Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Busted Peacock...

So, I had to replace the salmon in my salmon-concoction with turkey this week.  My house was starting to smell like a fish market.  Oscar was basically running around slipping in his drool, and quite frankly since I already scoop his feces and clean up his vomit, I didn't need one more bodily fluid to deal with.  So here I sit with my turkey....still, oh so good.

Today was pretty normal.  My early Tuesday morning crowd is always so happy...either they are all full of crap or just extremely high on life.  I won't complain.  Its 6am and I'm sure on their list of top-10-things-to-do you will not find squat jumps with me standing there saying "get your butt down" over and over until those last 2 inches feel like hell.  Definitely not, but they work hard and come faithfully each week.  THAT, I can work with.

I shared a very cool moment with a client this afternoon...
She's over 60 years old, obese, and truly striving to not only make lifestyle changes but celebrate victories along the way, (she's got well over 100 pounds to lose).  We focus a lot on functional movements that directly effect her balance, stamina, and strength.  She was so excited to tell me that over the weekend she was coming down the stairs and missed the last step, BUT instead of falling (like has often happened in the past), she was able to catch herself and regain balance/control.  She literally lit up just talking about it.  It was great, and just such a reminder that EVERYONE'S fitness journey is different.  Goals, abilities, motivation, genetics, etc all play a role and are all very unique person to person.  For her, making day-to-day living more doable and easier in some sense, is extremely important.  Growing older and living alone is in itself challenging with health concerns,...so to improve functional movements is a major victory.  Very cool.

My day rolls on...
By the afternoon, there is no telling what Brian, Garrett, or myself might do for the sake of "Oh I saw this on the internet and I think I can do it.."  Ok, not always the brightest ideas and have ended in a few bruises and face plants, but nonetheless sometimes the risk is worth it.  Today, mine was the "Peacock" yoga pose.  No, I am not a "yogi" by any means.  I got into it a little bit in college, but this machine is not built for stretching limbs around and over other limbs.  This fact became very evident by 7th grade when I spent 7 years taking dance lessons and was still unable to do a left split...or center split....and my right split hurt too much to talk about.  At that point I knew I had no future in the circus or as a pole dancer.  What a disappointment. 
Anyway, Brian snapped this shot just before my wrists began to scream:

For the record, it is not normal for a body to be in that position.  Ideally, your elbows are supposed to touch under your body.  That's supposed to be before your wrists snap or you eat floor....its a lose/lose.

Speaking of, I had a great workout today.  I hit shoulders, triceps, and finished with cardio.  Everything felt pretty darn heavy on shoulders, but doable.  I incorporated several drop sets and supersets to hit fatigue pretty quickly.  Overall, solid lifting session....tomorrow = leg day.  Ah yes, every time I turn around its leg day.  I have the urge to go really heavy, but my legs have been shaping up nicely with my current routine, so if its working ya gotta roll with it! 

If you follow me on twitter you know that I recently discovered that I spend over $250 a year on gum.  That's beyond absurd.  If my mom smacked me for that it would be completely justified.  We'll discuss that addiction later at some point...

Bed time for me.  Holy crap I will hit the sheets before 9!...I am easily pleased...its sad actually.

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