Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bocce Ball Gone Wrong...

Ah yes, ground turkey, squash and cottage cheese. 
I will pretty much eat any combination if the texture is good.  Ironically, plain yogurt grosses me out, and I cannot remember the last time I ate it voluntarily. 
My mouth, my rules.

It was a pretty typical Tuesday with clients, interspersed with moments that I honestly considered beating a couple of teenage boys with medicine balls.  They are a different breed.  I understand that its "cool" to complain about certain things at that age, and everything appears to fall into the "sucks" category, but at some point shut up and figure it out.  You want to talk about playing at the next level, being the best, and dominating the field or court, then do whats necessary.  You have 2 choices: continue to improve or get out of the way of those who do.
I had one kid continue to text during a workout and it was literally all I could do not to break his thumbs and then practice my curve ball with the stupid phone.  Unbelievable.  It bothers me enough when the adults do it, but some own their own business or are doctors and on call, so I get it.  But when you're anywhere between the ages of 12-18 and living with mom and dad, nothing is that important.  You own nothing.  That phone is not yours and neither is the underwear you are sweating in. 
Its safe to say that is a pet peeve of mine....one of the many...

My own workout today was great.  I had to hit shoulders, biceps, and quads so it felt like it took forever.  It didn't.  Tyler was there to keep me company as we discussed college life between sets.  Yes, I realize for those of you who witnessed bits and pieces of 2001-2005 there is great irony in me giving college advice, but hey I made it in 4 years, have a great career, avoided substance abuse (coffee doesn't count), and no std's.  Where are the honorary ropes for that?
Point is, I had a great workout, and thank you Tyler for the brief distractions from my lactic acid cesspool that seemed to be overflowing in my thighs.

 My day concluded with an ongoing game of "Would you rather...?" with Garrett.  If you've never played here's the deal.  You give someone 2 equally horrible options and begin it with would you rather...?  Its pretty much a lose/lose every time and yet I am always entertained by the creativity of it all.  I was laughing so hard I could hardly get my questions out.  Classic end to a Tuesday.

On that note, I am pooped and need to get geared up for Wednesday.  Two more days and then I will be laying on the beach sweating (a given), and contemplating turning bocce ball into a sick form of dodgeball with my brothers. 
That place will never be the same.

Night folks!

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