Friday, August 3, 2012

Treadmill Tears

Its 8:00am and I've managed to clean the house, cook chicken, pay bills, and fold enough laundry to make me want to go commando until October.
No, I don't like folding clothes.  I am OCD about many things, but neatly folded t-shirts is not one of them.  Not to mention my husband folds better than I do, so I just assume go for the silver because my goal in life is not to win the perfectly-domesticated-award.  I lose in that department,...which is fine.
Ironically, I stayed up until 11pm last night cleaning.  This place smells like lemons....and toilet cleaner...with an overriding scent of lavender/vanilla.  I'll probably break into a rash at any moment.

What a week.
I was absolutely drained at the end of my Thursday.  After 13 hours of sweat, body odor, and reminding people that a squat is more than a 6 inch butt-drop-tease, I got in my car and just wanted to put the seat back and sleep.
I've had 2 days in a row where my 22 minute commute had to be in silence.  It was for the sake of my sanity as well as everyone else on the road.

My afternoon was quite interesting.  Its been awhile since I've seen tears in the gym.  Yes, every now and then someone will break down because they unleash everything else going on in there life, and it boils to the surface.  I completely understand.  But yesterday was different.  The tears were solely based on the workout.  I'll be the first to admit when I am absolutely pushing someone to their limit and making it extremely difficult on them, but in all honesty, it was NOT that bad.  Poor girl has just never struggled through a workout, and combined with a very apathetic attitude, any amount of push outside of her comfort zone would throw her for a loop.  I get it.  BUT, when you tell me your goal is to play at the next level, understand that it takes much more than comfortable to get there.
As she cooled down on the treadmill tears are just rolling down her face, and in that moment it was truly a delicate balance between assuring her its OK and helping her see that its not always a hand-holding experience in training.  In fact, I firmly believe we do an injustice to athletes and deny them tremendous growth opportunities when we let every single emotional moment dictate our instruction as trainers.
Honestly, I think I prefer cleaning up vomit off the treadmill rather than tears...

Well, I'm getting packed and ready to head to Atlanta.  Even though this is work-related, I am looking forward to getting away for a couple of days.  I will honestly admit that I am in much need of some vacation.  Mentally, physically, and emotionally I am beat.  I've learned to value my "recharge" time, and the beach is calling my name.  I want the smell of sunscreen and even the sand in the crotch of my swimsuit.
I might leave it there.  Cheap souvenir.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.  Keep pushing, stay focused, and allow yourself some me-time knowing you deserve to feel rested and ready to face life with your best self.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely deserve time for yourself...enjoy it!

    I hope your client had somewhat of a cathartic moment on the treadmill and realizes her true potential. I'm curious to know how it goes. :)

    Have a great weekend!
