Sunday, August 19, 2012

Beach Recap and Monday Prep...

I've spent the last 3 hours in the recliner flipping through documentaries, Sex and the City, and bits and pieces of When Harry Met Sally.  Great movie....ranks in my top 5.  I would physically get up, but I currently feel incapable of such movement.  I feel like I just got beat up behind the slide on the playground of life.
How does this happen just one day after vacation?

We got home yesterday afternoon and you would have thought I was on a countdown mission.  I can't stand for stuff to just lay around for a few days after a trip, and a pile of beach-smelling laundry sends my OCD into overdrive.  Within a couple hours I was out running errands and restocking the fridge.  Speaking of, I made the mistake of going to Target on the Saturday before school starts.  Horrible idea.  It was like Christmas time in there only worse because it was NOT Christmas and I was dodging 5 year olds with scissors and college kids with oversize storage bins.  All I wanted was toilet paper, paper towels, and sponges.  I find a line with only 2 people in front of me, and before I was able to bask in my quick ability to locate a short line, the woman whips out her coupon notebook.  Oh for the love of God!  Couponers are multiplying like rabbits and it pretty much ruins my retail experience.
My mom would say its the perfect opportunity for me to practice patience. 
I say its the perfect opportunity for mom-of-the-year to practice saving trees, forget the coupons, and heaven forbid buy ONE 12 pack of toilet paper instead of 6 for the sake of 2 bucks.  Stop being a domestic hoarder.
I'll practice patience later.
Sorry mom.

My lip is almost completely healed.
Remember when I mentioned my brother tossing shells/rocks at me on the beach?  Yeah, well apparently he felt the need to continue his sister-stoning attempt on Friday. 
I'm walking into the ocean and he's out just a little further, and as I see him pick up some object from the water, there is a brief moment that I think holy crap, I'm about to get hit in the face.  He winds up, tries to skip the object on top of the water, and after one bounce "Wham!" I took it straight to the mouth. 
All of a sudden I was 10 years old again and wanting to punch him in the face.
Naturally, he was laughing....but also apologizing.  Not sure why he thought it was a good idea, but I left the water with a slightly swollen lip and ready to fire back with a conch shell.
Apparently there is a fine line in family bonding and domestic violence.

Tomorrow is Monday and I am ready to get back in the gym.
4:16 will come extremely early, but if I'm not fully rested after a week off and a lazy Sunday, I deserve whatever crotch-kick life throws tomorrow.
I need a heavy lifting day as well.  I was able to get to a gym twice while at the beach, but I felt sluggish and my "best" those days was probably more about 85%.  Game time tomorrow folks.

I will leave you with a few pics from the family-beach-madness-of-2012....


  1. What a fun vacation! With the exception of your lip/mouth. Older brothers are awesome. I can't get over how cute your nieces are - the picture of your dad and Payton (hope I spelled that right) is adorable.

    Thank you for reminding me to avoid Target at all costs right now. I should've done the same with Bean Traders this morning except that I was one of the moms with my crazy kid. I feel like I just had an aneurism. Anyway, I'm sure I owe you an email...I've been reading your blog but doing more "lurking" than writing. Have a good week!

  2. Love the pics, too cute! Can't believe you love When Harry Met Sally?! That's one of my top 5 too! "Pumpkin Pie..."

    Glad your back, can't wait to get my butt kicked tomorrow, BRING IT! :)
