Monday, May 30, 2011

Pit stains

Every morning I wake up and think "O God, what day is it?  Am I late?  What's that smell?"  Ok, lying about the last one...but seriously, I do a momentary freak-out most mornings thinking I am late for work.  The past few days have been no different.  Because today was a holiday, I've had 4 full days of 8+ hours of sleep each night...yeah, I don't think I've done that since college.  Not sure if passing out counts...

I've needed the rest.  With Ryan leaving, the past week has been an emotional whirlwind.  The house is quiet, and apparently the lawn will not mow itself.  Speaking of, yard work was interesting this weekend...I somehow managed to get mulch in my underwear.  There are several things that should never pass that elastic band, and mulch is one of them.  Completely unsanitary...but the work got done.  Between workouts and the yard work, my body is pooped.  Today's workout was a struggle.  Even with Zimm there to encourage, it was just harder than usual.  Perhaps because I was out of routine a little, and because I ran before lifting....which, I have to stop immediately.  Kind of irritates me just thinking about it...

I hit back, bis, and shoulders today....reps 6-8 on everything.  I tried to adjust the weights so that I was only able to get around 6 reps for most lifts.  Done and DONE.  Went up to 25's today on curls...pleased with that.  Good thing I won't need my forearms tomorrow...they will be shot.  Left arm still struggles to get a good contraction, but its come a long way.  Stupid left arm....I have no encouragement for just needs to man-up...

BW WG pull-ups 4 x 6-8
Seated cable row 4 x 6-8
Wide grip lat pull-down 4 x 6-8
Seated BB shoulder press 3 x 6-8
Seated DB press 3 x 6-8
Tir-set: Front plate raise, Lateral raises, lateral pulse (3 x 8 each)
Bent arm lat raise 3 x 6-8
Alteranting DB curls 3 x 6 each
Standing BB curls 4 x 6-8
Alternating incline curls 3 x 6 each
The heat was unbearable today.  To the point that I couldn't even go to the pool.  The thought of laying out in 95 degree heat for 3 hours with high humidity, around a bunch of screaming kids, with the chance that I might get hit with a flying wet koosh ball, and MaryJo over there puffing on her Virginia Slims and blowing it in my direction......recipe for disaster in Mebane.  You'd see me on the evening news.  Needless to say, I had to find a different way to celebrate Memorial Day.

Well, I'm about 5 weeks from making my decision about the show in November....couple of things weighing in my head, and one medical issue, but we shall see...

My rear has decreased almost 2 inches  in the past 2 months.  I'm about to draw the line...any smaller and I will fit the stereotypical white girl profile of no-rear.  Not cool.  Gonna be hitting the lunges pretty hard this week...

Well, its feeding time in the Falcon house...protein, veggies, and an ice sit on...I am still sweating...this is ridiculous...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Barking spiders

Its Friday and I'm exhausted.
The weather was unreal today...monsoon...hail...out of control.  It all just made me more tired.

I had an awesome workout though.  I started it with a 2 mile run...yes, you read it correctly.  I wanted to break up my cardio a little bit today instead of doing 45 straight minutes after weights...I just had this feeling I'd be gouging out my eyes by the I did 2 miles before, and 25 minutes afterward.  That was plenty cardio for me today.  As far as lifting goes, I started out with legs.  I did more conditioning work, supersets, plyos, etc since I wasn't going to sprint today.  My hamstrings are so tight right now that they throb when I sit in the recliner and extend the foot rest.  For the record, sitting in a recliner should never be painful.  Its the one place that you should be so incredibly comfortable that if the opportunity for sex were to arise (no pun intended), there is an actual hesitation before getting a 10 minute hesitation.  Well, right now I can hardly move.

After legs, I hit chest/triceps and some core work before heading back to the treadmill.

Weighted SL squats 3 x 12 each
Anklebands with squat (30)/ss lunge jumps  3 sets
squat jumps (10)/ss SL lateral hurdle jumps (20)  3 sets
SL glute/ham raise on cable 3 x 10 each
Incline DB press 3 x 12
Flat DB press/ss cable flys 3 x 10 each
BW dips 3 x 15
Rope press down 3 x 15
Sit-ups on ball/ss decline arm extensions
Reverse crunches 3 x 15

I found out today that my calcium supplement is being recalled for containing too much vitamin D3.  Awesome....I've been downing those pills like jelly beans for the past 6 months.  So I'm going to email the company tonight to find out what I need to do.  Haven't experienced any side effects...unless moodiness, fatigue, and gas are on the list.  Doubt it.

This weekend I will take some time to adjust my diet a little bit.  I basically want to get my maintenance calorie needs as high as possible before July/August when I'll have to drop them again.  That way, dieting will be more effective.  Truth is, you cannot stay in a caloric deficit forever.  The body is extremely adaptive and will adjust as needed.  You're metabolism will plummet.  Weight loss will stall.  You will start losing muscle, not fat. 
Not worth it.

Ok, Tosh.O comes on in 15 minutes and I still need to make my dinner and set up shop on a TV, that mental image screams toolbag...

Have a wonderful weekend folks :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I'm listening to old jazz music while I blog....wanna take a bet on how long it takes before I either fall asleep or whip out the wine and shed a few tears??....this is borderline absurd right now...

Thank God for a much better sleep last night!
I think I was so exhausted that I rolled over and that was all she wrote.  I went to bed almost soaking wet too.  Yeah,...went outside last night around 8:45 to finish watering the plants, cursing at the mosquitoes, and trying my best not to step in the wet part of the grass.  Well, that plan went straight down the crapper as I made my way over to turn off the hose.  It was dark, and I walked right into the line of fire where water was spewing out from the faucet.  Good thing no kids were playing in the cul-de-sac...they would've gotten an ear full.  There I was having a one-man wet t-shirt contest in my yard on a Wednesday night.  I lost...

Great day at work.  It was a little slower today, but allowed more time for me to chat with clients and yell at a few teenagers.  Sometimes I can't help but laugh at them though....the filter from their brain to their mouth is often non-existent.  It's quite entertaining....probably more so since they're not my kids.

I had a decent workout today.  Didn't do cardio...I'm on a cardio-rebellion.  Not to mention I'm developing a nice shin splint on my right leg...awesome.  I need about zero reasons not to do cardio, having one is a bonus.  I'm horrible....cardio has many benefits and there are times when I honestly don't mind it....but if I had my choice, I'd say no to drugs and cardio....just being honest.
I had back, shoulders, biceps for reps 12-15 per set.  Shoulders felt a little weak today for whatever reason...but here's to another day with the weights...

One of our former trainers stopped by today to say hello.  He was with us over 2 years ago and moved to CA to go to PT school.  He's was funny as he was leaving, he looks at me and says "wow Mer, you're a lot bigger!"  Ha...things not to say to 99% of women...but I don't mind.  Last time he saw me I was about 20 pounds lighter and just tiny.  I took it as a compliment.  More junk in the trunk...more to love...
It's still amazing to me how my perspective has changed so much.  I remember being 110 pounds and feeling absolutely horrible about insecure....fearing the scale like death...and more unhappy than I can explain.  Who would've thought that at 130 pounds I am more confident and comfortable in my own skin?!  I try to convey this to the women/young girls I work with that struggle with image issues, but its simply something they have to want for themselves....and desire health over the distorted sense of comfort found in unhealthy behaviors.  I like to think that part of the reason I went through such a dark chapter in my life is so that I can offer hope and understanding to others going through the same thing.  No struggle is ever in vain.

Well, I am ready for some serious sleep...and a good Friday ahead.  Night folks!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Broccoli for the booty

I am eating so much broccoli and lettuce right now....its a good thing I will be sleeping alone.  Butt-load of protein + fibrous veggies = lethal gas.  Just being honest...

Today was a rough day....mainly due to the fact that I only got about 5 hours of sleep and proceeded to toss and turn all night.  I was once again reminded that there is a certain level of security that comes along with having a 220 pound male beside you at night, and that there's no way to physically spoon yourself.  So disappointing.  Spooning is highly underrated.  Guys, just DO IT...she'll think you care, which is the point...then when you do something completely stupid during the day, (which is a matter of when, not if), its ok because you are now an experienced spooner....
You're welcome.

So needless to say, the day felt that much longer since I was running on fumes by the end.  For my sprints today I just did Tabata style for 25 minutes, heartrate 192, legs hating life.  I could definitely feel yesterday's leg workout during each stride.  I know I need to be doing some more sprint work on the track, but after walking outside today at noon, I think I'll pass.  We are being molested by the sun right now.  That kind of heat where you get in your car and you are certain that your face will peel off at any moment...or if you passed gas you'd immediately catch on fire.  Yeah, that kind of heat.  So, there's a high probability that I will continue to just do treadmill sprints for awhile.

Change of subject...
I absolutely love it when I set the treamill at a higher speed than what a client would honestly feel comfortable and truly never try on their own,...and then tell them to jump on.  They look at me as if I'm nuts and will often question their ability to do it.  I laugh and then let that moment of wishful thinking they have about me having mercy on them pass, and again tell them to get on.  Hesitantly they jump on....and wha-la, they do it.  The look on their face is that moment, they experienced success.  In that moment, they caught a glimpse at a greater self
Those moments make my day...I experienced 2 of those today at the same was awesome...

Tomorrow is a big lifting day...back, shoulders, bi's.  I need to get way more sleep tonight if there is any hope in lasting tomorrow...

Kels, Zimm....way to push each other...that's what its all about :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


It's already 8:30 and I still need to get outside and water the garden.
Ugh...not gonna lie, I like growing stuff, but the watering aspect makes me want to rip my hair out a little bit. 

What a day...
I didn't work at all this morning, as I was helping my husband get everything together to leave for Texas.  Complete career change in 3 days, and here we are.  Its an incredible opportunity, and we are excited, but there's only so much talking I can do with myself for almost 4 months.  Way too much sarcasm in one conversation.  Nonetheless, life is a little different right now....onward we roll...

I simply couldn't take it anymore...I had to do a heavy leg workout today.  Its been over 2 months since I beat my legs up, and I just needed to get it out of me.  I was on a mission.  I kept reps 10-12, and went about 90% to failure.  It felt great.  "Great", meaning that I was cursing by the end and wanted my mama.  Going to the bathroom tomorrow will be horrible...

Squats 3 x 10-12
Walking lunges 3 x 20 yards
Hamstring curls on machine 3 x 10
Leg extensions 3 x 10-12
SLDL 3 x 12
Flat DB bench press 4 x 6-8
Incline DB press 4 x 6-8
DB flys 4 x 6-8
Weighted decline sit-ups 3 x 15
Crunches on ball/ss ab roll on ball 3 x 12 each

No cardio today.  I took a vote and the majority won.  The weights took me an hour and a half alone, and my legs were cardio for me.  And I was totally fine with it...ha, MORE than ok with it.  Sprints tomorrow.  That near death experience will make up for it I'm sure. 

Its so funny how I seriously get so pumped when I see great form in the gym.  It absolutely makes my day.  I was watching one my my clients today, and was just blown away by how far she's come.  And what's amazing is that she doesn't even think twice about it...she just DOES.  It got me thinking about how sometimes we let our minds stop our bodies.  We mentally cultivate all the reasons why we can't, and ultimately deny our bodies the opportunity to prove we can.  Every now and then we need to just let our bodies DO...

Its almost my bedtime.  4:30 will come way too early and I've already got a headache thinking about it.  Have a lovely evening folks, and get ready for hump day!  Woooo!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Everything's bigger in Texas

Never a dull moment in my life...

There are times when I'm fairly certain that God looks down and says, "Oh yeah, watch this..."....and then proceeds to blow our minds, change our direction, and give us a few anxiety attacks along the way.  But then again, for me not to have at least one freak-out per day means its time to check my pulse.  I've made going 0 to 60 an art form...and the past 48 hours have been no different.  Life has a funny way of doing that sometimes...

Ah yes, Monday.  It was pretty normal....what does that word even mean??!  One highlight was probably when a client sent a text to let me know she had a "GI track issue" and  didn't want to "put myself in all sorts of embarrassing positions"...ha...I knew how all this would go down....literally.  I would be standing there cleaning up poo on a Monday afternoon.  Not how you want to end a Monday.  If its any indication as to how you're week will unfold, consider yourself screwed....and strap on a helmet til Friday just in case.

I was ready to get back to the gym after taking Sunday completely off.  I needed to.  Hell, I still couldn't feel my chest from that bench press on Friday.  My sternum is ridiculously tender right now...and it isn't from holding up the girls.  I had back/shoulders/bis/sprints today...reps 6-8...and pretty much everything was a struggle.  My workout didn't seem to flow very well today...just one of those days.

Wide grip pull-ups 4 x 6-8
Close grip pull-backs 4 x 6-8
Single arm lat pull-down 4 x 6 each
BB shoulder press 4 x 6-8
DB lateral raises 4 x 8
DB front raises 4 x 8
BB curls 4 x 8
Alternating DB curls 4 x 6 each

I am truly contemplating hitting legs pretty hard tomorrow.  I know I've been keeping reps high and dropping the weights lately, but my rear is honestly starting to feel a little soft.  At 27, my backside should be awake and alert if you know what I mean.  Yes, this is me being critical and comes with the territory of simply having a vagina.  This is what we do...

Something random and very cool....a lovely gal by the name of Katie Houston wanted a brief bio to feature on her blog this past week.  I met her in Bakersfield, California a couple of years ago when my husband was playing on the same minor league team as her now fiance.  Amazing woman.  She is now a personal trainer herself, and I was truly honored she asked me to do this.  To check it out, go to  And while you're there definitely check out some of her blog posts, workouts, and awesome recipes....she is just an overall very cool person and I am so thankful I met her!

Holy crap I joined twitter.
My ADD is out of control right now...jumping from topic to turrets.
Never thought I'd do it....just like facebook...stupid peer pressure.  I honestly don't have anything great to tweet about.  And I hate the word "tweet" this will be interesting to say the least.  But hats off to you who tweet and make me laugh out loud.  That makes my day more than you know.

Ok, its late and I need to wash dishes and prepare for tomorrow....nighty night people!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Duck vomit

My pecs are crying.
At the beginning of my workout today I had to complete the bench press challenge part of the pump-n-run race for this weekend.  I was so dramatic...I had to set the music...explain to Brian how to count (I wanted to know every 7th rep, not every single one)...and then get my mind right.  Ha...I am ridiculous.  You would've thought it was a strong man competition.  65 pounds loaded on the she goes.  Reps 1-20 felt like a breeze, and it wasn't until about rep 27 that I began to feel the weight of the bar.  At rep 36 my triceps started burning and I knew the last ones would be a battle.  40 through 44 were a blur, and I was hating life at 47.  I wanted to rest longer at the top, but just holding the bar up there completely sucked.  Pushed through #49 and honestly wanted to stop...oh but 50 was calling my name.  I fought for that last one, and fairly certain all the blood rushing to my chest made me a momentary B-cup....and there's a first time for everything...

After that ordeal I had to move on to the rest of my chest workout.  What a joke.  I could hardly move my arms.  I had to wait a few minutes before starting, and each set felt extremely heavy.  Chest, biceps, core, and then ending with some cardio.  I was going to sprint today, but my hamstrings are way too tight...hurts to walk.  I'm pretty anxious to see where my strength will be in about 3 weeks...that will put me at the 6 week mark.

near-death bench press to failure 50x
Incline DB bench 3 x 12
flat DB flys 3 x 12
Cable flys 3 x 12
Push-ups to failure 2x
EZ bar curls 3 x 12
Alternating incline curls 3 x10 each
Wide lat bar curls 2 x 15

After my workout and the one client I scheduled today, I headed over to Duke Gardens to walk with mom.  She was in the mood to talk, and I was practically in a coma by the time I got there.  She did most of the talking, while I got in some incredible people watching.  There was one couple that I swear was going to have sex right there in front of the ducks.  If ducks didn't vomit before,...they do now...

It's been a great week with clients...many laughs...and now my weekend begins.  Not even 9:00 and I am headed to bed.....completely exhausted...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I can't tell you how great it was to get back to work be in a feel "closure" on the events of this past really was a good day.  I can't say thank you enough to those of you who have encouraged me over the past few days....I am truly grateful. 
So, ready to dive into my day??....

The highlight of my day though came this morning when someone said, "Meredith, you should try running more to get out some of your anger and meanness....find that happy place."  Ummm....I wasn't even sure how to respond other than laughter.  Angry?  Really?  Hahaha...and for the record, running more WOULD piss me off.  The comment came after I jokingly talked about wanting to throw sticks at my neighbor's wheel as he rides by on a unicycle.  He wears a helmet, knee pads, and white socks with his that point, its my duty to throw sticks at his wheel.  And where is the circus music when you need it?  Anyway, it was quite comical to me and I really think some people just need more humor in their lives.  More humor for them...less running for me...

The other memorable moment was having to explain to my mother-in-law why I was sort of the "naked kid" in college.  Conversations that should probably never take place...
I now have many photos to destroy...

In other current events...
Training today was long, but good.  My workout days were a little off because of yesterday, so I had a lot to do today.  Legs, core, triceps, and sprints.  Sprinting after a leg workout is hamstrings were beyond tight.

Squats(15x)/ss lunge jumps (20x)  3 sets
Hamstring curls on machine 3 x 15
Walking lunges 3 x 30 yards
Leg extensions 3 x 15
Squat jumps 3 x 15
Tricep press-down 4 x 12-15
Reverse grip tricep extensions 4 x 12-15
Bench dips 3 x 15
crunch/heel touch 3 x 15 each
Decline weighted sit-ups 3 x 15

I can definitely tell I've lost some strength in my legs since I've backed off the weight a little bit...sprints have gotten faster though.  They were hard, but I won't complain.

I was so hungry today...I had my normal meals and all, but I swear I could have eaten my own arm off.  Since the show, I've gradually brought my carbs back up a little to let my body adjust to more carbs,...which means more energy for me.  I haven't gained any weight...actually lost a couple pounds.  Which may help me a little for Friday....We are hosting a pump-n-run race on Saturday, and the women have to bench press 50% of their bodyweight as many times as possible.  Being the trainer, I'm the one to beat for the females.  65 pounds for me....wanna take any guesses as to how many I will get??  I might even give/send the closest guesser a're thinking you'll get a chicken breast in the mail....maybe...

So that little shin-dig will be on Friday.  Tomorrow I've got back, delts, and biceps if my left arm is recovered.  I strained my left bicep on Monday...sounds like a total meathead.  I'll see how it feels tomorrow, and then adjust the workout accordingly.

Alright, time for bed....may you enjoy many laughs tomorrow....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Busting out...

What a weekend.
I walked into the gym this morning already exhausted.  Emotionally, I am beyond drained, but I cannot say that I've faced it alone.  The amount of support and encouragement I've received over the last few days has been incredible.  Tomorrow will be yet another long day...funeral and burial.  Thus, I probably will not write...

I certainly did not feel like I was my best today...which is tough to deal with when you're surrounded by people who fuel off of your own energy and drive.  While I felt distracted to some degree, I was still very much aware of my own internal struggles.  Needless to say, it was a hard day with an even harder workout.  Everything felt heavy.....very heavy.  And starting a workout with bodyweight wide-grip pull-ups is kicking yourself in the crotch before a fight.  It was brutal....but I pulled my tank-like-rearend up for 4 sets like a mad woman.  Back, shoulders, biceps, then sprints....loooong workout to say the least.

Wide grip pull-ups 4 x 8
Single arm DB row 4 x 8 each
Seated cable row 4 x 6-8
Seated BB shoulder press 4 x 6-8
Front plate raise 4 x 8
Lateral raise from neutral 4 x 8
Lat bar curls 4 x 8
Straight bar standing curls 4 x 8
Hammer curls 2 x 12

My lats and upper back are getting strong as hell.  I'm gonna need a new bra....38 A....which I'm sure doesn't exist.  And for good reason, no woman was naturally created with lats like bat good flex and I will be out of this bra faster than a prom-whore.  (Prom-whores: girls who slut themselves out only on prom night...thinking that since they are dressed up it somehow makes it less whore-ish.  Nope, still slutty.)  Anyway, point is that I am truly enjoying the strength gains from this new program design...more strength...more volume...overall good plan.

College kids are starting to roll back in town...always entertaining.  Chad and Kelsey returned today...full throttle.  It was great to have them in the gym though...I certainly needed the laughs and their enthusiasm.

Well, its late and I've got an extremely full day ahead.....a lot on my mind and just ready to have some closure...

Friday, May 13, 2011


There are days you feel like you could conquer the world, and then there are days when putting one foot in front of the other is a task in itself.  Today was a hard day.

After my typical Friday morning routine, my dad called.  My grandpa, (who has been in and out of the hospital over the last several months), took a turn for the worse.  A week ago they gave him months to live, and this morning I was encouraged to come say goodbye because it was unlikely he'd make it through the day.  As I drove there I could hardly see, and was beyond emotional.  I am close with my grandpa.....this is hard, very hard.  I can't even begin to describe my thoughts, feelings, responses to being in that quiet room, alone, to speak to a man who was  gasping for breath, unresponsive, and was clearly ready to leave this world.  Right then, nothing else mattered.  I just wanted to hold his hand.  It might sound strange, but when I think about my Papa, I always think about his hands.  They were workman's hands....callused and broken.  I talked, he listened, I kissed his cheek, said I love you, and walked away flooded with more sadness than I thought I could handle.

I left there just wanting to escape.  I felt closure, but not completely.  I was a wreck.  Bombarded with memories, I drove down the highway and could have driven for hours.  I battled the part of me that just wanted to go home and crawl back in bed and cry until my eyes were swollen shut....and the part of me that knew I was created with incredible resilience and that life will move on.  I needed a distraction I guess.  I headed to the gym to get in my workout before the one client I scheduled today.  My body was heavy.  Its amazing how emotions completely drain you....I was exhausted before I even picked up a dumbbell.

Between the sweat and tears, the floor was wet by the end.  I'm not sure if my emotional pain distracted me from the physical, or vice versa.  Needless to say, it was a struggle.  There was no way I could do sprints head was throbbing by the time I got through the weights.  So I finished my workout with a inclined walk.  Thankfully, Lora came in and talked me through the last 15 minutes or so.....I honestly, don't know if I would have finished today.....somehow, I did.

As a trainer, you give a piece of yourself to every client you work with.  They feed off of your motivation, encouragement, strength, and passion....bit by bit you are pouring yourself out over the course of the day.  Then somehow, someway, you are refueled and have more to give in 24 hours.  Its amazing.  I had only one client today, and I could literally feel myself mustering up every ounce of energy I had to motivate and push him.  I was in an unbelievably weak moment, struggling to find some type of strength.  It was an hour that felt like 5.  To be completely honest, I was trying with all I had to hold back so much emotion that there were times when I'd forget where I was or what I was doing.  We made it through...from point A to point B, but it was the longest distance between two points I've ever experienced...

It's been an extremely long day.  I am a little overwhelmed right now and unfortunately do not have any funny stories.  There will be time for that was just a little too sobering...

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend....enjoy the people you love....and for those you don't, just be thankful you don't live with them and pray they don't procreate (that's about as much funny as I've got in me tonight...I tried...)  Goodnight folks...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

TABATA takeover....

Before I begin on my typical day at the gym, I need to address something.  (Leave it to me to beat around the bush for approximately 2 seconds before I can't take it anymore).  Let me start off by saying how much I truly enjoy receiving questions, encouragement, etc on my blog.  I am flattered that you take the time to "walk with me" if you will on a day to day basis.  With that said, I do NOT appreciate soliciting posts.  Don't try to hide it in a vague "suggestion" about workouts, nutrition, etc and then offer a link to a website trying to sell something.  Believe or not I'm not an idiot.  I don't want what you're selling, and quite frankly get a little pissed that I wasted 10 seconds reading your ridiculous comment...I hope you get carpol tunnel from attempting to post more...

Ah, now that that's off my chest lets move on shall we?...

It was hump day indeed.  All I had to do were sprints, which was good because it took about all the energy I had.  I squeezed them in this morning....which, running before I've had time to think clearly for more than 2 hours is a foreign thought to me, but the tour rolls on (thank you Zimm for the inspiration to that reference).  My hamstrings are tight as hell in the morning, so I just did TABATA style sprints for 22 minutes to keep from hitting full speed but get my heartrate high enough in the process.  Sprinting on the treadmill only 30 minutes after finishing 16oz of coffee is a heart attack waiting to happen.  My pulse was through the roof and I was sweating more than normal....which is hard to even comprehend.  My sweat glands think its middle of August all year round.  Lucky me...I'm the only person who might wear khakis to a baseball game and leave looking like I poured lemonade on my crotch just to cool off.  Its absurd.   Anyway, I made it through the sprints, and it was on to the rest of my day.

I had many laughs with clients, as we discussed life, workouts, and how a woman barely over 5' tall can manage to have DD breasts...naturally.  Yes, we cover all topics.  That is life.  One thing that stood out today was the number of people who drink diet soda....everyday...and more than 1.  That stuff is crap people!  Ok, every now and then is one thing....but to continually pour chemicals into your body that can hardly be processed is nuts.  Get it out of there.  Your body will thank you.

Speaking of food, I just made scrambled egg whites with ground turkey, cottage cheese, and stevia.  Looked like vomit, but tasted great.  Protein topped with protein....yeeeaahhhh

Back, shoulders, and biceps tomorrow.  Here we go....hear that??...that's my bed calling...oh God, its cursing now....better go...


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Oh come on Brittany...

I like the new Brittany Spears song.
My life is over.
Its the first one on my workout play list, and since I feel like I'm at confessional, I might as well admit that I listened to it about 12 times today.  I've reached a new low.  Its not so much the fact that she went from slutty to completely nuts to a slutty, nuts mother of two...its more the fact that I might have an issue with being a fan of anyone whose first hit is "Oops!...I did it again."  For a brief moment I'm not sure if she's making a sexual reference or if she crapped herself.  Just saying, a little clarification in the title would've been helpful...Nonetheless, we rocked out together through one heck of a workout.

I had a PR today in the gym.  My last set of flat db bench press was with 55's.  Thankfully, Brian was there to set me up, otherwise I'm fairly certain I would have taken a dumbbell to the face.  I was pretty pumped about that though.  The pecs were working overtime.

Squats 12x/ss split jumps 20x   3 sets
Hamstring curls on machine  3 x 15
Squat jumps 3 x 15
Hamstring pull-backs 3 x 15
Flat db bench press 4 x 6,6,6,4
Cable flys 4 x 6
Incline db press 4 x 6
Decline weighted sit-ups/ss pulse 3 x 12/12
Reverse crunch 3 x 15
Heel-touch 2 x failure
Cardio 45 minutes

Overall, it was a good workout day...light on the legs (which I am still struggling with mentally to wrap my brain around), ridiculously heavy on the chest, some core work, and then walking/jogging.  I was pretty spent after that.  3:00 rolled around and the temptation to just lay down on the floor grew tremendously.  Which would last about 2 minutes before "Meredith! How many reps on this?!"...."Meredith! Is this right?!"...."Meredith! What was my last exercise?!".   You get the point.  One day I'm gonna change my name just to mess with people.  It would be something Pipa.  Ok, that was a really....

So honestly, right now I feel pretty gross.  My diet has been fairly steady, but not as consistent as I need.  I have a sensitive system, so when I eat random foods which are not typically part of my plan, I feel like I'm about to explode, be sick, or have to chug Pepto until I'm flowing like the Nile.  Back in the saddle tomorrow....can't have another bloated day...for my sake and everyone else as well.

Wish I had some more to talk about.  Ok, honestly I do, but the arthritis in my right hand is cursing me right now and typing is slowly becoming painful.  I am officially 27 going on 87.  Have a lovely night, and prepare for hump day tomorrow!!  Yeeeaaaahhhh...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hold my hair please...

At 12am this morning I wasn't quite sure I'd make it through the day.  I was hovered over the toilet spewing what was left of my dinner...lunch...breakfast...I think I may have even passed a major organ.  I had some milk last night, which I think was the culprit.  I'm now convinced that once I left the boob-feeding 27 years ago, milk is no longer necessary... I was cursing lactose.

Overall, it was a great and crazy weekend.  I was able to relax by the pool for a little bit, clean, and then enjoy a "normal" meal at a local restaurant.  I had salmon, veggies, a slice of bread, and a couple glasses of wine.  Ah yes, it went down like sweet sweet goodness.  And then there was Mother's Day...running all over God's creation to be with family, and ending the day at the hospital.  Niece #2 arrived yesterday at there was certainly much to celebrate on the 5th floor. It was BYOB.  Bring Your Own Breast-milk.  I could hardly contain myself in that room, and there I was crying more than the infant....and I didn't have the excuse that I was hungry or crapped myself.  Ok, maybe the first...
What an amazing day.

So, I took yesterday completely off from any type of training, and I could tell from the moment I woke up that I seriously needed it.  Today was back to the grind.  I had back, biceps, shoulders, and finished with sprints.  I kept the weights the same from last week on everything except for shoulder press.  My arms were shot, so I had to drop the weight.  Boooo

Wide grip pull-ups 4 x 6-8
Seated cable row 4 x 6-8
Single arm lat pull-down 4 x 6 each
Narrow grip pull-down (trap emphasis) 3 x 6-8
Seated BB shoulder press 4 x 6-8
Bent arm lateral raises 4 x 6-8
Front plate raises 4 x 6-8
EZ bar curls 4 x 6-8
Single arm horizontal cable curl 4 x 6-8 each

Sprints got pretty rough today.  My traps were cramping so badly that I started feeling pain up the back of my neck and into my head.  The absolute only time it wouldn't throb was when I was actually for 10 seconds I had relief....10 measly seconds.  Blah....glad its over.

Tomorrow is a lighter leg day, heavy chest, core, and cardio. 
Time to peel some eggs....then hopefully a vomit-free night....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Needing sleep

Friday...glorious Friday.
It never fails that on Friday mornings around 5:40, our cat Oscar starts whining at our door.  In his pea-size-mind, I should be up feeding him by that point.  Fat cat.  12 minutes later I couldn't take it anymore...I was up.  Cat food in bowl, and coffee brewing.  No need for a meth-lab when you've got freshly ground Costa Rican coffee...mmmm...

I spent the majority of my morning cleaning before heading to the gym.  Friday workouts are tough.  My mind is tired, my body is fatigued, and I'm just ready for a couple of days to relax.  I had chest, shoulders, and sprints today.  My shoulder workout felt like a joke...a sick joke.  I was struggling through the entire thing.  It was a good struggle, but I felt that the weights were lighter than I'd like.  Eh...

30* incline DB press 3 x 12
Flat DB bench press 3 x 12
DB flys 3 x 12
Decline push-ups 2 x failure
DB shoulder press 3 x 12
Standing lateral raises 3 x 12
lateral-to-overhead raise 3 x 15
Sprints 20 minutes

Tomorrow will be some light cardio...I might jog...who knows.  And then I think I might rest on Mother's Day...not because I am a mom (for the sake of my sanity and any small child), but because I am tired.  Period.  However, in honor of Mother's Day, I'd like to share a few things my mom has taught me.  I've mentioned before that my mom and I are pretty different when it comes to our personalities, but I admire that woman more than words can express.  So here are a few things Mama Parker has taught yours truly....

*Life is about relationships
*You teach people how to treat you
*Showers are not an option
*When you love, do it with your entire being
*Keep perspective...its all about perspective
*"Wait til your father gets home!" typically precedes an ass whoop'n 
*Surround yourself with beauty everyday
*Be kind to yourself

I am truly blessed to have an amazing mom.  Considering the number of mothers who freely contribute to the delinquency of a minor, I'd say she did a pretty good job.  Way to go mom...I'm still alive...wearing clean underwear...and not drinking by myself...

Time for bed....on to the weekend,....Enjoy!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Tacos and Margaritas

Thursday night...The Office...egg whites and turkey...and a dose of of quiet.  Life is good.  Which reminds me...ever seen those t-shirts that say "Life is Crap."?  Finally, someone got a sense of humor about those things.  My guess is that the creator of that slogan had a different one to begin with, presented it to the company, and the original word was soon replaced with "crap."  We appreciate the honesty though, and even with the word change, we get the point....thank you.

An extra hour of sleep proved to be absolutely amazing.  I think I was pretty much in a comma all night.  Well, until I woke up at 2am to use the bathroom.  It was one of those middle-of-the-night bathroom trips when you finally go you realize that if you'd waited any longer the odds of wetting the bed were pretty darn high.  Which should never happen after the age of 7........sober.  Anyway, it was a great night's sleep and then on to my day...pretty low-key, awesome workout, and many fun moments with clients.

The highlight of my day was probably when I shared with one of my ladies about my first gyno experience.  The story came up because when she climbed in the leg press machine I couldn't help but make a joke about going to the gyno (let's be honest, the position of the machine just begs for ridiculous comments).  You get in that machine and its like the dreaded words are hanging above you... "Ok, now please scoot to the edge of the table and place your feet in the stirrups."  Guys don't understand this, but I can't imagine its the same as "turn your head and cough".  They grab themselves all the time, so whats one more person?  Anyway, the story is a classic, which I can't exactly share on here, but needless to say it was comical.  She laughed and laughed and my day was complete at that point.   You never know what someone is going through before they walk through those doors, but a figure a little humor can go a long way...

Let's talk workout.
I had back and biceps today with reps 12-15 on most lifts.  I was originally going to hit shoulders today, but they are still sore from Monday's workout.  Seriously, its absurd.  Biceps are definitely stronger, but I'm still struggling with getting as hard of a contraction on my left side as my right.  Details.

Lat pull-down 3 x 12
Close grip pull-back 3 x 12
BB row (12x)/ss hyperentensions (12x)
Rear flys 3 x 15
Lat bar curls 3 x 12
Alternating incline curls 3 x 10-12 each
EZ bar curl partials 3 x 15

Cinco de Mayo.  Wonder how many margaritas were consumed guess is not enough.  We all act like we need a reason to drink...umm...don't think we do.  People seem to do it just fine without one.  But cheers anyway!

Alright, long day, time for, workout, and planting some flowers await tomorrow.  Oh don't get too excited to think that I might have a green thumb.  I've committed house-plant-homicide many a time.

Night folks!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Give me peanut butter

Oh where to begin...
So, my intentions to blog yesterday completely went down the toilet.  By the time I sat down to my computer it was pushing 8:45 (which is like 11pm to me), and the only thoughts I could formulate were totally irrational and borderline absurd.  Come to think of it, I should have posted just for mere entertainment purposes.

The past 2 weeks have honestly been a whirlwind of emotions.  My training has been great and right on key, but mentally I am a little overwhelmed and drained.  I am used to being tired by the end of the week, but not like I've been since the show.  I just feel tense, and pretty much ready to snap at any minute.  (Not a shocker to a few people who know me, but half of those people only intensify the problem...thank you, no really,  you are ridiculous).  Perhaps I just need some extra sleep...story of my life.

Today's training was only sprint work and some core.  My sprints felt great, no knee pain, and cardiovascular-wise everything felt smooth and very doable.  Speaking of running, a woman today overheard me talking about me running this past weekend and all of a sudden goes "You run?!" just because I look like I could squat a house and toss a keg 40 yards means I don't run.  No I'm not 100 pounds and jogging 40 miles a week just to say I weigh a 100 pounds and run 40 miles a week.  I had to laugh...

I've got back and shoulders tomorrow and my shoulders are still sore from Monday.  Bad news.  Honestly, if they still feel like this tomorrow I might need to change my workout...or just curse my whole way through it.  The second is more likely.

Well, I better get to bed.  Before I know it I will be back at work...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Driving nowhere...

Holy moly this morning was off to a rough start.
For whatever reason my body decides that 1:45 is a great time to wake up..(which, for the record, its not) after looking at the clock and realizing I've got a whopping 2.75 hours to sleep, I roll over and wake up even more tired at 4:30.  It was all down hill from there.  I was detoured from getting on the highway, took a wrong turn and ended up at a farm, finally made it to my exit and sat at a red light for 4 minutes....4 m-i-n-u-t-e-s....that was an eternity at 5:30 in the morning.  My anger was out of control at that point.  My heart rate was through the roof.  So ridiculous....and the people who are completely calm in situations like that blow my mind.  I want what they're smoking...

Once I was at work I was good to go.  Zimm came back in town this week, which was AWESOME....he definitely brought me some sanity during my workout.  Speaking of, this was week 2 of my new routine.  Felt great, kept everything heavy for reps of 6-8 and then some sprints at the end.  My IT band is back to its A game.  Thank God.  So I took advantage of it and did short, hard sprints.  Incline 8, speed 12, 12 seconds, for 20 minutes.  Heart rate was 204, but as long as I keep the music loud enough that I can't hear myself sucking wind, I'm fine.  I tell my clients all the time, you just have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Wide grip pull-ups 4 x 6
Seated cable row 4 x 6
Single arm lat pull-down 4 x 6 each arm
Seated BB shoulder press 4 x 6
Bent arm lateral raise/ss partials 4 x 8/8
Standing EZ bar curls 4 x 6-8
Alternating DB curls 4 x 6 each
Sprints 20 minutes

Almost bedtime and I'm stuck in the recliner....story of my life.  Tomorrow I will have more to write about....right now I've to peel 20 eggs before hitting the bed.  Fun...