Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I can't tell you how great it was to get back to work be in a feel "closure" on the events of this past really was a good day.  I can't say thank you enough to those of you who have encouraged me over the past few days....I am truly grateful. 
So, ready to dive into my day??....

The highlight of my day though came this morning when someone said, "Meredith, you should try running more to get out some of your anger and meanness....find that happy place."  Ummm....I wasn't even sure how to respond other than laughter.  Angry?  Really?  Hahaha...and for the record, running more WOULD piss me off.  The comment came after I jokingly talked about wanting to throw sticks at my neighbor's wheel as he rides by on a unicycle.  He wears a helmet, knee pads, and white socks with his that point, its my duty to throw sticks at his wheel.  And where is the circus music when you need it?  Anyway, it was quite comical to me and I really think some people just need more humor in their lives.  More humor for them...less running for me...

The other memorable moment was having to explain to my mother-in-law why I was sort of the "naked kid" in college.  Conversations that should probably never take place...
I now have many photos to destroy...

In other current events...
Training today was long, but good.  My workout days were a little off because of yesterday, so I had a lot to do today.  Legs, core, triceps, and sprints.  Sprinting after a leg workout is hamstrings were beyond tight.

Squats(15x)/ss lunge jumps (20x)  3 sets
Hamstring curls on machine 3 x 15
Walking lunges 3 x 30 yards
Leg extensions 3 x 15
Squat jumps 3 x 15
Tricep press-down 4 x 12-15
Reverse grip tricep extensions 4 x 12-15
Bench dips 3 x 15
crunch/heel touch 3 x 15 each
Decline weighted sit-ups 3 x 15

I can definitely tell I've lost some strength in my legs since I've backed off the weight a little bit...sprints have gotten faster though.  They were hard, but I won't complain.

I was so hungry today...I had my normal meals and all, but I swear I could have eaten my own arm off.  Since the show, I've gradually brought my carbs back up a little to let my body adjust to more carbs,...which means more energy for me.  I haven't gained any weight...actually lost a couple pounds.  Which may help me a little for Friday....We are hosting a pump-n-run race on Saturday, and the women have to bench press 50% of their bodyweight as many times as possible.  Being the trainer, I'm the one to beat for the females.  65 pounds for me....wanna take any guesses as to how many I will get??  I might even give/send the closest guesser a're thinking you'll get a chicken breast in the mail....maybe...

So that little shin-dig will be on Friday.  Tomorrow I've got back, delts, and biceps if my left arm is recovered.  I strained my left bicep on Monday...sounds like a total meathead.  I'll see how it feels tomorrow, and then adjust the workout accordingly.

Alright, time for bed....may you enjoy many laughs tomorrow....


  1. It was so good seeing you today and I really appreciate the great workout. Sorry for the baby chaos - Chloe was quite the attention whore this morning! Is it totally wrong that I just wrote my baby girl's name and the word "whore" in the same sentence? Talk about "mother of the year" award. Anyway, I so appreciate you holding her for me - I'll bring the baby bjourn on Tuesday if you're willing? :)

    My condolences about your grandfather, again. You're in my thoughts and prayers, but I'm glad that you're thinking positively and getting back into the groove of things. That's what he'd want...

    Good luck this weekend!

  2. I just missed you today, I stopped in to pay a bill and arrived just as you squealing out of the parking lot (heading out to pick up Morven). Glad your workout went well today.

    I've been contemplating doing that Pump n Run on Sat., but with the half marathon on Sunday morning, I'm not sure I want to push (still recovering this week). that I know you're doing it, it's MORE tempting to sign up!!! :) I'm guessing you can bench press 65 lbs in your I'm sure it will be a high number. I would have to lift 62.5 lbs if I was competing, so I went downstairs to see how many I could do...a wimpy 13. That means I'd have to guess that you could BP 65lbs at least 25 times and probably way more than that. :) Anyway, can't wait to find out how many times you can do it, and kick some butt on the trail!

  3. Hayley,
    Bring the baby bjourn on, woohoo!! I was glad to help out this morning so you could get your workout in :) Anytime! How about me demonstrating walking lunges with a baby on my hip?! Haha. She's great...just loves to be loved!

    And thank you again for asking how I was regarding my grandpa and the was certainly great to get back to work and get back to a routine.

    Excellent job today...Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Tuesday!

  4. Lora,
    Hate I missed you this morning! Yes, it was nuts around there today...

    Let me clarify about the pump-n-run....I am ONLY doing the "pump" running. HA...I have no plans of running on Saturday...not shocking I'm sure ;) So your guess is 25 times...I had another client guess 123 today...looks like I've got a pretty wide range to shoot for!

    Well, even if you don't run on Saturday, come say hey!! I will be the person in spandex making ridiculous comments at 8am...

  5. 50?!!! I knew you were strong girl, but man, you rock!! Way to blow everyone out of the water! :)

    You really should be doing the run portion, I know you'd be hard to beat.

    Hope to see you next week! Tues if I can get on the schedule. :)
