first time in about 5-6 weeks that I've done back squats.  I've certainly worked my quads, but I've really worked to streamline my legs and unfortunately I get a little squat-happy sometimes.  Sooo, I needed to back off for a few weeks.  My legs will probably be killing me tomorrow.  My strength has decreased pretty significantly on that lift, and by the 4th set I wanted to crawl in a corner and mourn the loss of my quad strength like a true meathead would.  Eh,...I got through it....and no cardio today.  Awesome.

I had a 7 year old evaluation this afternoon.
I never know what to expect with these.  I'll get kids whose parents firmly believe they are pro-bound at the age of 9, and I have to break the news that little Johnny has 2 left feet and the body-awareness of someone on speed.  I couch it a little differently, but you get the point.  Then, I'll get kids who practically came sprinting out of the womb, jumped to the floor, and whipped umbilical cord pull-ups like Rocky.  Today, I was pleasantly surprised.  At first glance, I was a little skeptical.  47" tall...47 pounds.  I could have shot-put that kid.  But as he got warmed up and I started testing his foot work, mechanics, and power I was pretty amazed.  He held his own.  Then it came time for push-ups.  That bugger rocked 30 legit push-ups like it was nothing.  Little Rudy's apparently been practicing in the basement.  It was great, and truly made my day.  Some of you better step up your game.  He may have wet the bed within the last 2 weeks and still believes in the tooth fairy, but he pumped out more push-ups than the average man.  FACT.

Ah, its about that time.  I can't see straight.  Have a great night folks....hump day here we go...

1 comment:

  1. I had the same crazy experience when I tried to write in my blog today, first time in weeks, and then I was so confused I couldn't figure out where the dumb thing was. I still can't figure out my way around it all, guess I'll have my kids show me how to fix it. :)

    Thanks for the workout today! My arms are still all jittery when I try to carry Mateo, guessing that's a great thing though.

    See you next week!!
