Thursday, August 16, 2012

Birthday Girl

Today my sweet niece turns 3.  Surprisingly, I was not the first one up this morning...she was.  At 6:30am you would have thought she snorted pixie-stix.  She was jumping around on a bouncy ball having way more fun than me standing there half asleep, twitching violently as the coffee brews.  I am secretly envious of her energy...especially since it has nothing to do with a coffee addiction.

I'd say she's pretty pumped about her Curious George party this evening.  Not gonna lie, I am too...I need a good theme party in my life.  The last theme party I attended had nothing to do with a 3 year old or concern with being appropriate...
We spent a solid hour decorating last night and nearly lost a lung blowing up balloons.  I have a new appreciation for clowns...sort of....minus the creeper-factor.  

Ryan and I went to a local gym yesterday for a little meathead session. 
I needed to get my fix.
I felt a little sluggish since I was out of my normal routine, but got it done.  After a workout the girls and I shopped for a solid 5 hours...gym...retail therapy....great day.  Plus, I needed a little break from the sun.  My ethnicity is slowly changing over the course of this trip and changing clothes is a painful process.
I need to swim in aloe.

I've been in vacation-mode for 5 days now and honestly, I've been able to calm down and keep the OCD in check.  Beach vacation and no set schedule is like rehab for my type A personality.  But rest assured that by Monday I will be in rare form and ready to roll at the gym.  I'm sure some clients are glad I'm out of town....its fine, I get it.  But like a bad rash I shall return...

Ok, time to get my run in and then get my mind right for some beach action and birthday celebration.  There's a 100% chance I will try out that bouncy ball and risk a shattered hip. 
Definitely worth it.



  1. I personally miss you at the gym...Garrett is cool, but I swear he thinks you're on the other side of the gym when he speaks to you..SO LOUD lol! I'm like dude, hey, I'm right here. No need for loudness haha.

    PS - I've been meaning to ask you about the coffee thing. What kind do you drink? Is it healthy? Do you factor that into your daily calorie intake?

    1. Haha...I think he's used to yelling across a baseball field. He did say its been a less-entertaining week (duh)... ;)

      My standard go-to coffee is Maxwell House or Dunkin Donuts original. Regular coffee is totally fine health-wise. Now, if you're drinking 10 cups a day I'd say you need to slow the caffeine train down, but a couple cups in the morning is good. I do not personally factor it into my calories because its literally about 5 calories. Where people go wrong is adding a ton of creamer, sugar, syrups, and everything else in there. The only calories I consider is from the protein powder I put in it. And if you do need milk in it, opt for skim or almond milk.


  2. Oh ok..i was just curious about the coffee. I've never liked it though haha.
