Friday, April 20, 2012

Dirty Digging...

I could literally crawl in bed right 7:45....while its still light outside and kids are playing in the street like they've lost their minds.  I am drained.  Of course I still woke up at an ungodly hour even on my day off.  By 7am then house was clean and I was already working on the hip-hop routine for tomorrow's class.  I need to chill out,...
The day rolled from one thing to the next...workout (which was a brutal shoulder/core day), client at noon, and then I made my way to Lowes.  I love picking out plants, BUT I always seem to walk out of there with half a forest.  Poor Edna was ringing me up, practically giving herself a hernia trying to lift the potting soil.  I went a little plant-happy and ended up with over 40 things to get in the ground.  After the first 6 flowers I was pretty much covered in dirt.  And by "covered" I mean I had dirt in places that one should never have anything that was once home to a worm.  Needless to say, it was a long afternoon...

In the gym...
My client today is recently getting back into a routine after a hiatus that was a little too long, but laced with a couple of injuries.  She has moments of what I can only describe as mental-defeat because she allows self-doubt to simply rob her of any physical success she may experience in the gym.  Instead of focusing on the steps she's making, she gets caught up on the long term and the poor choices she made that brought her to this point.  I see this all the time.  Its a crossroad of sorts.  There is the past and an unhealthy lifestyle, and then there are 2 directions you can take.  One leads to further self-destruction, and one towards health in every aspect - physical, mental, emotional, etc.  Yes, people often take steps in the right direction and then its like they freeze.  They realize its not always going to be easy, it will require 100% effort, and will more often than not push them outside their comfort zone,....and they look back.  It's that moment when you can still see where you left in the rear view've got to get further down the road.  Keep moving,...looking forward.
She ended up feeling a little more empowered by the end, and knew she was one step ahead of where she was.  Honestly, I get excited just to watch the whole process unfold.  Yet another reason I love what I do.

Well, I can hardly function at this point.  Time for some shut-eye so I can be ready to roll for hip-hop class tomorrow.  I've got a couple of newbies coming to drop it like its hot bright and early.....nothing like a few hip rolls to start the weekend off right.
Have a great night folks,....weekend here we come.

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