Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hotel Ninja

Someone mark this date.  Its 8:20 in the morning and I woke up only 20 minutes ago.  Unbelievable.  I NEVER wake up to sunlight....ever...
I am in zombie-mode and taking my coffee to the face like a champ.  Hotel coffee,...practically motor oil, but it does the trick.  Whatever buzz I get at this point is welcome with open arms.

The week absolutely flew by and I was not prepared in the least bit.  Yesterday went from one thing to the next as I was trying to prepare to come to the beach for my dear friend's wedding.  I had all intentions of leaving by 2pm, but before I knew it it was 4:00 and I was creeping down the highway in what cannot even be considered "driving".  My car was farting down the highway....4 lanes of traffic and we were maintaining a solid 10mph.  After exhausting 2 CDs and downing a bag of carrots, I was seconds away from pulling an Evil Kenevil and jumping people like Hot Wheels.  Patience in traffic is not a strong suit of mine...shocker.  And its even worse when there's NOT wreck or traffic stop, or anything else that would remotely justify going 55mph under the speed limit.  When it turns out to be nothing and we're simply cruising because at least one person decided to have a bucket-list moment and slow down hundreds of cars so they can "take it all in", just know that I am slowly losing my mind marinating in bitterness towards an '92 Pontiac that I don't even know.  Some of you are feeling my pain.  Others of you are part of the problem....understand its called a speed LIMIT, meaning that you can actually go within 10, 5, and even up to that number (ah amazing)....

Whew, and that was my Saturday morning vent...after only 2 cups of coffee.
So let's talk some fitness stuff really quick.
I was able to squeeze in my workout yesterday before leaving, and hit shoulders, triceps, and some cardio.  It was a great end-of-the-week circuit, but I could definitely tell I was still tired from staying up late Wednesday night.  Heck, I slept until 8 this morning, I'm still recovering!  Ridiculous.
My plan today is to get in a workout before I go bake by the pool for a little while.  Tough life, I know.  But this is a mini-vacation for me so I am going to milk it for what its worth.  I'm going to do an INSANITY/P90X style workout in my room that I'll design and be jumping around like a ninja for 45 minutes.  Yes, I am that person, and no, you don't have to have any equipment to get in a good workout.  I actually think this type of workout is extremely hard because I don't understand the concept of "pacing myself."  I will go balls to the wall and probably end up passed out before the wedding.  Last time I did this I nearly threw up.  This ought to be interesting...

Of course I packed all my food.  And seriously, the amount of grub I have to pack for a 2 day trip is absurd.  I am pretty much ready for Armageddon in my hotel room.  I've got egg whites, tuna, grapefruit, chicken, ground turkey, broccoli, milk, protein powder, almonds, vitamins, water, lettuce, tea, and extra coffee just to name a few.  I come prepared to say the least.  But seriously, if you want to continue healthy habits and prevent having to eat out the entire time while on a trip, you HAVE to get a little organized and pack some food.  Yes, you have to get creative sometimes, but if it works then it works.  No excuses.  Everything is made convenient nowadays, so there is no reason not to.

Alright, coffee kicked in,...I'm sweating.  Time to get this day rolling.  9am and I'm still in my pajamas...what is this?  I feel like I'm 7 years old and about to fight David for the toy in the cereal box....which is always a let down and probably made with lead, let's be honest. 

Make it a great day folks.
Stay focused on the important things, and enjoy your weekend!


  1. I'd love to know what this ninja workout is..and now I have a mental image of you bouncing from wall to wall in a hotel room. Huh...somehow it's not surprising. :) I, too am still suffering from wednesday night. Friday morning was miserable for me. Who knew one night of sleep could screw you up so badly? On another note, do you have a fridge and microwave in your room? Have a great weekend and enjoy the rest of your time there. Hopefully the drive home will be a little quicker than the one there.

  2. I'm baaaack!...yes,I definitely had a microwave and fridge in my room. Survival tools! Still a little tired, but ready to roll :)
