Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Toss the Twinkies

Hump day is always rough.
Its mid-week, lack of adequate sleep has caught up with me, and the to-do list from Monday and Tuesday has inevitably spilled over into today.  But I have to say that this particular morning started off on a very glorious foot.  A dear client shows up at 6:45 with a small porcelain jar wrapped in cling wrap, but I could literally smell that thing coming.  It was freshly ground South American coffee, and I was like a moth to a flame.  I could have snorted that stuff right there.  If you've never treated yourself to freshly ground you are missing out and I'd have to reconsider our friendship.  Stop depriving yourself.  That made my day.  I am easily pleased, the point its a little ridiculous.  I love gifts.  Anything.  Wrap up a fart and I'd get excited.  But don't.  That's weird...
But honestly, I am going to attack that coffee like a wildebeest tomorrow.

I had a client today say some of the most dreaded words a trainer could hear.  It goes to the effect of "I like to workout so I can eat whatever I want."  Ahhhh!!  This is the most misleading, ridiculous thought people let seep into their heads, and I hear it way too often.  Let me put this very simply....NO AMOUNT OF WORKING OUT CAN MAKE UP FOR A CRAPPY DIET.  Read it again.  One more time.  Embrace the suck that it is, but its true.  Your nutrition habits, good or bad, are over 80% of the equation.  You can workout until you bleed, but a poor diet can undo all that hard work quicker than anything.  So get your hand out of the cookie jar after a workout.  Stop "rewarding" yourself with food.  You're not a dog. 
Is that to say you cannot enjoy splurges every now and then?  No.  But there is a difference in a slice of birthday cake on a special occasion and a bowl of ice cream every night.  Work hard in the gym, clean up the diet, and enjoy the results.
And I will step off my soap box now...

My own workout was fairly quick today.  45 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of abs.  Since I split up my leg training this week, hump day = cardio day.  It actually worked out great because I was a little pressed for time and extremely tired.  I threw on the ipod, jacked the volume up to either keep me awake or bust an eardrum, and started moving.  I was glad to be done today.  Seriously.

My ride home into the neighborhood was met with a two year old with his pants down.  Standing there in his yard with his butt turned towards my car and apparently unaware that have his rear was hanging out.  Who am I kidding,...that was his greeting.  Pretty fitting for the end of my Wednesday.  We lower the bar around here when it comes to acceptable social behavior...

Alright people, my bed is calling.  Another day in the books....get ready and focused for tomorrow.  Make it a great day.

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