Monday, August 20, 2012

Sweaty Hands and Hickies

At 2am I was convinced I was going to miss my alarm and oversleep.
This feeling persisted at 3am...3:30....3:42...and 4.
At 4:16 I was hitting the alarm and crawling out of bed as if it were an intervention and I was headed to Palm Partners against my will.
Its a rehab center in Florida....I'm not sure why I know this.

Honestly, I was very excited to get back in the gym and get my hands dirty.  Literally.  I think I touched a few too many sweaty backs today in efforts to correct posture.  I get way too into what I'm doing and the next thing I know my hand is saturated in old man sweat.  Ha...sounds more gross when I put it like that.
It was a great day, and I was touched that clients were happy to see me.  Weeellll, some of them were.
Its fine, I get it.

Workout today was awesome.  I hit shoulders, biceps, core, and finished with some cardio.  Let me tell you how thrilled I was to walk on an incline instead of run on the beach.  I may not run for another 3 months. 
I say that, but by Wednesday I'm sure I'll be cursing that hamster wheel.

We had a young athlete come in today covered in hickies.
Not one,...not two,, it looked like someone busted a lung trying to suck out his esophagus.  For the record, hickies rank right up there with mesh tank tops when it comes to trashiness.  Girl, guy, it doesn't matter.  Stop being slutty. 
Free advice.
You're welcome.

On another note...
My sister-in-law and I had some great conversations at the beach in regards to goal-setting and lifestyle changes.  I was reminded that we ALL have improvements to make and are own our own UNIQUE journey.  I firmly believe the biggest first step we can take it to stop looking around at others and focus on our own path.  I get bombarded with questions on a daily basis about the latest diet trend or workout programs, and I find myself struggling to give any sort of short answer.  Because truth is, everyone's  goals and steps towards those goals look different.
For instance, I've got some clients who need to seriously detox from sugar and those few foods that are wrecking their progress because they have no control.  Then I have other clients who need to actually incorporate certain foods once deemed as "taboo" or "bad" to achieve a more balanced/healthy relationship with food and body image. 
Its such a wide array of personalities, strengths, weaknesses, struggles, and goals. 
At some point we all have to honestly assess where we are and where we want to go.  Focus.  Move forward.

Another Monday in the books.  Night folks.

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